Wally, chapter 4

Jan 01, 2017 10:18

Title: Wally
Chapter 4
Written by: Parishs
Rating: pg
Summary: Reid's uncle Angus dies and that brings him to Oakdale. The title will be explained later in the story but I guess you figure out who Wally is....
Disclaimer: I own nothing

Thanks to zzzfreckles (Pamela) for the beta

His comment about our dinner being a date changed everything. I had never looked at guys that way since I was with Andrew, and when he died my sexual feelings were buried too. And now a young hotshot thought he had a date with me, or asked himself what we were to each other. It made the evening heavy.

What did I want it to be? Did he offer himself to me in a way? I was so bad at reading people, listening between lines and catching suggesting remarks. Was I ready to have a date with someone? And if I was, was Wally the one who would speed up my heartbeat?

I got a bit nauseous and doubted for a long time to call the whole...date.... off but the more I thought about it the more I started to like the idea of being with him. He was hip, nice and a good influence on me, so I took a long hot bath and shaved. I didn't bring my expensive eau de toilette with me to this one-horse-town and now I regretted that, I wanted to show him that I liked his invitation.

It was a present from Andrew on our 12.5 anniversary. I didn't spray it on too much, afraid that the bottle would get empty but for this special occasion I would have.

Or...why was this a special occasion all of a sudden? I was just going to eat something with a guy I met. I looked in the mirror and saw the dark circles around my eyes. I looked tired and depressed. Why did he ask me? I was a ghost.

I was startled when I heard a knock on the door, was I too late? I checked my phone and saw that it was a quarter to nine; I did make him wait for me while I was doing nothing.

I opened the door and almost didn't recognize him; it was the voice that made that I knew who the man on my doorstep was. He had showered and got dressed in an expensive suit, his baseball cap was gone and his hair was combed backwards. I heard myself inhale deeply; he wasn't playing fair because right now he could be a supermodel. He held a bag in his hand.

"Hey Reid, you forgot your skates, I thought I bring them upstairs. Nice room", he said.

I put the bag on the floor but didn't know what to say; I was flabbergasted by the transformation. "You look stunning", was all I could come up with.

Wally smiled shyly; "not over the top I hope, I have a party I have to go to after our dinner so I thought I would be dressed for the occasion already. You don't look so bad yourself Reid. Let's go downstairs so we can order something to eat, I am starving".

I could only do what he said and we walked down the stairs to the dining room where we sat down on our reserved table. I already knew what I wanted because I had been eating here for a few nights: spareribs with fries, it was so delicious that I felt the water in my mouth when I thought about it.

"What do you want?", I asked, giving Wally the menu, avoiding looking at him because quite frankly I couldn't take my eyes off of him when our eyes met.

Wally didn't seem to hear me; he looked down on his phone and cursed.

"What's wrong?", I asked, "do you have to go?

He shook his head. "No, but Noah is waiting tables tonight".

"So why is that affecting you?", I asked.

"Because he is my ex", Wally whispered.

I couldn't wrap my brain around the fact why on earth someone would dump Wally because when he was my boyfriend I would never let him go but okay, that was my opinion, based on just a physical attraction.

"So what happened to being a grown up about the breakup and just be friends?".

I saw him smile and relax. "Yes you are right Reid, we had a good time but now it's over, I want him to be happy again and I couldn't make that happen, although I tried hard, like, really hard. I often wondered if he was gay at all but since he has a boyfriend again I guess he is".

"What was the situation, I asked?

Wally looked in the distance for a while and then hooked his gaze on me.

"Interesting question", he said. "The situation was that I had a thing for him soon after he came to Oakdale but he dated my female friend for a while, so I didn't make a move, I accepted that I had a crush on him but that it would never work between us. But then one night he kissed me and after a while we hit it off so to speak. But after a few years someone opened my eyes and told me that I didn't look happy so I did some self-research and the only conclusion was that I was stuck with Noah. So I broke things up with him".

