Primeval transcript: 1x05 Part 1

Jan 19, 2008 11:21


Previously on Primeval.
Opening titles.

At the Forest Heights Country Club. ANDY drives up to the top of a fairway on a golf buggy, and selects a club.
ANDY: Tiger Woods, eat your heart out.
He swings at the ball, and misses. His mate, JEFF has got stuck in a sand bank and is spraying sand everywhere.
The Andy swings a couple more times before he hits the ball, sending it into a pond. A low growling noise is heard. The golfer’s mobile phone rings.
Andy: Jeff.
Jeff: I got stuck on a bunker. Are you on the green yet?
Andy looks at the pond.
Andy: Yeah. Easy.
Jeff: Okay.
Jeff hangs up. Andy heads down to the pond to try to retrieve his ball. He puts his hand in the murky water and feels around until he finds a ball, completely missing the other 2 balls, and the sheep skull that are submerged there. He chucks the ball over his shoulder onto the green.

CONNOR TEMPLE is in the kitchen making breakfast. He has croissant and jam, coffee, orange juice and fruit on a tray. ABBY MAITLAND enters as he picks up the tray.
Abby: Morning.
Connor: Hey.
Abby: Aw, shouldn’t have.
Connor: Shouldn’t have what? Excuse me.
Connor brushes past Abby.
Connor: Oh, I’m going to go play Oblivion, if you’re up to it. Widely held as a classic.
They both walk into the living room.
Abby: When you say widely…
Connor: Uh-huh?
Abby stops by the thermostat.
Abby: 34?
Connor: Sorry?
Abby: Connor, the thermostat. It’s at 34.
Connor: Yep. Rex was looking a wee bit chilly.
Connor puts his tray on the table and sits down. REX is standing on top of his tank, drinking from a saucer of water.
Connor: The way I see it, if we get too hot, we can just take a bit more kit off, can’t we? If that little fellow gets too cold, well, I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to him, Abby.
Abby: Yeah, right. Okay.
Abby walks away as Connor pours his coffee, watching her go.
Abby: Close your mouth, Connor. You’re dribbling.
Connor spills coffee on his fingers.
Connor: Ow.

Andy is driving his buggy slowly down the green. Jeff is walking behind him, dragging his bag of clubs.
Andy: Jeff. I mean, you could have got your own buggy. You didn’t have to be such a tightwad, did you?
Jeff: Oh, come on. Give us a lift.
Andy: Come on, hurry up.
Jeff goes to put his bag on the buggy, but Andy accelerates away, laughing.
Jeff: You’re joking.
Andy is tee-ing off at the next green. He hits his ball into the tree line and goes in after it.
Andy: So where are you, you little git?
He searches through the ferns, and yells when he scratches his hand on something. He shakes his hand, and a drop of blood flies away and hits a tree.
He walks out of the trees, inspecting his injured hand. He turns and looks towards where he has just walked from, when he sees something. Andy drops his golf club and starts to run. We see from the view of the creature chasing him, and it swoops down behind him. Andy glances over his shoulder.
Jeff is playing nearby and stops as he hears Andy’s screams as his is lifted into the air. Jeff runs towards where the screams are coming from, and finds Andy’s body. All we see is a bloodstained shoe.

Rex is sitting on the sofa, chirruping. Connor is sitting on the floor in front of the sofa. He is playing a video game (presumably Oblivion). He opens the menu of saved games, where we see the name TOM (the friend who died in the last episode). Connor glances at a framed photo of the two of them and DUNCAN on the wall.
Abby: I’m off to yoga!
Connor: Right.
Connor returns to his game.
Connor: Well, any time you need help with your bending or with your stretching, you should give me a call.
Abby comes into the room and stands between Connor and the TV.
Abby: Windows shut at all times.
Connor: Yup.
Abby: Get in and leave by the same exit. On which subject, how many days are there in a week, Connor?
Connor: Is this a riddle? How many?
Abby: Seven.
Connor: Well, that’s neither funny nor clever.
Abby: Nor is the fact that you’d be here a week, and you’re still here a month later.
Connor: I’m still working on it. Following up a few leads.
Abby: Yeah, I can see that.
Abby leaves. Rex moves a little closer to Connor, chirping again.
Connor: She likes me Rex. Oh yeah. She likes me bad.

