Friending Meme

Apr 18, 2011 01:36

~One Passing Night Friending Meme~

The meme to end all memes...isn't here. This is just a friending meme with some pretty font which may or may not fail as a comment attached. Don't give me that look.

Tag with your own details- reply to others! Make of this what you will, and of course, have fun.

[Your Name-- Your Journal]

Who you play:

What ( Read more... )

friending meme

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Comments 72

I tried to do HTML, I quite obviously failed. vacationisalie April 17 2011, 15:38:04 UTC
[Daine-- failderp ]

Who you play: Roxas-- AU || vacationisalie

What fandoms are you into: Kingdom Hearts, Jak and Daxter, Golden Sun, Tamora Pierce, The World Ends With You, Danny Phantom, Full Metal Alchemist, Final Fantasy 7, The Riftwar Saga, The Uglies Trilogy, The Bartimaeus Sequence-- and much more.

How did you get into them? In tons of different ways! Kingdom Hearts would definitely have to be my oldest, however- almost nine years.

Outside of RP, what are your hobbies? An obsessive writer, a drawing enthusiast, hoop dancing, watching Disney movies and kids shows.

Any future dreams/goals you'd like to share? I really want to go into psychology- to become a psychotherapist, or to predominantly work with children and young teens. I'd also like to save up and travel- so any excess money I have I can give to homeless people. I'm that much of a derp, really. Just ask Dee about when I gave my license to someone so they'd let me buy them a pack of smokes.

What came first, the chicken or the egg? NEITHER. The embryo inside the egg came ( ... )


Re: I tried to do HTML, I quite obviously failed. lockandkeyblade April 17 2011, 18:14:06 UTC


vacationisalie April 18 2011, 00:21:53 UTC



lockandkeyblade April 18 2011, 01:46:03 UTC



I think it's span? idk if it works in comments auncyenhalig April 17 2011, 17:10:46 UTC
[Bitte ✿ bitterearth]

Who you play: Aerith (auncyenhalig), Barret (armofcorel)
What fandoms are you into: Final Fantasy VII (and to an extent later FF in general), Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Ace Attorney, formerly in Heroes ... come to think about it, I've fallen out of a lot. XD
How did you get into them? With the latest, Mahou Shoujo? I kept seeing people talk about it.
Outside of RP, what are your hobbies? Writing, editing graphics, sometimes programming.
Any future dreams/goals you'd like to share? Traveling to another continent. Yep. Time to save up money.

I'd also like to produce a creative work to publish, but I'm not sure ... what kind.
What came first, the chicken or the egg? Which one wants to be first to the table?
If you had to watch the same five movies over and over for the rest of your life, what would they be? ... I can't decide on five. I'll go with The Truman Show, Spirited Away, a film with Jackie Chan and one with Robin Williams, throw on Grave of the Fireflies to make me bawl sometimes.
What food do you draw the line at ( ... )


Its 4am, I have a logical excuse to be bad with HTML, orz vacationisalie April 17 2011, 17:56:34 UTC
I actually have this little beast as far as pets go:

... )


auncyenhalig April 17 2011, 18:12:01 UTC
She's a cutie. Looks like she was going to sleep there. XD

They're sooo much fun to play with, especially once you have enough so that it runs without pauses.


vacationisalie April 18 2011, 00:12:09 UTC
She was; on my lap, no less. XD

Mm, but FF7 was a really intense game to play. THE NEVERENDING STAIRCASE! That is what I remember the most for the major fact that even the characters start to complain about it. Also, chocolate and hazelnut mousse= love.


lockandkeyblade April 17 2011, 18:03:54 UTC
[Dee -- Kunoichi_life]

Who you play:Sora AU V3 [lockandkeyblade]

What fandoms are you into:Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Red vs Blue, Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Psychonauts, Homestuck, Star Wars

How did you get into them?IT IS THE LONGEST STORY EVER TOLD. But Kingdom Hearts is my longest and strongest fandom 8]. I remember when the advertisements for it first came out in magazines and we all thought it was too crazy to work. "YOU NEVER KNOW" "WHO YOU'LL" "RUN INTO NEXT"

Outside of RP, what are your hobbies?Animating (3D, 2D), Illustration (drawing, photoshop, markers, etc), LJRP - OBVIOUSLY, surfing the internet, video games, reading comics, getting frustrated with our new puppy, writing original and fanfiction, COSPLAY - last project was Kuzco from Emperor's new Groove and Final Form Sora. The next is Church from Red Vs Blue \o/.