"But why are things still tense?", I asked.

"I have always felt a bit awkward around him but since we broke up he tries to look after me and that is...patronizing and freaky. And worst of all he is very jealous; whenever I am with a guy he makes inappropriate remarks. Or he kisses me. I don't know what's going on inside his brain, never have actually".

"But we are just having dinner, he has nothing to be jealous about as far as I am concerned", I said. "We'll see how thing will be when he shows up, how do you know he is working?".

"My sister texted me when I told her I was going to eat here, she works in the kitchen as a chef".

"How big is your family"?, I wondered.

"Huge, and they are everywhere", Wally smirked.

"And that doesn't suffocate you?", I asked.

"Yes it does, it did but I learned that you can't run away from your past, you are your past so I came back and now I am trying to make the best of it. And I have to say that I sometimes have days when I like it here".

"And the other days?", I asked because he didn't seem the depressed type.

"They suck", was the quick answer.

"But you have to have dreams, things you wanted to achieve in life, did you reach your goals?", I heard myself say. Where did that come from.

"Oh yes I had dreams and I am proud of what I have started here in Oakdale, the Wally city as we jokingly call it. I have had a shipping company but it wasn't my thing so I sold it, it was a heritage of my father.

I come from a very complex family Reid, I can talk for days and then you won't know the half of what has happened to me. So I am grateful that my life here is dull and predictable, I don't have to look over my shoulder if I am safe here".

I tried to figure out if he was messing with me or that he was telling the truth. He couldn't be older than 30 and such a ridiculous life? While I tried to read him I saw Noah coming our way, I was curious of what he was going to do.

As Wally predicted he grabbed my guests' shoulders and kissed him on the cheek. "Luke", he said, "how nice to see you again".

Luke? What was he saying? Wally looked at me, rolling with his eyes and sighing. "Thanks Noah, how is Richard?

The waiter froze. What was his problem? Did he think that things would work out between him and his ex?

When Noah didn't react, Wally introduced me to him. "Noah, this is Doctor Oliver from Dallas".

Noah hardly looked at me when he nodded. "Yes, the doctor and I have met; he is staying in the hotel".

I let all the possible reactions from my side pass in my head and thought about a provocation like grabbing Wally’s hand or make a romantic remark to get rid of the waiter but somehow it seemed inappropriate to come between them, so I just looked sheeply at Wally and hoped that he would come up with a good line.

"Can you ask Natalie if the order is going to take much longer; I’m going to a party in an hour and we didn't get our soup yet", he asked.

I smirked under my breath, loving the way he dismissed his ex. Noah looked pissed at me and walked away. I heard Wally exhale deeply.

"That's what I mean", he said, "it's weird right?".

"Do you still love him?", I asked.

Wally fumbled with his knife; "I wonder sometimes if I ever did but he was available you know and it's not a gay Mecca here. And about love, I don't really know what that is; love is so often intertwined with a need of control and expectations that I am a happy single now.

I only have to answer to the kids because I promised them something, and that feels good. I have been traveling and living the good life but when no one needs me I feel lost".

The recognition hit me hard, maybe that was what was missing in my life, someone who needed me, not the doctor I was but the person Reid. I missed Andrew so much that it hurt but I had to find a way to overgrow that, to make something of the time that I had felt. I could be grieving but I had to search for something, or someone to look forward to. Was Wally the one?

I liked his persona and his drive but I didn't know him, he was nice to anyone but he somehow kept his distance towards me. And I did the same towards him.

"So, what are your plans for the house?".

"I haven't decided yet, I want to get it modernized and maybe I can keep it as a house where I go to during the holidays, until I know where I want to live. I can't make a decision that big during this trip, it's too emotional to just sell my stuff in Dallas and move here".