There is a Manor house at the golf course, with an ambulance parked outside. A Special Forces soldier is seen running towards it. CLAUDIA BROWN is talking to CAPTAIN RYAN.
Claudia: Four hours? I told you to seal the perimeter, not dry stone wall it. I want it done in an hour. Where’s the golfer’s body?
Ryan: In the casualty clearance centre in the main house.
Claudia: Are there any more victims?
Ryan: None we know of.
Claudia: Good. Keep me briefed.
Ryan moves off, and Claudia approaches NICK CUTTER and STEPHEN HART who are talking to Jeff, who appears to be being treated for shock. As they see her approach, they finish talking to Jeff, and move off to talk to Claudia.
Nick: Okay, thanks.
Claudia: What did he see?
Nick: All over by the time we got here.
Claudia: Have you found the anomaly yet?
Nick: Well, we’re not absolutely sure there is one yet. And I need to see the victim.
Stephen goes back to talk to Jeff again.
Claudia: Look, I think I should warn you. Lester’s getting impatient. Think’s you cause more problems than you solve.
Nick: What do you think?
Claudia: I think it would be helpful if I could show him we’re making some kind of progress.
Nick: Or what?
Claudia: Or it becomes difficult.
Nick: Look, Lester doesn’t own this. The government doesn’t own this. If you really want to help, keep him off my back.
Claudia: Please don’t make me take sides, Nick.

Connor is still playing video games in his dressing gown, but is now sitting on the sofa. Rex is playing with a Wotsit (a cheesy snack) and chirping.
Connor: You enjoying that, Rex?
The phone rings. Connor pauses the game and picks it up.
Connor: Abby Maitland’s love shack, number one stud speaking. Oh, no, no, it’s … It’s Connor, Professor. Yeah, must have been a … Sorry?
Cut to Connor rushing through the flat (now dressed properly), he pulls on his coat, and grabs his hat, bags and keys, and rushes out the door, not realising he has left a window open, which Rex looks quite interested in.
Outside, Connor gets in a Mini Cooper, and leans over to get a book out of his bag. Rex swoops into the car whilst he is leaning over.

A soldier exits a room and closes the door behind him. Inside the room, a Special Forces medic is putting a sheet over Andy’s body, which Nick and Claudia have been looking at. Claudia turns away.
Medic: He’s been torn to shreds.
Nick: It’s almost surgical the way the flesh has been torn away so cleanly. There’s no wastage.
Claudia: Any idea what might have done this?
Nick: A creature of devastating power and savagery, to do just that in a few minutes. There’s one thing for sure. It came through an anomaly. The first thing we have to do is find that.

Nick is standing in the middle of a field. Stephen and Abby walk up to him.
Stephen: No trampled or broken vegetation. No track marks and no sign of any anomaly, but there is one hell of a magnetic field, so it’s to be here somewhere. Unless there’s a pylon causing interference.
Abby: Can’t see anything.
Nick: Be quiet a minute and let me think here. Quiet!
Abby: We didn’t say anything.
Nick: No, I mean it’s too quiet. Listen. There’s no birdsong.
Abby: Not a peep.
Stephen: They’re scared off.
Nick: What would scare the birds away? You were wrong, it’s not a pylon. There is an anomaly.
Stephen: Where?
Nick: We’re standing right underneath it.
All three look up and gasp. The anomaly is quite a way above them.
Stephen: It’s an aerial predator.
Abby: Wow.
Nick: Yeah, that’s one way of putting it. Now how the hell do we cordon off the sky?
Stephen looks to the side and sees something.
Stephen: Cutter.
Nick: I mean, this thing could be anywhere by now.
Abby has joined Stephen, and they are both looking at the PTERANODON. Nick is looking in the wrong direction.
Stephen: I wouldn’t be so sure about that.
Abby throws herself to the ground, and Stephen tackles Nick as the Pteranodon dives at them, screeching. They get to their feet.
Stephen: So, not so hard to find then.

Connor pulls up at a gate being guarded by 2 soldiers. He shows them his ID.
Connor: Access all areas, I think you’ll find. Thank you.
The soldiers let him pass. Rex is on the parcel shelf above the boot. The guy who checked the ID looks at Rex curiously as Connor drives past.
Connor drives towards the Manor, and parks up outside. Connor gets out of the car, and takes his jacket off, having a look around as he does so. He turns to put his jacket in the car, and sees Rex, sitting on the top of the car.
Connor: Oh my God! Oh, sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to shout. I was just… I was a bit shocked, that’s all, that you’re here. I mean, it’s lovely, that you’re here and everything. It’s probably best if you stay in the car, mate. Yeah? Okay, there’s a good lizard. Nice and still. Nice and still, Rex.
Connor has edged around the car. He tries to grab Rex, who bounces to the other side of the car roof.
Connor: Do you want to play? You want to play! Of course you do. Rex, please, mate. My life’s not going to be worth living if we get caught. Just get back in the car, yeah?
At this point, Connor tries to grab Rex again, but the lizard jumps up and flies towards the woods. Connor follows.

