Primeval transcript: 1x05 Part 2

Jan 19, 2008 11:36

1x05 Part 1

Connor and Abby are still searching.
Connor: Rex! Where are you, dude?
Abby: Did you think he was going to send up a distress flare or something?
Connor: He knows the sound of my voice. I’m thinking he might come running.
Abby: He’s a lizard. Not a Golden Retriever! This is ridiculous. He could be anywhere.
Rex runs across the path in front of them.
Connor: Rex? Rex! Abby!
Connor and Abby run after Rex.

Claudia is lying unconscious on a bed in a room in the house. She is wearing an oxygen mask. As she starts to come to, she has flash backs to the pteranodon flying towards the roof of the office building. She sits up suddenly and jumps of the bed, knocking a pouch of blood off a trolley and bursting it all over her shoes. Nick is standing by the window, he moves towards Claudia as she gets up.
Nick: It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay. Nothing’s wrong.
Claudia: What happened.
Nick: You took a knock.
Claudia: Where am I?
Nick: In a hotel.
The medic from earlier enters. He walks over and picks up the burst bag of blood. It leaves a pool on the floor.
Medic: Easy. Let’s see how you’re doing first. What’s your name and how old are you?
Nick has picked up something from the medic’s kit.
Claudia: Claudia Brown and I have no intention of telling you.
Medic: I’ll do some tests at the hospital, but I think it’s nothing worse than a mild concussion. Getting low on oxygen. I’ve got another bottle in the ambulance. I’d better get it just in case.
The medic leaves the room, still carrying the burst bag of blood.
Nick: Sit up.
Claudia gets back on the bed, and Nick shines a light in her eyes.
Claudia: What are you doing?
Nick: I have absolutely no idea, but I’ve seen them do it on ER, so there must be something in it. How are you feeling.
Claudia: Okay.
Nick: Any nausea?
Claudia: No.
Nick: Any headache?
Claudia: No.
Nick: Does anything feel odd at all?
Claudia: Just the one thing.
Nick: What?
Claudia: I can’t see anything.
The shot pans from the pool of blood, across the floor, and out the window.

Connor and Abby have finally caught up to Rex, who is perched on a log.
Connor: Rex!
Abby: Rex!
Connor: What’s he looking at?
Rex jumps off the log and gets behind it, like he’s trying to hide. Behind Abby and Connor is a tree full of dark shapes. Dark, flapping, squawking shapes. Abby and Connor slowly turn around. The tree is full of small pterosaurs, one sniffs something, and then all of them fly out of the tree.
Connor: Get down!
Connor and Abby crouch as the pterosaurs fly past them, one stealing Connor’s hat on the way.

Stephen, Ryan and some soldier are with the pteranodon, which is wrapped in sheets and strapped to the back of a trailer.
Ryan: I wouldn’t get too close if I were you. That thing could come around at any time.
Stephen: She’s going to be out for hours yet.
There’s a rumbling noise as the pteranodon ... gets rid of some waste. The soldiers wrinkle their noses.
Ryan: Oh, nice.
Stephen: You have no idea how revealing dung can be. You can learn a lot from it. It’s exciting stuff.
The soldiers make their disgust known as Stephen tastes the dung.
Ryan: That’s just not right.

Abby and Connor haven’t moved from their crouched positions.
Connor: Abby, are we alive?
Abby: We’re alive.
Connor: That’s a good thing.

