SPN meta: Duckie gets Jossed.

Jan 28, 2009 00:05

The Duckie ponders a scene from 4.12 Criss Angel is a Douchebag.

Spoilers for all aired episodes. )

supernatural, meta

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Comments 17

jude_91 January 28 2009, 08:40:04 UTC
I also found it kinda surprising that Dean flat out said to Sam what he's thinking. Maybe he's now come to realise that Sam usually can tell when he's lying and is tired of trying to pretend everthing's okay. Or maybe he now sees Sam more as a grown up person than a little brother?


patita_fea January 28 2009, 22:03:57 UTC
I think both of your suggestions are well-supported, especially given how often they've saved each other's lives and how much time they've spent in each other's pockets.

Sam lived four months by himself, too. That has to have some bearing on the elder-younger dynamic.


saberivojo January 28 2009, 11:16:05 UTC
I never thought of this before. Thanks for jabbing me with a poker. I think that there is some resignation in Dean, especially now, he has been to Hell. I think, especially post Hell Dean that not only can he not gloss shit over with Sam but he can't kid himself either. I think he still wants to protect Sam but pretending things are not what they are would be a diservice to them both. I think too that the "working as equal partners" thing has only been recent. Dean has always taken the lead. Sam had defered to him as only a little brother would do. Not always but most of the time. It struck me in "Family Remains" where Dean is left to protect the family in the circle and Sam goes off. (yeah, it did not turn out too well for Dean!) But in Seasons before, Sam was the one left in relative saftey - the salt ring should have worked! So there has been a shift in power ( ... )


patita_fea January 28 2009, 22:19:31 UTC
not only can he not gloss shit over with Sam but he can't kid himself either

That feels spot-on to me. Dean has been remarkably, mind-bendingly honest with Sam since his return from hell. He told Sam about Castiel and the events in 4.03 straight off, when they might have danced around that crap for half a season. The 4.10 and 4.11 revelations are much more personal, and one could argue that they weren't really Sam's business anyway. But Dean told him.

You mentioned resignation, and that got my brain whirring. Dean seems to exercise a weird, paradoxical expectation of his fate. In the short term, he's optimistic - we're not giving up, and we're not saying any goodbyes. You always have a choice to keep fighting.

In the long term, it ends bloody or sad.

Just, maybe not today.

No more bullshit.


clubinthesky January 28 2009, 13:54:07 UTC
Very good point. I think Dean's tired though, as in for real. I wish he could pretend but I guess Hell changed everything. DON'T GIVE UP BOYS!


patita_fea January 28 2009, 22:25:32 UTC
I don't see the same kind of exhaustion he was suffering in Season Two, though. In '06, he seemed to be feeling a crippling aimlessness along with his guilt. Dad was gone, the Colt was gone, and Dean was left without a mission.

He's got one now, though.

Amen to that.


gigglingkat January 28 2009, 14:11:31 UTC
I think Dean always sacrificed himself for Sam - or for a hope for Sam. But he's seen Hell - he's seen eternity and it's just burned from him. It's allowing him to see Sam for himself - not a baby to protect. He knows too well what clinging to false hopes can do. He doesn't want Sam to fall into the same trap.

Same protective streak - different focus.


patita_fea January 28 2009, 22:26:36 UTC
Same protective streak - different focus.

I like the idea that the method and not the motive has changed. The truth will serve Sammy better, so that's what Dean's going to give him.

V. cool observation.

Thanks for reading!


honestly, I think Dean is so wacked out that he's in a tailspin katelennon January 28 2009, 17:07:24 UTC
of negativity. I don't happen to think Dean ever saw a way for HIM to escape hunting, but when it became clear in S2 that it was causing Sam to wig out, that he wanted Sam to have the apple-pie life (as evidenced by WiaWSNB). Now, I think he's so wounded that all he can see is the bad and none of the good.

I have a feeling that he's going to get "groped" by an Angel to get back on the shiny path. Well, that's my thought anyway..


Re: honestly, I think Dean is so wacked out that he's in a tailspin patita_fea January 28 2009, 22:32:57 UTC
WIaWSNB had a huge impact on my perception of Dean's dreams. And I think you're right that he has always, always expected to die young.

Now, I think he's so wounded that all he can see is the bad and none of the good.

We've seen a lot of emo!Dean these last few episodes, but I don't think he's at his lowest right now. The guy can take a lot of damage as long as he's got a mission, and "preventing the apocalypse" is a pretty good motivator.

Mileage may vary, of course.

Thanks for reading!


I agree, Dean is very good at compartmentalization katelennon January 29 2009, 03:51:25 UTC
In fact, I would put forth that he is the grand master of this; especially given what has been revealed about his inner mind set these last few episodes.

I agree that yes, Dean can take damage, but it wears on a soul and right now I am of the opinion that while he can take a great number of hit, the last year has been brutal. He utter lack of false anything with Sam is, to me, very indicative of his shattered state. He's not putting his false "Bon Jovi rocks upon occasion" out. He's brutally, heart-breakingly honest with Sam. For my money, the only time Dean is emotionally honest seems to be when he's running on empty and can't fake it anymore.

I still vote for "groped". Just not by Anna, please. I preferred pre-angelic revelation Anna, anyway.


Re: I agree, Dean is very good at compartmentalization patita_fea January 29 2009, 05:25:02 UTC
You're right, "brutal" is a good word for what the last year has been like for both Winchesters, but Dean especially.

I guess when I think of Dean saying, "I'm tired, Sam," I think of S2 suicidal Dean, and I'm not seeing those self-destructive tendencies this season.

But this: running on empty and can't fake it anymore. That feels really right to me.

Pre-angelic revelation Anna was more interesting and far easier to relate to. I vote for some Castiel groping. Not in the slashy sense, but in the affirming, camaraderie sense. A little something in the way of karmic justice for Winchesters who give and give, even when they can't see any good coming of it.


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