Cutter is watching the pteranodon through a pair of binoculars. Abby and Stephen are with him.
Abby: What is it?
Nick: Pterodactyloid pterosaur. It’s probably a pteranodon.
Abby: Is it what killed the golfer.
Stephen: I’d say it’s definitely in the frame.
Nick: Well, pteranodon was supposed to have mainly eaten small reptiles and fish.
Stephen: Probably just snacking until human’s came along.
Abby: Why’s it circling?
Stephen: Looking for a roost?
Nick: Well, it’s spoilt for choice. Certainly looking for something.
At the other end of the fairway, Rex emerges from the trees, closely followed by Connor.
Connor: Rex! Rex! You know, I swear, when I catch you, you’re going to be the first animal to become extinct twice. Come here, I’m serious.
Stephen notices movement at the other end of the fairway.
Stephen: Is that Connor?
Nick: What.
Stephen: Connor.
Connor: Got to be honest with you. You’re making my life quite difficult right now, Rex.
Abby: What’s he doing?
Nick: More importantly, what’s our friend up there doing?
Stephen: He’s not looking for a roost. He’s looking for lunch.
Abby and Stephen: Connor! Connor!
Nick: Connor! Come here, quickly!
Connor winces.
Connor: Great. Hear that? That means game over. Eh? You think I’m chasing after you one more step, you’re sadly mistaken sunshine.
Nick: Ryan! Will you come over here quickly?
Claudia, Ryan and two of Ryan’s men hurry over to where Nick and the others are standing.
Rex’s chirping changes tone as he sees the pteranodon swoop in behind Connor.
Connor: What?
Connor turns and sees the pteranodon.
Abby: Get into the trees!
Stephen: Run you idiot!
Connor: Rex, run!
The two of them start to run towards the trees.
Abby: Run, Connor.
Ryan: Cover it!
Claudia: Oh, no.
Connor: Rex! Come on mate!
Claudia: Shoot it.
Nick: No, wait a minute. There’s something about this that doesn’t add up. I’m just not entirely sure what it is yet.
Claudia: Do it.
Nick: No! We should only kill these creatures when there’s absolutely no other choice!
Claudia: Choice? What other choice? In a matter of seconds, Connor’s going to be ripped to shreds!
Stephen: We can’t take that chance.
Claudia: Follow your orders, Captain.
Ryan: Yes, ma’am.
Ryan fires as the pteranodon closes in on Connor, but Nick pushes him, causing him to miss.
Claudia: Nick.
Ryan fires again, but misses again.
Ryan: It’s out of range.
Just as the pteranodon is about to reach them, Connor and Rex jump down an incline and it misses. Connor lies on his back, laughing with relief, as the pteranodon flies away.
Connor: Woo!
Claudia: Really wish you hadn’t done that. God knows how many people you just condemned to death.
Nick is looking through his binoculars again, to where Connor is lying.
Nick: Wait a minute. There’s a lizard with him.
Claudia: A lizard?
Nick: Salurosorophus.
Abby: Oh, he let Rex escape!
Everyone turns to look at Abby.
Claudia: What have you done?
Nick: You kept him?
Abby: No. Yeah. Yes. He came back. I was just looking after him.
Claudia: What do you think we’re doing here? Running some kind of private zoo?
Abby: I’m sorry, guys.
Stephen: That’s why your flat was so hot.
Connor is jogging towards them, brushing sand off his hat.
Nick: Now, we don’t know enough about the creature yet.
Claudia: Lester was right. You people are a menace. What do you think we’re doing here, Nick? Playing some kind of game?
Nick: Nobody’s taking this more seriously than we are.
Stephen: Look, it’s wounded, okay? So it’s not going to go far. It needs to roost.
Claudia: I hope you’re right. For all our sakes. [To Ryan] Come on.
Connor reaches then as Claudia and the soldiers leave.
Stephen: She’s got a point.
Nick: Look, I’m not being sentimental. There were good reasons for not killing the creature.
Stephen: And you’re sure about that?
Nick: No, of course I’m not sure! I’ve probably just made the biggest mistake of my life! Just a hunch, that’s all.
Connor: Well, that was a bit of a laugh wasn’t it?
Nick: Silly arse.
Connor: What?
Nick and Abby both give Connor dirty looks and walk away.
Abby: Hey, look. I just didn’t want Rex to be locked up. Poked and prodded by Lester’s people. Can I keep him?
Nick: You’d better bloody find him first.