Nick: Temporary blindness is a symptom of mild concussion. You’re going to be fine.
Claudia: Right.
Nick: Trust me. I’m a doctor. Well, I’m a professor, but it’s nearly the same thing. Do you see anything at all.
Claudia: Um … A little. It’s getting better.
Nick: See? It’ll be back in no time.
Nick’s mobile rings and he answers it. It’s Stephen, who is still with the pteranodon.
Nick: Stephen?
Stephen: Listen, you know that hunch of yours? You were right. Old leather face didn’t kill the golfer. The beak, it’s all wrong. The dung is the clincher.
Nick: Yeah, let me guess, no human remains.
Stephen: No, just a few small reptiles and some fish bones. That’s it.
Nick: Exactly what I though. It wasn’t Connor it was after, it was Rex.
Stephen: Yeah.
Nick’s phone beeps.
Nick: Stephen, listen, I’m going to have to call you back. My phone’s out of juice.
Stephen: Okay.
Nick: Did you catch any of that.
Claudia: The pteranodon is innocent. What do you want me to do? Pay compensation? You have to admit it, you made a lucky guess.
Nick: No you’re missing my point. If the pteranodon didn’t kill the golfer, then what did?

The medic is leaving the ambulance carrying a med-bag. He hears squawking. He walks around the side of the ambulance, and is attacked by pterosaurs. He screams.

Nick and Claudia hear the screams inside.
Claudia: What was that.
Nick: I don’t know. Look, give me your phone.
Claudia: It’s in my bag. In the car.
Nick closes the patio doors and the doors leading to the other rooms.
Nick: All right. I have to get to a phone.
Claudia: Nick, don’t leave me!
Nick: It’s okay. I’m still here. Just keep calm. All we have to do is keep all the windows and all the doors shut. And we’ll be fine. There’ll be nothing to worry about. And we’ll be just fine.
Nick runs out of the room to the main doors of the house, which are still open. He closes them, as the flock of pterosaurs circle above the house.
Nick: Okay. Listen, there has to be a phone around here somewhere. Now, you’re going to be okay, because nothing can get in here. It’s going to be okay.
Nick goes upstairs and tries the phone on the landing, but coincidentally, one of the pterosaurs has just cut through the telephone wires on the outside of the house.
Downstairs, the pterosaurs make shadows across the room as they pass in front of the window.
Claudia: It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay. No, it’s not. No, it’s not.
Claudia moves across the room and checks that the patio door is closed tightly, reassuring herself somewhat. At that point one of the pterosaurs hits the window, spooking Claudia and sending her racing back across the room, where she slips in the spilt blood from earlier. Another hit and the window breaks. Nick hears the noise and goes back downstairs, where Claudia has managed to cover herself in blood in her struggles to get up. More windows are being broken, and the first pterosaur gets in, just as Nick arrives and pulls Claudia to her feet. She is covered in blood at this point.
Nick: It’s okay. It’s okay, it’s okay. All right. Go, go, go.
Nick takes Claudia out of the room, and closes the door just in time.
Nick: Go! Keep going! Keep going!
Claudia: They just went crazy. I slipped in the blood and then …
Nick: It’s the blood, the can smell the blood.
Claudia: Like piranhas. Oh, God. Have I got much on me?
Nick: Um, a little bit, yeah. About the same as me. Give me your top.
Claudia: It’s getting to be a little bit of a habit.
Nick: What? Asking for your clothes, or getting us attacked?
Claudia: Both.
They have both taken off their first top layer. The pterosaur flock are tapping on the skylight.
Nick: Oh, God.
The pterosaurs get through, and glass rains down on Nick and Claudia. Closely followed by the flock. Nick pushes Claudia out of the room and closes the door behind them. He guides her to a chair, then checks the windows.
Nick: There’s got to be a phone around here somewhere. Okay, I think that there’s one in the ambulance.
Claudia: You’re going to go and get it?
Nick: Yeah. You’re going to be safe here.
Claudia: What about you?
Nick: You know, I think I can make it.
Nick kisses Claudia.
Nick: I’ll be back in a minute.
Nick leaves the room, and heads through the gardens. He hears squawking, and turns to see the flock of pterosaurs come over the house towards him. He races to the ambulance and closes the doors behind him. The medic from earlier is lying on the ground beside the ambulance, and the pterosaurs swarm around.

