
May 30, 2012 13:36

Cleaned out the fridge before I left for work today. Still not sure *exactly* what it was that was smelly (there were a few potential culprits), but it doesn't smell anymore. I gotta stop at the grocery store to get a few random things to go with dinner (summer/warm weather is hell on my grocery budget) so I'm going to pick up some more baking soda ( Read more... )

life, work

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Comments 2

dayglow May 30 2012, 18:21:10 UTC
At my old job, there were a couple of people who were having sex. The woman was married (she was a smart one, married with 2 kids by 21) and the guy was just doin his bachelor-thing. I don't know if they thought they were being secretive or just stupid, but it was painfully obvious that they were an item. Not just flirting, but high school style - always with each other on breaks, nudging poking prodding, hanging out before work, hanging out after work. I wonder if her husband ever found out.

So glad that everyone in my workplace is paired off or.. a girl my age. Cause it's me and Cassidy against the world. (No joke, in the entire school district to my knowledge - it's just the two of us who aren't married with the exception of Karmen who legally can't get married and she has a long term partner.) I guess I get to see enough of it with the children, though.

So: sorry you work with children who can give each other speshul privileges.


whitechii May 30 2012, 19:06:14 UTC
it must be "Do you think we are stupid" day? LOL! hubby had a friend who slept with his boss person oh that went well. He didn't get busted but I know it raised alot of eyebrows. He left the company as he was not into that kind of field of work I think. Crazy.

Playing which fire much? :)


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