Friending Meme

Apr 18, 2011 01:36

~One Passing Night Friending Meme~

The meme to end all memes...isn't here. This is just a friending meme with some pretty font which may or may not fail as a comment attached. Don't give me that look.

Tag with your own details- reply to others! Make of this what you will, and of course, have fun.

[Your Name-- Your Journal]

Who you play:

What ( Read more... )

friending meme

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I think it's span? idk if it works in comments auncyenhalig April 17 2011, 17:10:46 UTC
[Bitte ✿ bitterearth]

Who you play: Aerith (auncyenhalig), Barret (armofcorel)
What fandoms are you into: Final Fantasy VII (and to an extent later FF in general), Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Ace Attorney, formerly in Heroes ... come to think about it, I've fallen out of a lot. XD
How did you get into them? With the latest, Mahou Shoujo? I kept seeing people talk about it.
Outside of RP, what are your hobbies? Writing, editing graphics, sometimes programming.
Any future dreams/goals you'd like to share? Traveling to another continent. Yep. Time to save up money.

I'd also like to produce a creative work to publish, but I'm not sure ... what kind.
What came first, the chicken or the egg? Which one wants to be first to the table?
If you had to watch the same five movies over and over for the rest of your life, what would they be? ... I can't decide on five. I'll go with The Truman Show, Spirited Away, a film with Jackie Chan and one with Robin Williams, throw on Grave of the Fireflies to make me bawl sometimes.
What food do you draw the line at ( ... )


Its 4am, I have a logical excuse to be bad with HTML, orz vacationisalie April 17 2011, 17:56:34 UTC
I actually have this little beast as far as pets go:

... )


auncyenhalig April 17 2011, 18:12:01 UTC
She's a cutie. Looks like she was going to sleep there. XD

They're sooo much fun to play with, especially once you have enough so that it runs without pauses.


vacationisalie April 18 2011, 00:12:09 UTC
She was; on my lap, no less. XD

Mm, but FF7 was a really intense game to play. THE NEVERENDING STAIRCASE! That is what I remember the most for the major fact that even the characters start to complain about it. Also, chocolate and hazelnut mousse= love.


auncyenhalig April 18 2011, 04:49:08 UTC
I think that's one thing I like about it, the gameplay and the story meeting in unexpected ways. Like Barret complaining about the ridiculous stairs, or Cloud's "shut up" literally interrupting Sephiroth because his text box covers Seph's spiel about the Promised Land.

...and then they're just messed up sometimes. CPR minigame -- it's impossible to fail?! lol But even the CPR minigame was intended to be important to the story at one part. So it's just very, very fun for little silly details like that. And Wall Market is a bundle of those.

I just recently found a store in my area with a bunch of selections for chocolates, included a number of hazelnut chocolates. I am so in love. :9


vacationisalie April 19 2011, 01:30:46 UTC
Yessss. Wall Market was amazing, especially the gym. The hot tub scene was a classic in every way.

Well it is Final Fantasy. I loved every part of it- I didn't get Yuffie till way past the Golden Saucer. And Vincent was...well after Aerith died, as well. The fact that they weren't party members you HAD to get to move the story forward was just amazing.

Oh man, call me jealous. Call me very effing jealous 8[


Re: I think it's span? idk if it works in comments lockandkeyblade April 17 2011, 18:13:22 UTC
ACE ATTOURNEY. ilu. God that series makes me laugh so hard. Not to mention when the I'VE DISCOVERED YOUR SECRET- NOW TO EXPLAIN HOW YOU'RE SCREWED, WITNESS! music comes on, I just get irrationally excited.

And... I'm pretty happy with the pet I have right now. She's a frisky little mix of Jack Russel Terrier, Pomeranian and Chichuahua, but she's a small-medium sized dog- just the right cuddle size to sleep next to you in bed.


auncyenhalig April 17 2011, 21:37:03 UTC
Yeah, it's got some great moments. My favorite game is definitely Trials & Tribulations, but I haven't played all of them yet, so...

Okay thinking about the games just now made me SO curious what Lamiroir's dreams would be like as a blind person. Hmmm.

oh, that does sound like an interesting mix! And fun size, too.


lockandkeyblade April 22 2011, 17:48:01 UTC
Trial and Tribulations- Ooohhh is that the second one?

I think my favorite is probably Apollo Justice or the first one.

D8 I think I'd die of happiness if we got an Avatar: The Last Airbender cast or an Ace Attorney. \o/


auncyenhalig April 22 2011, 17:50:43 UTC
Third one, with Dahlia! Second is Justice For All. But yeeees, that would be so fun. The AA peopel would have such insane dreams, I bet.


lockandkeyblade April 22 2011, 18:01:56 UTC

Augh, Dahlia. What a hag


auncyenhalig April 22 2011, 18:06:13 UTC
YUP. Sooo nasty. XD


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