Connor and Abby emerge from the trees. Abby is carrying Rex, wrapped in her jacket. They see the house in the distance, and the pterosaur flock circling it.
Connor: Oh, man.

Nick is sitting in the front of the ambulance and has found a phone.
Nick: Ryan! Ryan, it’s Nick Cutter! We’re being attacked by a swarm of pterosaurs. Claudia’s trapped in the hotel.
Ryan: Just sit tight.
Nick: Yeah, I’ll sit tight. Yeah. Hurry up!
Nick plunders the ambulance. He finds a lighter on the dashboard, and pulls a burns kit out of a cupboard.
Nick: Yes, very funny, very funny.
Nick finds a full canister of flammable gas. Some of the pterosaurs fly back to the house.

Claudia is sitting on the sofa where Nick left her. Squawking and banging noises can be heard. A stream of coal dust and ash falls into the fireplace. The squawking gets louder as Claudia gets up and backs away.

Nick slowly opens the back door of the ambulance. The pterosaurs seem to have gone. One of the doors makes a noise as it falls back, and Nick looks around, startled.

Claudia has moved to the back of the room, and manages to locate a rack of golf clubs. She grabs one as a pterosaur flies down the chimney.
Claudia: Three iron.
The pterosaur flaps around the room, and, as her eyesight is getting better, manages to hit the pterosaur with the golf club as it flies towards her.
Claudia: Hole in one.
A lot more pterosaurs fly down the chimney.

Nick uses the lighter to turn the gas canister into a flamethrower, managing to light it just as a pterosaur comes towards him. He fries it.
Nick: You little sh…
He advances towards the house.

Claudia is batting the pterosaurs away with the golf club. She gets knocked to the floor.

Nick is still moving toward the house, flaming pterosaurs as he goes.

Claudia is on her feet again, swiping away. The door opens, and HELEN CUTTER comes in and grabs Claudia from behind.
Claudia: Who’s that?
Helen: Helen Cutter.
Claudia: Helen, what the hell are you doing here?
Helen: You really want to discuss that right now?
Claudia: Maybe later.
As more pterosaurs come down the chimney, the two women exit the room and close the door behind them. Helen guides Claudia down a corridor.
Helen: Can you see anything at all?
Claudia: I can manage.
Helen: Right, I’ll leave you on your own, then.
Claudia: Helen!
As Helen moves away, the door of the room they were in starts to fall open, the pterosaurs go through it.
Helen: Only kidding. Here. Get in there.
Helen goes back and grabs Claudia’s hand. She pulls her down the corridor and into a kitchen, closing the door just before the pterosaurs arrive.
Helen: You’re going to have to trust me. It’s either that or a radical makeover from our friends back there.
Claudia: Tough call. Maybe just this once.
Helen: Right. See this door. Go and stand by it. When I say so, go out and close it behind you.
Claudia: What are you going to be doing?
Helen: Cooking.
There is a hissing noise as Helen turns on the gas ovens. Claudia goes to the door and finds the handle, as Helen puts a metal jug in a microwave.
Claudia: Helen!
Helen: Just keep calm, Claudia.
Claudia: Easy for you to say.
Helen opens the door and lets the pterosaurs in.

Nick is still attacking pterosaurs outside. His gas canister runs out.
Nick: Whoops. Light.

Helen: Now!
Claudia opens the door, and closes it behind her. Helen starts the microwave then leaves the room.
Helen: Okay.
The spark caused by putting the metal jug in the microwave ignites the gas in the room, causing a huge explosion, and killing all the pterosaurs in the room. Helen runs down the corridor, keeping out of the fireball’s way.

