Sarah/Cameron Prompt response #3 "Slumber Party"

Aug 14, 2009 04:28

Title: Slumber Party

Fandom: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Pairing: Sarah/Cameron
Disclaimer: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, and all associated characters are not mine...though since Fox abandoned them, rightfully they should be up for grabs. 
Rating: PG13
Summary: Prompt response #3. This one was suggested by demoka

"Sarah using the dregs of her memories of youth to teach Cameron how to behave at a sleepover... XP Pretend Cameron managed to befriend a girl because that girl might be one of the key players in the future."

AN: I took a few liberties with this prompt, but I hope you still like it Demoka!
AN#2: This is a one off prompt fic, so there's no beta...please indulge any mistakes and/or OOCness that may have resulted.
AN#3: For anyone that still might want to add a prompt to the list, the entry is here. Feel free to put down your idea and I'll get there when I get there *G*.

(Slumber Party)

sarah connor chronicles

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