
Mar 15, 2010 14:49


the waking world, whining, three's company, squee, wtf

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Comments 14

ficwriter1966 March 15 2010, 19:53:14 UTC
Now, that was a mixed bag! *g*

My one attempt at motorcycle riding was a dismal failure. I couldn't help but lean in the *other* direction, which earned me a purple-faced chewing out from my friend. But yes, my imagination concurs that it would seem like flying. So, YAY for flying Duckies!

The naked thing? Eeeeeeeek.


patita_fea March 15 2010, 23:37:52 UTC
I know waterfowl are rather clumsy in the air, but DAMN I want to fly again.

And yeah, it does take a bit of getting used to - putting your weight in the right place.

The naked thing has actually become more funny than eeek since it happened. Pat is being quite gentlemanly about it.


kimmer1227 March 15 2010, 20:07:55 UTC
Oh, Duckie. You're so awesome.

C'mon. Just a little fundraiser. Car wash? Bake sale? It must happen. It must!


patita_fea March 15 2010, 23:38:49 UTC
*icon love*

Fundraiser, huh? How 'bout stripping, since I seem so determined to give everyone a show?


erinrua March 15 2010, 21:23:49 UTC
BUAHAHAHA! Oh, dear. Nekkid breakfast awkwardness. Yes. *titters*

Motorcycles? OOOOH! They scare hell out of me, but omg, I love 'em! Have not ridden in years. First time was with an old boyfriend who had an even older Triumph. ROAAAAAAAAAAR! It scared me all to piss to watch friggin' pavement whiz by my knee, what seemed inches away, but yeah, baby. Closest damn thing to flying!

If only it weren't for the half-ton-plus-and more juggernauts bikes had to share the road with, it'd be the awesomest thing ever. ;-) Go you!

And uh ... sorry about the naked thing. *titters more*


patita_fea March 15 2010, 23:40:54 UTC
Yes, the ROAAAARR!

I actually felt perfectly safe the entire time, which was probably because Pat was taking it easy for my benefit. The one thing that gave me stomach flutters was when I closed my eyes and just felt it - no idea what was up ahead, no anticipating the bumps or stop signs. It's liberating and exhilarating and oooooh *shivers*.



pdragon76 March 15 2010, 23:40:39 UTC
We have COVERED this. Rent first. Sex next.



patita_fea March 15 2010, 23:41:43 UTC
I am not seducing him. AM NOT.

I don't have to, what with this other boy person in my life who keeps spending the night.



saberivojo March 16 2010, 01:44:48 UTC
My hubs and I had motorcycles forever. We rode HARLEYS. Well, he drove and I rode in the back. My younger years were spent on the back of a big old hawg!

I loved the freedom.

We always wore helmets. We never got hurt. Well, once when he was riding by himself in typical boy fashion he decided to take a corner way to fast and wound up dropping his bike and getting a mean case of road rash. He told his mom a little animal ran in front of him and he tried to avoid the little guy.

LIE. LIE. LIE. Stupid boy riding too fast.

The leaning thing, takes a little getting used to. You naturally want to compensate and lean the OTHER way but that is a no no. That causes accidents unrelated to furry little creatures.

Also, whenever my hubs would break, I would hit my helmet into his. No matter how many years I rode with him, if I wasn't paying attention. SMACK. Helmet crash.

Awee. Thanks so much for the post and making me remember my youth.

Naked roomate? Now that just made me giggle.


patita_fea March 18 2010, 19:22:46 UTC
ZOMG Deb was a badass biker chick! I knew it.

Well, I didn't know it. But it seems oddly fitting in retrospect. Ha, that is awesome!

SMACK. Helmet crash.
Pat warned me about this. "When I brake, try to keep your head back. You'll probably knock your helmet into mine a half-dozen times, but try to remember."

I only tapped him a few times. When he stopped short, you know? *blush*

Naked roomate? Now that just made me giggle.
Us, too, once we got over the awkward. It's actually been a lovely icebreaker in some ways; we're not tiptoeing around each other, because there's really no point now.


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