I Call This Love: FIFTEEN

Feb 20, 2010 23:15

Title: I Call This Love
Author: xrated_bb
Fandom: Guiding Light
Rating: PG-13 and eventually NC-17
Pairing: Olivia/Natalia, Otalia. Olivia/Madalyn.
Disclaimer: CBS, Telenext, P&G. All characters belong to them not me.

Chapter Summary: Madalyn and Olivia get intensely close...something happens. :o

The next couple of weeks came and Olivia and Madalyn have gotten really close. Springfield noticed, since Madalyn moved to Springfield. At first it was all about sex, now it's something deeper - Madalyn feels something for Olivia, who feels a connection towards Madalyn.

Olivia's lips trailed across Madalyn's bare stomach, going lower until she finally reached her center. Madalyn thrashed and moaned until she came, breathing a sigh of relief when Olivia moved up and kissed her on the lips. She could taste herself on Olivia's lips.

"You're good at that," Madalyn murmured. She put her fingers on Olivia's lips. "I love your lips."

Olivia turned Madalyn over. "I love your ass," she told her before nipping one of the cheeks.

Madalyn moaned in response. "You don't play fair," she told the older blonde.

She smiled. "I never said I do, Maddie," she reminded her. The younger blonde's hair was in an unusual ponytail, the gorgeous waves were starting to come undone out of the ponytail as Olivia ruffled the do.

Maddie smiled wickedly and kissed Olivia before going down on her. Her fingers went into her - diving for her intense sweet spot. Olivia finds it funny that she never came so fast for everyone else - but Maddie knew exactly where to go. Her fingers were trained, as was her tongue.

Olivia's back arched and she made a loud moan. She thanked God Emma wasn't there that  night. She found her fingers holding Maddie's head to her center, keeping her tongue firmly in place. She thrust her hips upward and she came hard.

She was breathing heavily as Maddie met her lips and this time she could taste herself on her lips as well as a taste of Madalyn as well.

"You're good at this," Maddie repeated.

Olivia grinned. "You're not that bad yourself," she retorted cutely as she pushed her full lips to Maddie's full lips. Together, their lips twined and their tongues danced.

As they were kissing they heard a strangled cough. Olivia sat up as she saw a figure standing at the door. She couldn't see who it was but she saw that they walked away.

"I'll be right back," Olivia told Maddie as she got up and put her robe on. On her way, she brought a baseball bat.

Downstairs she had the bat in a ready position. She flicked on the light and she saw a tall woman. Ava.

"Ava?" asked the girl's mom. "How...what...how much did you see of that?"

Olivia's daughter crossed her arms. "Enough to see you're a lesbian." Ava wasn't mad, she was amused. "Who would've thought the towns' slut was a lesbian."

Her mother blushed, which shocked Ava. "I wasn't a lesbian for long, Ava. I was with Natalia, she left and I found someone I'm attracted to. And if you don't like it, then tough because I've been through enough in the last couple of months to worry about my daughters opinion of me."

"Mom, chill," Ava said. "I don't care, if you're happy - I'm happy."

Olivia smiled and took her oldest daughter into her arms. "Sorry for snapping at you, baby," she apologized as she kissed the crown of Ava's head. "Have you seen Remy yet?"

She nodded. "Him and Christina are nice together. Have you met her?"

"She's my personal trainer," Olivia informed her. She looked upstairs. "I'm happy you're here but I'm a little..."

"Preoccupied?" Ava joked. "Yeah, I'll come by tomorrow to take Emma shopping. Where is she?"

Olivia looked out the door. "At Philips - with Lizzie and Bill."

Ava nodded. "Okay, see you tomorrow." At this, Olivia ran back upstairs and saw Madalyn getting up. "Why are you leaving?"

"You could've told me you had another girlfriend," she snapped.

Olivia played it cool. "I don't," she said.

"Who was that, then?"

Olivia laughed. "You know, I'm not that into incest," she joked.

"I don't follow," Madalyn admitted.

"She's my daughter, Maddie," she informed her.

Maddie blushed. "Oh," she murmured.

"Ava's not Olivia's girlfriend, I am," someone from the doorway said.

Both of the blonde beauties turned to see Natalia standing there, looking at the two of them with an extremely harsh look. She gave Maddie a very heavy glare. "You, out," she said.

"Who is this?" Maddie asked Olivia.

Olivia turned her glance to Natalia. "My ex. The one who left me. Who left me with a note."

Maddie got up and grabbed her clothes. "I'll be going now," she said as she turned to walk out the door.

"Wait," Olivia called. Maddie turned back and Olivia kissed her on the lips. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Maddie smiled and gave Natalia a sympathetic smile. "Bye," she murmured before Natalia slammed the door.

Her eyes were full of fire - the brown core was almost black with anger as she stared at the woman she loves. "What the hell was that?" she snapped at Olivia.

"Temper, temper," Olivia mocked. "It was me saying goodnight to my buddy."

Natalia crossed her arms. "Don't joke, why was she here, Olivia. I thought you loved me."

"I did and I always will. But I can't be with someone who left me. I don't trust you. Get that? I don't trust you." At this, Olivia got on her jeans and pulled a top over her head.

She tried to get out of the room but the brunette stood in the way. "You're not going anywhere until we sort this out," she informed Olivia.

Olivia pulled a heavy glare onto her - her green eyes looked almost like liquid poison. "You want to bet?" she threatened. "I don't want you near me. This is your house, I get it, but who paid for it the last few months? Hmm? I'm not moving out and I don't expect you, too. I'm not moving out for Emma. We'll just treat each other like regular roommates, okay?"

Olivia tried to get past the determined brunette but came up short when she was pulled back with force and found the Latina's lips on hers - moving wildly together.

Surprising Natalia, Olivia pulled away and her face was beat red - not from pleasurable flush, from anger. She took in the younger woman's frightened expression. "Don't do that. I can't be with you again. I don't trust you. Just leave - this is my room." When Natalia didn't budge Olivia said something that only a naive person would believe. "I don't love you." She almost said can't instead of don't.

"You don't love me?" the brunette asked. She didn't sound skeptical, she sounded on the verge of tears.

Olivia drew in her breath. "I did, I always will - like I said, but I can't anymore. We have to move on. You left me and that was a sign that we will never work."

"But I love you."

"Clearly not enough to talk to me before you leave. I would've understood if you told me before you left and told me why, I would've let you go and 'find yourself' but you just left me with a mere note. It was a fucking pussy move and it pissed me off - so I found someone who I can trust, someone who won't hurt me."

A single tear fell from Olivia's eyes and Natalia saw how much pain she put the love of her life through. "I'm sorry..." was all she whispered before she left the room and went into her own.


guiding light

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