SPN 5.22: Swan Song

May 14, 2010 09:13

This morning I rewatched the finale without a roommate hovering over my shoulder, wondering when this crap was going to be over so we could watch one of his Manly Mechanic Man Shows. (You know, the kind where they customize cars or poke sticks at snakes or maybe build bridges across hundred-foot chasms with nothing but duct tape ( Read more... )

supernatural, episode reaction

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Comments 22

ficwriter1966 May 14 2010, 14:40:02 UTC
Yes. What you said. Because a Duckie says it so well.

Although right now I'm sort of *meh* about what happens next. I can wait.


patita_fea May 15 2010, 12:54:46 UTC
Part of me is glad that this apocalypse business is finally over, so we can move on to things I find more interesting. Maybe go back to the deeply personal, intimate stories Kripke and Co. were telling in the first two or three seasons.

So I definitely sympathize with the "meh."


kjfri May 14 2010, 14:49:43 UTC
This, this is my life 4 out of 5 nights a wee: "so we could watch one of his Manly Mechanic Man Shows. (You know, the kind where they customize cars or poke sticks at snakes or maybe build bridges across hundred-foot chasms with nothing but duct tape.) Which is why I have to dl Show to watch it alone.

Also, thank you for bringing up the Crowley thing...what about that dangling plot piece? Are we to assume Bobby's soul is intact? Did he go to hell for those 10 minutes he was dead?

And yeah - WHAT ABOUT Antichrist kid?

And while I'm at it - can you explain this 'yellow crayon' thing to me, I keep seeing it everywhere and can't figure it out?

Lastly, I loved that Dean wasn't going to let Sam die alone...love him*wibbles*.

And, I can see season 6 playing "on the tension between home life and hunting, between stability and the road" - haven't seen Hurt Locker but I would hope we'd see some PTSD sneak into Dean's everyday homelife, I doubt it will happen though - Show isn't always so great on delivering the goods.


patita_fea May 15 2010, 13:09:32 UTC
Which is why I have to dl Show to watch it alone.

I've been known to DVR it and watch it at one in the morning when everyone's gone to bed. *has the sneaky*

I suppose we'll find out what the deal is with Crowley and Bobby's soul come next season. Some of the things I objected to aren't so much plot holes as potential conflicts for S6.

But that Antichrist thing is still a fumble. Hmmph.

And while I'm at it - can you explain this 'yellow crayon' thing to me, I keep seeing it everywhere and can't figure it out?

It's a Buffy reference. One of the main characters goes a little crazy with her phenomenal cosmic powers and attempts to destroy the world. Her best friend brings her back to herself by reminding her of how they met the first day of kindergarten, when she cried because she broke the yellow crayon and was too afraid to tell anyone. He saves the world with The Power Of Love. Those types of touchy-feely come-back-to-me moments are now known as Yellow Crayon Speeches.

I would hope we'd see some PTSD sneak into Dean's ( ... )


dawnintheforest May 14 2010, 15:09:09 UTC
So maybe that's why I wasn't quite brought to tears last night? I was actually kind of nervous to start reading posts with anything negative in them yet. But now I'm glad I did. I'm glad b/c you know how to bring up some stuff, and then move on. Plus, you made some good points. Points that, like you said, I didn't notice because I watched the episode all by myself. Not with an outside POV next to me. I've been wondering for a long time what the point of Jesse was. I mean, I liked the episode ok. But it really does seem like the writers were just giving themselves a possible easy-out should they need it. I have no idea. I'm starting to wonder now if instead of going to Australia, Jesse actually believed/wished he didn't exist, and it happened ( ... )


patita_fea May 15 2010, 13:15:55 UTC
I'm starting to wonder now if instead of going to Australia, Jesse actually believed/wished he didn't exist, and it happened.

Oh, wow. I hadn't even thought of that, but the possibility is both incredibly creepy and really sad. Ooooh, I wish that were canon, because day-amn.

Actually, I think I'm maybe glad they left the amulet for next season, because having that scene might've upped the yellow crayon factor.

I actually (heresy of heresies) don't want to see the amulet again. I want it to be lost forever. Because some shit you don't get back.

I just had this image of Ellen, Jo, and Bill Harvelle.


Because most of the hunters in canon don't actually do it the way the Winchesters do it. Most of them have a home base, day jobs, families... Of course, most of them are not so deep into the life, pawns of destiny and all that. But now, Winchesters aren't either! \o/

It's amazing what people are willing to excuse, when it's in the name of a cause. And by that I mean both the characters and us as an audience.Yes. This ( ... )


dawnintheforest May 15 2010, 18:17:12 UTC
I wish that it could've been canon too! It would've been so creepy and sad, but it would also have resolved any questions of why we had only the one episode about him, and then we never heard from him again.

Hhhmmm, yeah maybe the time of the amulet is over? I don't know.

But, hey. New season, new showrunnner, new stories!

Yes! I'm really curious to see what Sera and the other writers have come up with. I hope it's not too off the wall, yet I'm ready for something new.


patita_fea May 18 2010, 16:32:19 UTC
My favorite Sera Gamble episode by far was "Jus in Bello," which she claimed was the one farthest from her comfort zone. A lot of her others, the ones with sex or feelings or whatever, have left me cold or even made me cringe a little bit.

And yet every interview I've ever seen with her, I've absolutely adored her and her pretty hyacinth curls and her smile, and I've wanted to go get coffee and maybe go shopping with her. So, um, little bit of a girl-crush there. I'm really excited about her as showrunner.


katiejo567 May 14 2010, 15:10:14 UTC
I'm actually ok with the dangling plot pieces, but only because we have another season to sort them out. (I hope.)


Hee. *g* The second I saw the army man in the arm rest, I thought to myself "Huh, you know, that's only marginally cooler than a yellow crayon. IDK Krip, IDK." :p

I really hope they give Lisa something to do in the next season too. The actress who plays her can carry the role, and they've made her too much a part of Dean's life now to throw her away with a line or two. I hope Sera has the balls to flip all these fans who don't want a strong woman in the show the bird and just let Lisa be around for the significant time the character deserves.


patita_fea May 15 2010, 13:18:34 UTC
The second I saw the army man in the arm rest, I thought to myself "Huh, you know, that's only marginally cooler than a yellow crayon. IDK Krip, IDK."

*snerk* Army man > crayon. But just barely.

I hope Sera has the balls to flip all these fans who don't want a strong woman in the show the bird and just let Lisa be around for the significant time the character deserves.

Oh, God, yes, please. Because Cindy Sampson plays her with warm and intelligence, and I want to keep her really, really badly. And it's about damn time we had a woman who mattered.


kimmer1227 May 14 2010, 15:14:19 UTC
We've already chatted at length, so you know my feelings. We agree on most, and even if we didn't, I always enjoy disagreeing with you. *snuggles up to your warm feathers*

I haven't done my rewatch yet, but reading comments is kinda overwhelming me now. The good ones and the bad ones. I don't know. The ending.... I don't know. We'll talk later, okay. Today will be busy with the kids, so I'll be distracted. But I still need my Duckie time.


patita_fea May 15 2010, 13:20:00 UTC
...reading comments is kinda overwhelming me now. The good ones and the bad ones.

My flist is jingling with everybody's two cents, it seems like. I've stopped clicking episode reactions, because it's just too much.

Today will be busy with the kids, so I'll be distracted. But I still need my Duckie time.

I hope y'all got fantabulous pictures and had a wonderful time! And yes, there will be chatting.


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