Otalia: How Do You Measure a Year? 2/9

Aug 13, 2009 20:31

Title: How Do You Measure a Year? 2/9
Author: Chrissie aka itsalovestory
Rating: PG-13 for this part
Pairing: Olivia & Natalia from Guiding Light
Summary: Otalia celebrates a year's worth of laughter, love, and memories.
Spoilers: Mention of a slight spoiler for the week of 8/17
A/N: I was watching the Thanksgiving and Christmas episodes from last year. It made me sad to know that we won't get to see them this year with a together and knowingly in-love Otalia. Assumes that Natalia is pregnant and Frank is more like an uncle to the kid.

You measure with...faith.

On Christmas Eve, Emma and Natalia were in the kitchen at the table making gingerbread houses. All sorts of candies and sweets were spread across the old, wooden table to decorate the homes: sugary gumdrops, M&Ms, raisins, chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, mini peanut butter cups, Twizzlers, and finally creamy, vanilla frosting to hold everything together.

Standing in the doorway, Olivia chuckled to herself taking in the sight of her youngest daughter and the love of her life working together on Emma's house. Natalia's was neat and precise. Emma's on the other hand was a patchwork mess.

"Okay, Em, what do you want to add next?" asked Natalia.

Emma put her fingers on her chin and closed her eyes, thinking a long moment. She replied, "I want to use the gum drops to make a snowman for the gingerbread people's yard." Her little fingers then grabbed three purple gumdrops from the pile. With a huff, Emma gave up trying to get them to stay together by just squishing them.

"I don't think that's gonna work, Mama. Do I need to get the Elmer's to hold 'em?"

"Glue? No, remember that's what the frosting is for," laughed Natalia.

"Oh, that's right! The frosting is 'possed to be like glue. It's sticky but sure is yummy. Not like regular glue." Emma made a disgusted face.

"Yeah, Emma, you are right. It's sweet, and it hold the gingerbread family's home together."

Emma grew excited. "Mommy said that 'bout me."

"It's true, sweetie. You, Ava, and your brothers keep our family together. I love you all so much." Natalia reached across the table pulling Emma into a tight embrace.

Olivia's heart swelled and her eyes shimmered. If anyone had told her last year that she would finally have the love and family that she always wanted so desperately, she would have thought they were crazy. But, this long and tedious year had brought her everything she ever needed and all because she had faith.

Not faith in God or at least her mother's version of God. A God who she was raised to believe was harsh and judgmental. But, Natalia's God had given Natalia strength, and grace, and optimism. That God was someone that Olivia almost wanted to believe in. Not quite, though.

Still, Olivia had faith. She believed in something bigger, in a love that would, at two times previously, have her walk away from the one person she would give anything to keep. The first time, her heart had nearly broke as she choked out a screamed declaration of her love for Natalia on a cold April day next to Gus' grave. After that, she had promptly walked Natalia to the church to marry her off to Frank. Her plan didn't exactly go as planned, as Natalia fled the church while reciting her vows, later shouting her own feelings for Olivia to her.

The second time really did break what was left of Olivia's heart as she found out when Natalia returned from a month spent away from Springfield and away from her that she was pregnant with Frank's child. How could Natalia return after spending all that time away, leaving without a word to her and expect them to pick up things where they left off, especially since she was forever tied to the Coopers? That month and the aftermath of it tested everything in her life she believed in. And, it left her angry, hurt, and confused. Natalia, sweetly with her dimples on display, had asked for a second chance, but she was too proud, too sad, and too afraid of being burnt again. So, she knew what she had to do. Olivia had to protect herself.

Again, she encouraged Natalia to marry Frank and for Frank to fight for Natalia. But, again, things didn't go exactly to Olivia's plan.

Nope. That stubborn woman that she loved so dearly, even through all the pain, had fought and wooed and pushed her way back into her life and heart. Their reconciliation hadn't been easy, but it damn as hell had been worth it. And, wasn't that the basic truth of their life, their love? It wasn't easy. At all. But, it was worthwhile, every single step of the way. Olivia wouldn't trade any of it. Their love had given her something to believe in for the first time in her life since she was an innocent sixteen year old girl.

A soulmate. A family. A home. All things that Olivia wanted all her life. And, all things that Olivia had faith in because of Natalia. Natalia who had finally let go of their daughter from their hug.

"Alright, baby. I want you to get washed up and get your jammies on. I'll be up in a minute to read you a story before bed. You remember what tomorrow is?"

Emma laughed. "Of course, Mama. It's Christmas. We get to open presents and have hot chocolate and watch the Grinch!"

"Yeppers, okay, now off you go." Natalia shooed the little girl who quickly ran up the stairs to get ready for bedtime.

Natalia quickly cleaned up the mess at the table. When she finally put the sponge back at the sink, she found Olivia standing in the doorway with a slight smile on her face.

"I think you missed a spot."

"Well, why don't you get it? I have to check on Nicky, read Emma a story, and then change to meet Rafe for midnight Mass."

"Okay," Olivia laughed. Natalia tried to pass around the older woman, but Olivia grabbed her around her waist.

"Honey, c'mon," Natalia whined.

"Hey. You said I have to clean up the mess." Olivia grinned and ran her thumb over Natalia's cheek, wiping off a small speck of frosting. She licked the sweet treat off her thumb. "Mmm...all clean." She pulled Natalia closer who shuddered. Olivia then whispered, "Nicky's asleep in his crib. I'll read Em a story. And, you look gorgeous."

"Oh. Well, then..." She glanced up and chuckled, wrapping her arms around Olivia's neck, "It looks like we're under the mistletoe, too."

"Oh really?" Olivia inquired huskily.

Natalia leaned close to Olivia's ear, her tongue darting out to lick Olivia's sensitive lobe. "Yes," she spoke seductively slow. "Really."

"Hmm...well...wha-" Anything Olivia was going to say was promptly stopped by Natalia's soft lips crushing her own. This kiss, this love, this woman was surely something Olivia Spencer could believe in. Because at the end of the day, they chose each other and the
life they built together. Natalia was her goddess, and she was so worth it.


fic, guiding light

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