* shiver

Jan 09, 2009 17:45

does anyone here go on the soompi forums? i signed up a few days ago, and my god, there's so many people! :0 Although i don't actually like jpop or kpop, but still.. lots of torontonians too lol yey~

ugh first week back was horrible, we're "getting right back into the swing of things" with all this homework :\ oh well. nothing i can't handle. unless i don't show some self-discipline oopz.

OH & i can barely get anything done (homework research/otherwise) bc whenever i'm on, my mom gets home from work and she jumps on me :\ and telling me to get off when i've been on half an hour bc "the optometrist said so". LOl she said ONE hour, then take a BREAK ok. get it the fuck right. while my brother goes on until like 9pm (and my parents want us like, showered by that time lol it sucks.), seriously, my parents like him more than me bc he's a boy (some chinese thing, parents want boys most of the time. unless they've already got on. then they want a "set". huh.)

well that's it.
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