Title: Wildness
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker
Pairing: Cara/Kahlan
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: These three parts: ~10,600. Things are getting a bit long up in here.
Warnings: Violence, sex, feelings (please see individual chapters for more)
Spoilers: This begins as a loose AU of the end of Season 2 and then veers away from canon. Spoilers abound for 2x16 Desecrated through 2x20 Eternity. Though this is a TV fic, it also contains minor elements of book mythology.
Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to these characters or profit from this story in any way.
Cara slashes through branches with the Agiel in her left hand, unwary of by-standing wildlife or the trackers who might follow such a casual trail. It’s been a day and a half since she parted ways with the Seeker’s merry band of idiots, and she has to get back to camp to make sure they made it through so many hours without her. It is not because she misses Kahlan. At all. -- Part 1 Part 2 |
Part 3