DW/BtVS: The Building Blocks of Good and Evil (3/20)

Jan 26, 2012 13:14

Title: The Building Blocks of Good and Evil
By: PatriciaTepes (AKA Patricia de Lioncourt @ fanfiction.net; PatriciaLouise @ TTH)
Chapter Title: And It's Not Any Easier
Fandom: Darkwing Duck/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer:I do not own Darkwing Duck or Buffy the Vampire Slayer or any of their related characters. Darkwing Duck belongs to Disney, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon. Also, I don't own the images used in the art. All is done for fun, not profit. Pattern used in banner is from iceytina.deviantart.com
Author's Note: And this was the point in NaNoWriMo where my outline ended. You see, I usually outline the entire month of October, but I was kind of busy that month, and then, when my schedule unexpectedly cleared near the end, another problem arose, and I was still unable to outline. So, I winged an outline just before November that only lasted until the end of chapter three.  And after I hit this chapter, I was left having to wing another outline that only went to chapter six. After which I returned to outlining--once more--and managed to completely finish it, giving me a definite map of the story.

Chapter Three- And It's Not Any Easier

The world outside Darkwing Tower still had that blocky, vaguely cartoonish look to it. Buffy had decided that the best description for it was almost like being in a world of three dimensional, hand painted television sets. She tried to get a good look at her surroundings, but it was quite difficult at the speeds Darkwing was driving at.

The Ratcatcher-a funny name for a motorcycle, Buffy thought-zoomed around corners and down streets with barely a screech of a tire. Buffy tried to stare up at the passing skyscrapers, but found that that gave her a bit of motion sickness. Instead, she brought her focus back down to Darkwing-who was in front of her-and Launchpad, who was seated comfortably in the sidecar. She leaned around ever so slightly to give her full attention to the masked duck, holding on to her seat with one hand and placing a hand on the loaned helmet atop her head.

"So, the city's name… it's St. Canard, right?" she yelled over the roaring winds.

"Yeah," Darkwing responded.

"And this Negaduck person… he's a…?"

"Villain," Darkwing filled in. "Don't you have villains in your world?"

"Yeah, we do. But it's not as cut and dried there as you make it sound here. My job, and the job of the law enforcement in my world, would be a heck of a lot easier if that was the case."

They whirled around another corner, and Buffy was forced to hold on with both hands for a moment. Once they were on a straightaway again, she leaned in again to continue the conversation.

"So, what exactly is your job?" she asked.

"I'm a hero," Darkwing responded, and Buffy could almost feel his chest puff out in pride. The slayer's brow narrowed.

"You mean, like a vigilante? Like Batman?"

Darkwing spared just a moment's glance back at her, confusion written all over his face.

"Uh… yeah. Sure."

"Whoa! DW, look!" Launchpad yelled, pointing skyward.

The Ratcatcher came to a screeching halt, nearly tossing its passengers over the handlebars. Buffy was sure her eyes were as large as saucers as she gazed up at the monstrous form above her.

"What in the freakin' hell…?" she muttered.

But Darkwing and Launchpad were already piling off the motorcycle. Buffy unsnapped her helmet and tossed it carelessly to the side, throwing herself to the street. She ran to stand shoulder to shoulder with the two ducks.

"Greetings, Do-gooders!" a deep, menacing voice rang down over a large speaker mounted to the top of the massive vehicle that was stopped and revving before the group.

It was a monster truck, painted black with crimson and yellow flames on either side. Silver pipes on either side faced forward and occasionally shot flames that were so intensely hot that Buffy had to fight recoiling. And, underneath those flame-throwing pipes were giant, extendable arms, two on each side, with each one holding a running chainsaw.

"This is… unreal," Buffy said, shaking her head.

"That's Negaduck," Launchpad nodded.

Suddenly, a head poked itself out of the driver side window. Buffy let out a small gasp. The duck that was driving the truck-Negaduck-looked exactly like Darkwing, only dressed in the same colors that his truck was painted in.

"You guys are twins," Buffy said, glancing over at her purple-clad companion.

"That's how I know about other dimensions. His world is known as the Negaverse," Darkwing said, withdrawing a black and purple, big barreled gun from somewhere within his cape. Buffy would have to find out how he did that later. That kind of trick could really save on closet space.