Nick and Stephen are talking to Claudia and Ryan about pteranodon.
Nick: Pteranodon hunted from high vantage points. Cliff tops, mountains, anywhere that gave it a good sight of potential prey.
Stephen: We need to be looking at all the highest points within a couple of miles.
Ryan gets a message on his radio and points to the laptop.
Ryan: Real-time images are coming through now.
Stephen zooms in on a satellite image, until the pteranodon can be seen, resting on top of a building in the city.
Stephen: There it is.
Nick: Got it.
Ryan: Office building less than a mile away. Should be empty on a Saturday. Let’s go!
Nick: We’ve got to get there first.
Stephen closes his laptop. He, Claudia and Nick get in their truck, Ryan and the soldiers get in jeeps and set off.

Abby and Connor are wandering the woods looking for Rex.
Abby: Rex!
Connor: Rexy! Come on mate. Come to Daddy!
Abby: You don’t leave here until you find him.
Connor: Sorry. I can’t think how he got out. Abby, look. I am sorry.
Abby: If anything happens to him, I’ll… uh! Just find him!
Connor: I’m finding him, I’m finding him.

Nick, Claudia and Stephen pull up outside the office building. They appear to have got there first.
Claudia: We should wait for Ryan.
Stephen pulls out a rather large gun. They head inside the building.
Claudia: What’s that?
Stephen: A tranquilliser gun.
Claudia: No way.
Nick: Take out about 5 of those things up there.
Claudia: I’m not taking any more chances. I want it dead.
Nick: Oh, just humour me.
Claudia: What?
Nick: Have I ever let you down before? Don’t answer that. Just trust me, please.
Claudia: Why do you keep doing this to me?
Nick: Look, we’re in unknown territory here. I don’t know. The only thing that I know is killing these creatures without good reason is not the answer.
Claudia: You’ve got until Ryan gets here. One chance, one shot.
Nick and Stephen head off down the corridor ahead of Claudia.
Stephen: Never thought she’d buy that.
Nick: No. Neither did I.
The pteranodon is perched on the edge of the roof. The three of them climb up a ladder onto the highest part of the roof. Stephen aims his gun, but the pteranodon takes off before he can shoot.
Nick: Damn it!
The pteranodon circles the building.
Nick: Look. We’re going to have to find a way to bring here back into range. You see the red crest on the top of her head? Red. That’s it. [To Claudia] I need your shirt.
Claudia: What?
Nick: Your shirt.
Claudia: Come on. It’s magenta.
Nick: It’s close enough.
Claudia: It’s nothing like red.
Nick runs across the roof. Claudia very unwillingly starts to unbutton her shirt. Stephen turns around and hands her the gun.
Stephen: Wait. Forgot about this. You owe me.
Stephen is wearing a red undershirt. Nick grabs a metal pole, as Ryan’s men start pouring in the building at the bottom.
Back on the roof, Nick has tied Stephen’s red shirt to the end of the pole. Stephen pulls his other shirt back on and Claudia passes the gun back.
Nick: You good?
Stephen: I’m good.
Nick whistles to get the pteranodon’s attention, and starts to wave the pole, as Stephen takes aim. Claudia backs away.
Nick: Right. In your own time.
Stephen’s first shot misses, despite the pteranodon being in his gun sights.
Stephen: The wind took it.
Nick: Yup. Try again. Quick as you like there, Stephen.
Stephen’s second shot also misses. The soldiers are still making their way through the building.
Stephen: Damn thing keeps moving.
Nick: Yep. That’s what they do.
Stephen: This time. Come on, fellow.
Nick: Stephen, shoot it. Stephen, for God’s sake, will you shoot it?
Claudia has started to move back in panic. Stephen waits until the pteranodon is right on top of them before he shoots, finally hitting it. The dinosaur rolls across the rooftop, backing Claudia further against the wall. Where it lies, unconscious.
Nick: You see that?
Stephen: No need to shout. What are we going to do with it?
Nick: Take it back to the anomaly site. Send it back.
Claudia: That’s it Cutter. No more favours. From now on we do this my way. I take the decisions.
The pteranodon, not quite as unconscious as first appeared, screeches and flails, hitting Claudia over the head with its beak, knocking her out.
Nick: Whoops.

1x05 Part 2
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