SPN fic: The Open Invitation

Jun 25, 2008 10:40

            He looked nearly as miserable and frightened as I felt.  “Katie,” he said painfully.  “The mora’s going to keep haunting your nightmares until somebody kicks her ugly ass.  And nobody can do that but you.”

Chapter Three

supernatural, fanfic, open invitation, ben braeden, futurefic, kate doolittle, nazareth verse

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Comments 23

stars91 June 25 2008, 17:52:54 UTC
I've really enjoyed these first two chapters! Taking these characters down the road into the future and showing us who they've become and how they've stayed close (at least a couple of them) is great storytelling! Now bringing the Winchesters back into the fold....really great stuff! I have to say that I adore Becky (Daddy!Dean is always a soft spot for me)!! Very well written so far! I'm very much looking forward to the next chapter!


patita_fea June 25 2008, 18:09:48 UTC
Thank you for the lovely feedback. Daddy!Dean is a favorite of mine too, I'll admit. I just couldn't resist giving him a little girl. :)


katriel1987 June 26 2008, 05:26:32 UTC
patita_fea June 26 2008, 17:17:17 UTC
*glee* The fic loves you back, especially if you feed it cookies. My biggest concern was that Kate's first person narration would put people off, so I'm really pleased that you like her.

Thanks very much for reading!


druffine July 15 2008, 10:41:34 UTC
Hi, this fic was rec'ed to me when I asked for Ben-fics over at spnstoryfinders.

I really like the idea to write from this pov and Ben feels very much like a unsecure Dean which makes him very adorable and real. Dean and Sam feel settled and good. I hope we get to know a bit more of their lives now. Becky is so cute and the easy way Dean is a daddy makes me "awww". The little glimpse at "The monsters are afraid of parrain" intrigued me. I hope there will be more soon!


patita_fea July 15 2008, 11:48:19 UTC
More is indeed on the way. In fact, chapter three is getting its hands massaged and eyes cucumbered by a lovely beta as we speak.

I can think of nothing that makes me happier than my characterization clicking with a reader, so I'm very glad to hear Ben is working for you. :) Many thanks for taking the time to read and review!

Also? I'm going to be a li'l childish here and say, "Open Invitation got recced? That's so cool!" *dances* Thanks for letting me know.


irnan July 15 2008, 20:45:26 UTC
How did I miss this? It's as much fun as the first one.


patita_fea July 16 2008, 15:12:39 UTC
:) I'm really happy you enjoyed it. More to come!


irnan July 16 2008, 17:49:04 UTC
You know, you should really post it in a few more comms.


patita_fea July 16 2008, 18:35:26 UTC
I'm not averse to that idea, I just haven't been terribly adventurous in finding comms to post in. I joined sn_fic, and I've noticed others like spn_gen or spn_het in passing. Are there any in particular you would recommend?


st0psmackinme07 July 15 2008, 20:55:20 UTC
omgosh I love this story. Ben! He's all grown up. And I love Kate she's such a great character.

Please tell me there's more to this. Give me more!! :P

The boys as Dad's is one of my ultimate favorites. They're just so sweet.

Please update this story really soon. :D


patita_fea July 16 2008, 15:18:30 UTC
I love me some Daddy!Dean, so all bits with him and Becky are total authorial indulgence on my part. But now I know I'm not the only one. :)

More is on the way soon. I'm so glad you're enjoying the story, especially Ben and Kate. Thanks very much for the review!


st0psmackinme07 July 17 2008, 14:37:54 UTC
I know what you mean about Daddy!Dean self-indulgence. I wrote a Daddy!Dean verse myself and I get all giggly and happy when I write cute Father/Daughter moments. :P

I can't wait for the next update. :DDD


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