* shiver

Jan 09, 2009 17:45

does anyone here go on the soompi forums? i signed up a few days ago, and my god, there's so many people! :0 Although i don't actually like jpop or kpop, but still.. lots of torontonians too lol yey ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

curfubles January 10 2009, 01:51:17 UTC
ROFL "a set"! that's so true! my mom's always like "good" in chinese is written with a "girl" and a "guy" >_>. my grandparents always give me brother twenty dollars more than they give me for our respective birthdays D':

... self-discipline... about that ... *runs away*


pastelpiggy January 10 2009, 15:16:31 UTC
LOL well my birthday is "chinese new year eve" so maybe i'll get more money because i'm a "lucky baby"?! a girl can hope. :P


tafetta January 10 2009, 08:18:57 UTC
i used to be a addicted to soompi! now.. not so much, but i still browse it briefly everytime i go online usually.

heres me http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showuser=100335


pastelpiggy January 10 2009, 15:18:14 UTC
ooh yay! :D i never know which forums to browse in @_@


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