Still not enough, chapter 1

Jan 09, 2016 17:45

Series: Still not enough
Chapter: 1
Written by: Parishs
Rating: pg-13
Summary: Reid had a nice New Years night with a gigolo he can't get out of his head (Reid's POV).
Sequel of the Yule challenge 2015 entry: Not enough
Following slightly the FFF prompt of this week: Passion
Disclaimer: I own nothing

Thanks to zzzfreckles (Pamela) for the beta and encouragement!!!

Yule 2015 challenge: not enough

It was great to work with Steven because he was nice and efficient. He knew the ways to give my fund a boost and had a huge network of wealthy people who loved to donate to what had started as my kinda hobby: making operations possible for people who didn't have the resources.

We worked two nights per month and soon we had so much money that I could start to schedule patients regularly on the OR list. Steven also wanted to expand the foundation in a larger area because he liked the primary idea so much.

"We can set up charity nights Reid, in which you tell about the idea you came up with and how much you have achieved already, wouldn't that be nice? You also have to give it an official name, what do you think about the Reid Oliver foundation? You can grow national with this idea and I love to help you with it".

I growled. "No and no Steven, as much as I like your help I am not going to be one of these wannabees who are walking in public spaces with a headset talking about myself. This is a practical fund which just wants to help. I am not making myself the center of attention here".

Steven smirked. "Luke told me that you are arrogant but deep inside you are modest Reid, what is the story behind this?".

That name, it evoked chills on my back. "Did he say that?", I said laughing. "I told him I am not modest, on the contrary, I am the best at what I do but you have to remember that I am a savant".

Steven looked at me. "A what?", he asked.

"Someone with a few hints of anti-social behavior, I don't like groups and I don't like changes, I can't speak for a room filled with people even if it's about my passion: my work. And I don't want to be the figurehead of a fund that is going national; I want to remain control over what I have set up here.

You can do that if you want but don't expect me to help you; that's not possible for me. I am a neuro surgeon first and foremost and I want to do whatever I can to make this fund a success but in my spare time. I want to operate like I did before; I am not a director or a leader".

"That's okay, Luke already warned me about my ideas being too wild, but I love the reason behind this foundation so much, you say you are anti-social but this is the most social thing I have ever heard. Giving everyone the same chance. I have sent you the list of donations from the last two weeks, have you had time to look at it? It's almost trending, this topic in Oakdale and beyond".

So Luke talked a lot about me to Steven. Why? He said that he didn't want any physical contact, only business wise but what he discussed with his accountant qualified as personal. He told the guy how he thought of me. I felt a quiver in my cock but I tried to ignore the fact that Steven said Luke's name in every sentence and opened the file he had sent me.

I looked at the names and the amounts they had donated. For some people the recession didn't count obviously, especially the Walsh family, whoever they were. I whistled between my teeth when I saw the total sum. "You have to be kidding me?", I said in disbelief. "In two weeks? How did you encounter them, did you mail people or call them? I don't know any of them but you did a hell of a job".

"Fundraising is like a gossip Reid", the guy said. "It's word-on-mouth-advertising what works the best. If someone in a particular network donates and tells about it when he is going to play golf with his friends the others are going to pay too, even more than the messenger. We know how it's done and we know a lot of people so it was easy".

"We?", I said but I could bite my tongue when the words escaped my mouth. Of course, our mutual acquaintance helped him. I didn't ask him directly so now he decided that he could support me via a bypass.

Steven didn't see my confusion. "Yes you have driven Luke totally crazy", he said.

I got a little lightheaded. "I did?".

"Yes, I have never seen him this passionate. He even works on ideas in the weekends when he is free. Till a few months ago he always went to his dad at Friday night to help him on the farm but since he doesn't do that anymore he is thinking about strategies for your fund".

I looked at the pale man next to me. Did he really think that Luke went to help his father in the weekends? He ran a gigolo service. Maybe Luke separated the two worlds; that would make sense in the line of business he worked in, he couldn't be recognized as an escort, no one would take him seriously. But did Steven know nothing?.

"It's funny to hear you say Luke, he introduced himself to me as Edward", I said and looked if my confession created some kind of recognition. But Steven genuinely didn't seem to know what I was talking about. "That's strange", he said. "Or maybe he wanted to be a little humble and be incognito, he hates it when he has to be the big Luke Snyder, his second name is Eduardo so maybe he used that with you. How did you guys meet anyway?", he asked.

In my systematic mind a short-circuit-contact took place because I couldn't lie and I couldn't think of a good explanation. He obviously didn't know Luke was a former hustler and I didn't want to expose him. "Someone at work met Luke and talked about my work and he got interested", I said softly. "And you, how do you know him?".

"We went to high school together,", he said. "And after that we lost contact, that's the way things go, right? But after I got my degree we met again and when he inherited Grimaldi shipping he asked me to become his accountant so now I work for him exclusively".

"And is it just business or also pleasure?", I couldn't help myself.

"Strictly business, I know Luke is gay but I never see him with a guy. It's a shame because he is freaking hot but obviously he is too busy or just not into me and it’s better this way, having an affair with the boss is hard".

I nodded, satisfied with the answer. It would have been heartbreaking if I knew that he had screwed Steven. Although....he said he had had almost too much sex so what did one more or less matter. In this case a lot and I got more irrational by the day.

Next chapter

atwt, still not enough, funficfriday, : !author|artist: parishs, luke, reid, rating: pg-13

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