Negaduck, for his part, looked mightily confused. His heavy brow was narrowed as he gazed down upon his three opponents.

"What the hell is that thing?" he shouted, pointing down at Buffy.

"Hey!" she shouted back. "I'll have you know that I've eaten roasted duck tougher than you!"

She could feel the glances from both Darkwing and Launchpad, but ignored them. Instead, she focused in on the wicked little chuckling that Negaduck was doing now as he revved his truck even louder.

"Oh, really?" he sneered. "Well, blondie, we'll see about that!"

"Get ready," Darkwing said, taking aim with his gun.

The monster truck actually reared back, like and animal about to pounce, before it began to bare down upon them. Buffy planted her feet, waiting to take her cue from Darkwing. After all, it was his world.

With a quick pull of the trigger, a large pellet shot from the masked duck's gun, flying upward to collide with Negaduck's windshield. Even over the loud motor, Buffy could hear Negaduck cry out in indignant surprise.

"I am the terror that flaps in the night!" Darkwing shouted as the truck got ever closer. "I am the sliver of glass that causes your blowout! I am… Darkwing Duck!"

"I thought he knew that," Buffy muttered. Louder, she added, pointing, "He's going to squish us!"

"I see that!" Darkwing shouted as Launchpad leapt to the right, out of the line of fire.

Darkwing and the slayer both exchanged a look, a silent conversation passing between them, discussing their options. If they leapt out of the way, they would both be safe… but who knew what or who Negaduck would squish instead.

"But we can't very well just yell stop," Darkwing yelled.

"Leave it to me," Buffy said suddenly.

She took off at a dead run, heading for the truck like she was going to tackle it. She could see the evil grin on Negaduck's beak just before she disappeared from his view. Leaping at just the right moment, and careful to keep moving, she landed on the front, oversized tire and then onto the hood of the truck.

"What the-?" Negaduck cried out.

"What's she doing?" Launchpad yelled from his place on the ground.

Buffy turned to see Darkwing leap out of the way, and she yelled down at him, "Be ready!" His face was twisted into an odd mix of reactions, but finally, he only nodded at her as the truck zoomed past. Negaduck began to jerk his steering wheel, laughing as he did, trying to throw Buffy off. She caught herself just in time and pulled back her arm.

"I'd shield my face, if I were you," she said, releasing her punch.

The windshield shattered without a problem, and Negaduck had taken her advice, his face covered by one arm. Buffy was not about to give up such an advantage as an opponent that was not looking. She reached through the shattered glass, grabbing the evil duck up by the scruff of his neck, and yanked him out of the truck, holding him aloft.

"What are you doing, you crazy dame?" he yelled, but Buffy ignored him.

"Heads up, Darkwing!" she shouted.

Careful not to use all of her slayer strength, she hurled Negaduck down to Darkwing. The caped duck could not help but grin up at her as Negaduck landed, hard, groaning.

"Got him! You stop the truck!" he said.

Buffy nodded, and noted, just before sliding into the driver's seat, that Negaduck had not taken much time to recover as he leapt up to attack his do-gooding twin. But Buffy had bigger problems at the moment as she wedged herself-after all, Darkwing and Negaduck both were a lot smaller than she was-behind the wheel.

"Buffy hates cars, and cars hate Buffy," she groaned, pushing both feet down onto the brake… only to have a huge gush of flame shoot out in front of her. "Not brake!"

She felt with both feet, an odd experience, for another pedal that could be the brake, while trying to keep the vehicle on the road.

"Brake, brake, where's the friggin' brake?" she said, ducking her head down to have a look for herself.

There were three, large black pedals. She was going to guess that the one that was furthest right was the gas, and that she had hit the middle one… which apparently was "flame thrower."

"That leaves left!" she shouted, pulling her head back up in time to yell, "Oh, you have got to be kidding me!"

A little old woman-a dog, Buffy thought-walker and all, with frizzled white hair and dressed in a quaint little blue dress had decided, apparently, to take a midnight stroll across the road amongst all the havoc that Negaduck had wreaked.

"This stuff just does not happen!" she shouted, putting all her weight down upon the left pedal.