Outside, Nick ducks as the fireball is followed by bits of debris.
Nick: Claudia Brown.
Claudia walks up behind him. She is covered in soot, and has a small cut near her right temple.
Nick: You scared the life out of me. You all right?
Claudia: I’m fine. Helen saved me.
Nick looks back towards the remains of the kitchen.
Nick: Where is she?
Claudia: I don’t know.
Nick: Is she still in there?
Claudia: She’s gone. Like a ghost.
Nick: Yeah, no surprises there.
Ryan and his men arrive, running up behind them. Ryan has a double take at the still burning building and the state Nick and Claudia are in, and Nick’s gas canister.
Nick: What? Yeah, it was me. It was me with a Zippo and a bottle of flammable gas.

Connor is standing, staring at a pond. He turns as Abby walks past him.
Connor: All turned put pretty well in the end.
Abby: No thanks to you.
Connor: Abby, I’m really sorry. I know I should have been more careful with Rex. I’ll move out of the flat tomorrow.
Abby: Where are you going to go?
Connor: I’ll be fine. You know me. Always plenty of irons in the fire. Whatever that actually means.
Abby: Okay, here’s the deal. You do all the washing up for a month, and make me breakfast every weekend. And if you leave your dirty boxer shorts on the bathroom floor one more time, I shall kill you.
Connor: Does that mean I can … Does that mean I can stay?
Abby: For now, yes.
Connor: Oh, thank you. Thank you.
Abby: Yeah.
Connor hugs Abby and picks her up.
Abby: God, I must be going insane. I quite like having you around.
Connor: Really?
Abby: As a friend.
Connor: As a friend, I know. Buddies. What else?
Connor punches Abby lightly in the shoulder. Abby punches back a bit harder.
Connor: Ow.
Abby starts to walk away, but turns back when Connor starts to speak again.
Connor: Oh. Abby? The washing up thing. You weren’t serious about that, were you? It’s a bit harsh.
Abby: Yes.
Connor: Harsh, but more than reasonable.
Abby: I know.

Everyone has gathered at the anomaly site, with the pteranodon.
Connor: Guys, you’d better be quick. I don’t think the anomaly’s going to hold much longer.
Claudia’s phone rings. She checks who it is, but doesn’t answer.
Claudia: Lester. What can I say? The battery was down and I just didn’t get to the call in time.
Nick: You saying Lester doesn’t know about this?
Claudia: Wouldn’t be happy if he did.
Nick: I thought you weren’t going to take sides.
Claudia: It’s a one-off. Against my better judgement.
Stephen comes up to Nick and Claudia, carrying a big, red flag. He hands it to Nick, and he and Connor go back to where Abby is looking after the pteranodon lying on the trailer.
Claudia: And it better work.
Nick: Yep.
Abby: It’s okay, baby. You’ll be home soon.
The pteranodon starts to wake up, as Nick gets into a cherry picker.
Nick: So, you’re absolutely confidant that this creature doesn’t eat mammals?
Stephen: Dung never lies. And if I’m wrong about that, at least you’ll always have a special place in the history books.
Nick: I always wanted to be famous. Let’s do it.
Connor, Stephen and Ryan release the ropes holding the pteranodon down. Connor and Stephen start to lift the sheet over it.
Stephen: Okay, soldier boy.
Nick: All right, we’re ready. Let her go!
The sheet is lifted, and after a few moments, the pteranodon starts to get up. It flaps its wings a couple of times, and then flies off in the opposite direction to where Nick is waving his flag in front of the anomaly.
Nick: Turn!
Stephen: Turn around!
Abby: Over here!
Connor: Over here!
Abby: Come back!
Nick: Come back!
Abby: Hey! Come on! Over here!
Connor: This way! Over here!
Abby: Hey! Yeah! This way!
The pteranodon turns and flies towards Nick.
Nick: Okay, come on. Come on.
Abby: Come here!
Claudia: It’s beautiful.
Everyone on the ground ducks as the pteranodon swoops overhead. It flies past Nick, into the anomaly, just before it closes. Everyone cheers, Stephen throws Connor’s hat in victory before Abby jumps on him.
Nick: Safe journey.
Connor: [To Ryan] High five. Woo!

Trailer for next episode.
End credits.
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