Wally nodded. "Well maybe I can get it painted and stuff with the kids and if it takes a while for you to decide then maybe I can rent it, I need a bit more space for a few kids who can go and live on their own. It’s going to take a few weeks until they can go to their apartments, they are not finished yet and if you would allow me to use it for the time being than I would be very happy".


"That's okay Wally", I said without thinking because his pleading eyes melted my solid heart a bit. Why not?

"Are you sure?", he asked; "maybe you need a night's sleep to consider some pros and cons".

I shook my head. "No, I am going back to Dallas; I don't want to be here for the holidays, living in a hotel, that's pathetic. I am going home tomorrow and then I am going to think about this place. But maybe we can sit down for a while there and see what needs to be done, do you have time tomorrow?".

He beamed and grabbed my arm. "God Reid, this is perfect, I didn't know where to house these kids, I already asked my dad but I don't want to be a burden for him with my problems, Wally’s is mine and I am responsible for the whole routine.

My real estate man promised me that the houses would be finished before Christmas but he can't get it done. What time do you want to meet tomorrow, maybe I can bring a friend who is a renovator to look at the house. Do you want to change a lot?".

"I have no idea to be honest, to me the whole thing is old junk but maybe it's just dirty and needs some paint. Shall we say 10 o'clock?".

Wally nodded. "And go to the hospital Reid, I am going to ring Bob to give you a tour so you can see how wonderful the new wing is, if you want state of the art then you need to work here. There is some budget left to make some alterations to your specifications".

"How large was the budget?", I wondered.

"Very large", Wally said. "Shall I make the call and ask if Bob is available for lunch? I want to see the wing myself again, see how far it is".

"And you are involved...feel free to finish the sentence", I said.

"Because I am one of the donors of the wing", Wally said. "When Henry, a man here in Oakdale decided to spend his blood money to the hospital I couldn't refuse, I wanted to get rid of my inheritance as well and I gave it all away. I have been informed about all the stages of the plan because I was a member of the board".

It was hard to process what he said, I remembered the shabby thrift shop owner but it seemed impossible that that was a backer of a hospital wing. But he seemed sincere.

"It looks like you want to keep me here", I said without thinking, must have been the wine that made me babble.

Wally fumbled with his knife again. "I just want to help you out Reid", he said softly. "I am always caring and trying to find the best solutions but if you think I am hovering please say so".

I shook my head; "why do you keep thinking that you hover?", I asked.

"Because I’ve been accused so many times that there must be some kind of truth in it", he said.

"I just think it's amazing how much you care", I said. "You are giving your life for the kids in your city, people should be proud of what you have achieved being so selfless".

He looked up and smiled shyly. "That's a nice thing to say Reid", he said. "It's not a job you know, it's my life's purpose to try and get these kids on track".

"You don't have to tell me why but I think you're amazing. But tell me, why did Noah call you Luke?

He sighed. "That's the name my family uses, it's kinda my birth name but I wanted to change it because it didn't feel right anymore. My family is....like....really freaky, and I see them once in a while but I don't feel connected to them, the only people I see are my grandmothers and my siblings.

There was so much fucked up mess about my first and last name that I decided to go by my grandma's last name: Walsh. That way I came up with the name Wally and I named my place after it. I am content now, for the first time in my life, and I don't want any drama again, I just love my kids and take care of them as if they were my own".

"For someone who had so many shit you dried up wonderfully", I said, locking eyes with him. I saw him relax a bit, saw the candles reflect in his eyes and saw a hint of a spark. It made me warm inside but also emotional.

"I have to go to my room, I had a little too much to drink, I am going to be at the house at 10. Will you please ask Noah to put the bill on my room number? I liked our dinner very much".

I stood up clumsily and waited till Wally stood up too. Should we kiss? Did I want that? Luckily he decided for me, he grabbed my hand and shook it.

"Shall I bring you upstairs?", he asked.

I shook my head fast. "No thanks".

Chapter 5

atwt, pg, : !author|artist: parishs, lure_atwt, luke, reid, wally

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