Thankfully, her assumption about the brake was correct as the wheels came to a dead halt, causing rubber to burn, a large squeal to emit from underneath her, and a dangerous slide to begin. She came to a stop, finally, just in front of the old lady… who only huffed up at her. Buffy grasped for the key-which had a fluffy bunny foot attached to it-and turned the truck off. And just for an extra precaution, she began to beat in the dashboard-which was littered with all different types of colored buttons that were labeled with such things as "bombs," "chainsaws," and "dogs." Once the inside of the truck was way beyond an easy repair, she kicked open the driver's door and jumped down to the ground. She muttered a quick apology to the old lady, and took off on a dead run to the fight that was still ongoing between Negaduck and Darkwing.

She came to a skidding halt only when she was shoulder to shoulder with Launchpad. Huffing and puffing, she rested her hands on her knees, her eyes locked on the dust cloud that was the hero and villain engaged in battle.

"Should we help?" she asked once she had caught her breath.

Launchpad shook his head. "Nah. DW's got this."

A moment more of watching the fight passed before Launchpad turned to the slayer once more.

"Um, Buffy… you were joking about eating duck… right?"

She glanced over at him, who she noticed for the first time was not actually her height but a half a head smaller than her. She liked the tallness that came with her being in this dimension. She grinned what was hopefully a comforting grin and shrugged.

"Yeah, Launchpad. Yeah, of course I was."

He seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and Buffy bit her lip, trying to contain the little guilty laugh that was threatening to break loose. A cry of pain drew her attention back to the fight in time to see a mass of purple hurdling toward her and Launchpad. It collided with the two of them, each of them making "oomph" noises, as they fell to the ground.

"Ow," Buffy muttered, sitting up on her elbows. Her eyes widened as she looked down to see a dazed Darkwing lying in her lap. "Are you all right?"

"A-o… okay," he groaned as Buffy and Launchpad pulled themselves out from underneath him.

They pulled the flapping terror to his feet, making sure he was steady before letting him go. With a shake of his head, he was back into action, his hands up and ready for a fight.

"Where'd Negaduck go?" he asked, looking wildly around.

Buffy and Launchpad both did circles. But the streets, save for the destruction caused by their fight, were bare. Negaduck was gone.


If there was thing Negaduck hated more than do-gooding heroes flocking together to stop his plans… well, it was do-gooding heroes flocking together to stop his plans! Safely hidden from Darkwing's sight, in an alley several feet from the Masked Mallard, his big oaf of a sidekick, and his newest super freak friend, Negaduck glowered down upon them.

"You were really amazing, Buffy!" Launchpad was exclaiming, staring at wonder at the weird girl.

She smiled, shrugging as, behind her, Darkwing rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, really great. You didn't mention having super powers," he said.

Negaduck scoffed. Darkwing's ego was bruised. Ah, for small victories. But the girl-creature, Buffy, only shrugged again.

"Comes with being the slayer," she said.

Slayer. Now that was a word that Negaduck could really get to like. It was a shame that it was apparently attached to a goody-goody.

"Slayers are born with the strength and agility necessary to fight vampires… and well, whatever else gets thrown our way," Buffy explained.

"So, not everybody in your world has super powers?" Darkwing asked, seeming to become a bit more relaxed.

"Your world"? Negaduck's eyes narrowed. What could Dipwing have meant by that?

"What? No, of course not. Why would you think that?" Buffy responded.

"Well, it's just that the last human I met with super powers came from a whole planet full of super powered beings. But your dimension isn't like that?"

"No. My world would have some major troubles if everyone had powers like slayers, witches, demons… and whatever else I've run in to."

Negaduck's eyes grew wide. Her dimension? She was from another dimension? Now that was interesting information!

A wicked little thought was forming and the proverbial lightbulb was shining over his head. After all, he knew quite a bit about other dimensions. Maybe, just maybe, it was time to put that knowledge to good use… or evil use, rather.

"Time to make a trip home," he muttered, turning, and slinking off down the alleyway.

End Notes: Okay, so I'm going to go ahead and mention this here. I'm not going to directly follow the storyline from the Darkwing comic that's out either. However, I will be using ideas from it, which was beginning to show in this chapter. Well, I hope that bit of action was fun for everyone. Please review!

fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, fandom: darkwing duck, story: the building blocks of good and e, xover, genre: comedy

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