Any future dreams/goals you'd like to share?I'm studying to be an animator, but really... I'd like to work in the industry as an animation director or something in visual development. Story's a huge thing ( ... )


auncyenhalig April 17 2011, 18:13:59 UTC
GOTTA LOVE PARKOUR. Or free-running, whichever you call it. Poor guy stuck on the ground though lol

I love brussel sprouts with butter :9 ... but I'm pretty sure they'd be nasty if they were overcooked.


lockandkeyblade April 17 2011, 18:15:38 UTC
THIS. Yes. I keep being told they're amazing if they're cooked right, ut the ones I had left this terrible... kind of sick taste in my mouth afterward. I haven't had any good ones since 8[

YES! Me and my friends were into Parkour for a while actually, and then we all got busy. fff


auncyenhalig April 17 2011, 18:17:48 UTC
The ones I've had were kind of cheats--precooked vegetables you just reheat. Hard to mess those up as long as you read directions.

I've never tried it because I've got short legs and just ... not a very athletic person to begin with. But it's been tempting to try!

OH AND: I DON'T REALLY CLAIM TO HAVE A PROFESSION my job is but a temporary one.

...I hope. Minimum wage lol

Optimally? I like editing.


Yes this looks wrong buuuut eeh daha_az_tanrica April 17 2011, 20:42:40 UTC
[Celes-- revolutionfire]

Who you play:

Seth Nightlord | V2!
In the near future, hopefully Merrill from Dragon Age 2.
What fandoms are you into:

Dragon Age, Trinity Blood, Zone 00, Devil May Cry, Harvest Moon, Samurai Warriors, Dynasty Warriors, Army of Two, Tales of series, Mass Effect er...I'm forgetting some.
How did you get into them?

I've been in most of them for years now so it's hard to remember.
Outside of RP, what are your hobbies?

I do a lot of writing, or used to. Acting as well! Oh and I'm a huge video gamer. I mean huge. I have like two tall bookshelves of video games. Ahaha. I fail.
Any future dreams/goals you'd like to share?

None at the moment. I'm mostly content with my life. I have an okay-ish job, decent life, a few good friends and the ability to drink myself stupid if I want to.
What came first, the chicken or the egg?

Neither. I beat them both.
If you had to watch the same five movies over and over for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Lion King, Pirate of the Caribbean, and some other ones that I don't ( ... )


Re: Yes this looks wrong buuuut eeh lockandkeyblade April 22 2011, 17:53:52 UTC
Oh no man. I do that face a lot to my video game. Usually after I DIE.... or when I get excited.


daha_az_tanrica April 22 2011, 18:20:12 UTC
I have been doing that so much at my games lately. It is ridiculous.

That and yelling at the game when something bad happens. "NO HOW DARE YOU!!!!!" sort of thing.


vivider April 17 2011, 20:48:33 UTC
[Vivi-- vivider]

Who you play: guiltapalooza [V1] | dormition [V2]

What fandoms are you into: Oh lord, so many. idek how to answer this XD It's easier to check out my muse list.

How did you get into them? Mmmm on my own, usually. Very occasionally I'll get into something through RP or a friend, but most often I decide independently. I'm slow to get into fandoms, and once I'm in, I sick with them for a while.

Outside of RP, what are your hobbies? I'm a licensed massage therapist, so... massage. XD Knitting, drinking tea, excessive reading. I want a lot of movies, Mythbusters, and Man vs. Wild, too.

Any future dreams/goals you'd like to share? I dropped out of college two years ago and am transferring back this fall. I'm going into pre-med, and my dream is to be a forensic pathologist in ten years.

What came first, the chicken or the egg? idk, i am too tired from work today to be able to brain this, LOL.

If you had to watch the same five movies over and over for the rest of your life, what would they be?1. Primal Fear ( ... )


vivider April 17 2011, 20:50:24 UTC
oh derp can't edit with this account so...

*stick, *watch :|;


auncyenhalig April 17 2011, 21:38:42 UTC
Okay, out of curiosity: does the ketchup thing cause you problems at fast food restaurant, or is it just if you get too close?


dormition April 17 2011, 21:40:20 UTC
haha no, just if I get too close. I've been trying to make myself less sensitive to it over the years. xD I still prefer not to touch it altogether if I can manage it, though.


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