Be With Me... 6/?

Feb 21, 2010 01:30

Title: Be With Me...
Author: lena_flue
Fandom: Otalia A/U
Pairing: Olivia/Natalia

Disclaimer: None of the characters of Guiding Light belong to me. I believe P&J owns them thankfully they don’t own my mind. Well, that could be argued because I’m so intently hooked on Otalia. I will not profit from this.

Background: Olivia has lived for many centuries as a Vampire Priestess. She holds a very high ranking position within her house and has ruled without mercy. Currently Olivia is secretly seeking a way out.

A/N: It is by nature a Vampire story. It will contain blood and death. FYI...

A/N: This is my first fanfic and I want to improve-- so comments are loved. I still take responsibility for all mistakes.

Special Thanks to memories mysterious

Rating: NC-17 Previous Chapters: BCh1 , BCh2 , BCh3 , BCh4 , BCh5


guiding light

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