SPN fic: If Ever I Cease to Love

Oct 21, 2009 01:18

Part Five
Genre: gen casefic
Characters: Dean, Sam, various OCs
Rating: R
Word Count: 3,000
Summary: In February of 2008, a hunt takes the Winchesters to New Orleans just in time for Mardi Gras. Dean's plan is to work the job, get elbow-deep in oyster po-boys, and hit the parade route. But what Dean plans and what takes place ain't ever exactly ( Read more... )

supernatural, gen, fanfic, nazareth verse

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Comments 35

labseraph October 21 2009, 15:45:50 UTC
OMG. I have so. Much. LOVE. for this fic in the series. You gave us a way intimate look into what went on the boys' lives before Dean's deal was up and it was a beautiful construct. I admire the way you have with words, how well you sketch a personality, atmosphere and a scene with just a few words.

My most favourite lines in this particular installment had to do with the way you illustrated Dean; the flawed, doomed hero who tried his damndest to spit in the eye of his fate and go out in a blaze.

It would have been better if she’d just agreed that he was one sexy, panties-melting son of a bitch. Then he could have said something crude, and she would have laughed. He could have driven off into the sunset with the windows down and the music up.

Perfectly underlines his methode d'emploi when it comes to women; keeping his distance, affecting joie de vivre that served as a mask between him and the rest of the world.

“May second,” he said for the first time. He and Sam had always used the countdown, not the date. The date was a real ( ... )


patita_fea October 21 2009, 20:54:08 UTC
I don't think any author could hope for a more well-thought-out, articulate, specific and kind review. Thank you so much - you really should see the epic smile of Warm Fuzzies.

Perfectly underlines his methode d'emploi when it comes to women; keeping his distance, affecting joie de vivre that served as a mask between him and the rest of the world.
Yes. This. I'm so glad it came through.

The complexity of his relationship with Sam has so many facets and angles...
And you know what, they drove me nuts. *fond eye roll* They drive each other nuts. No wonder fandom is nuts.

It practically echoes with his loneliness and need for intimacy.
I'm a little fascinated by the way that Dean seeks the intense physical intimacy of sex with people whom he allows no emotional intimacy. He wants closeness, but at the same time he fears it, because it doesn't suit his lifestyle and it's burned him in the past. So much of The Dean Winchester Persona is a self-defense mechanism...
/shutting up

Again, thank you!


ficwriter1966 October 21 2009, 16:31:11 UTC
OK, that *was* the right move - waiting until it was all done, then printing it out and reading it nice and slow. Ahhhhhhh.

I was a teeny bit lost in the beginning, because I know absolutely zilch about Mardi Gras (other than that my grandmother and her sisters used to go every year), but then the good stuff kicked in and WOAH. Wonderful, original idea, that it's a spirit doomed to walk the earth, wanting a lil' Death By Cop. The snark and back-and-forth between It and the Winchesters was spot-on and involving and I wish Kripke could come up with something like this. Maria and James and Emma are fleshed-out and perfect here, and I loves 'em even more than I did before. Dude, it's your SNOWFALL!

I love Miss Elena too and would love to see more of her & Dean together, 'cause I do adore him going up against some sassy ladies.

Thanks for this - it's just awesome. Gonna keep the printout and return to it when (as now) everything "legitimate" that I pick up to read just...sucks.


patita_fea October 21 2009, 21:02:23 UTC
I wish Kripke could come up with something like this.
I... guh. Seriously? *has the flutters*

Dude, it's your SNOWFALL!
Bwahaha, I wish! Someday, when I grow up, I will write big girl novel-length plotty fic like "Snowfall." :D

I love Miss Elena too and would love to see more of her & Dean together, 'cause I do adore him going up against some sassy ladies.
I'm glad you like her - maybe one day I'll return to her again. The mentions of post-Katrina New Orleans kept tugging at me to be longer and longer, so maybe there's some flashback to be had in there.

I can't tell you how happy I am that you enjoyed it, or how much I appreciate the feedback. :D *smishies you*


kimmer1227 October 21 2009, 17:16:21 UTC
It was just wonderful, Ducks. Don't know why you were so worried about the ending. The perfect note.

Can't ramble on now with the shiny praises, but will smother you with the ooohs and aaaaahs and shinies soonish.

Thanks so much for your effort. It was well worth the pennies and the wait. *tackle hugs*


patita_fea October 21 2009, 21:05:18 UTC

It's all here and posted and you like it, and I'mma just sit here and breathe happily for a moment.

Thank you for your patience and encouragement. I can think of no one for whom I'd rather write a scary multi-chap. *tickle fights*


innie_darling October 21 2009, 19:13:23 UTC
That was just fantastic, and as good as it was to meet your Maria, I'm glad that she wasn't the awesome girl we know from the rest of the 'verse (she grows into her awesomeness) and that the relationship with Miss Elena is the one Dean is so anxious over. Miss Elena was fabulous, Dean was amazing, and the whole story had so much bite.


patita_fea October 21 2009, 21:06:58 UTC
I am pleased as punch that the balance of the OCs worked for you, and I'mma do a little dance here to celebrate that you liked my Dean!

Thank you so much for reading and leaving such luvverly feedback. :)


kjfri October 21 2009, 21:01:22 UTC
Ok. So I went back and read all the chapters I missed before joining the fray in Chapter 4. And I am so hooked on your nazareth verse, I cannot wait to make my way through the whole darn thing. I love it. Love it. Love, love it!! Love Dean being all non-chalant about heading downstairs and Sammy exasperated as ever but still the love is there. Great job!

BTW - did I read the full story of Dean and Miss Elena's first meeting at some point - it sounded familiar once I went back and read the first 4 chapters??


patita_fea October 21 2009, 21:09:44 UTC
I am so hooked on your nazareth verse, I cannot wait to make my way through the whole darn thing.
*makes the clappy hands* I am so glad you're enjoying it! Thank you very much for reading.

BTW - did I read the full story of Dean and Miss Elena's first meeting at some point - it sounded familiar once I went back and read the first 4 chapters??
Hmm, I don't think I ever wrote their first encounter in any detail. Perhaps you just have a crazy good gap-filling imagination. :)

Again, thank you for the kind feedback.


kjfri October 21 2009, 21:20:45 UTC
If only my imagination could be used for good but alas, it is only magical when it comes to fic. Oh well. I'm sure you aren't surprised that I'm friending you so I don't miss anymore of your work.


patita_fea October 21 2009, 21:24:01 UTC
You must use your powers for good, not evolz!

And I'm flattered by the friending. Hope you get some fun out of future posts. :)


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