Fresh start: chapter 24

Nov 04, 2015 06:29

Series: Fresh start
Chapter: 24
Written by: Parishs
Rating: r
Summary: Reid is a neuro surgeon in Dallas with a burn out who tries to figure out what life is really about (Reid's POV).
Disclaimer: I own nothing

Thanks to zzzfreckles (Pamela) for the beta!!!


While I opened the door of his bedroom Luke shook his head. "Not that way Reid", he said. "I am not ready to start a fight with my mother and Noah yet; there are more important things we have to focus on now".

The spark in his eyes went directly to my cock. He couldn't wait to be alone with me and o man, I needed him, one way or the other. The image of us lying naked on the beer rug before my new fireplace made me moan softly.

We had a sexual click like I never had with anyone before but the thing that was even more intriguing was the mental bond we had. I had never been a social person before but he made that I thought about his needs first. What had happened to me? The guy that colleagues accused of being narcicistic? Egocentric?

Thinking of it, it wasn't something he did, he didn't change me on purpose, it was the person he was that increased my heartbeat. That made that I wanted to take care of him without smothering him, because he had enough of that from his ex.

Looking at Luke and the hurry he was in I tried to fight the jealousy I felt for the guy. It would come and haunt me at night soon, I was sure of that but for now I had to straighten my back and do what Luke wanted.

"So we are going to climb out of your window on a sheet?", I joked.

Luke smiled. "If I was fit enough we could try that Reid, that sounds so romantic but in the meantime we can use the ladder from the hallway. It's to the right, can you get it? My grandma uses it when she has to go to the attic. I have used it so much when I needed to escape my room in my yought. You know, when I had a date".

I imagined him climbing out of his window all horny and young, on his way to his lover who he fucked in the barn over a bale of hay. I wished I had known him then, I would have loved to be the one he needed trying to tame his racing hormones. As a kid I never had that need, I was more of a trained seal, playing chess and studying.

But that was the past and now, o my goodness, now I knew what hormones did to you, how they made you completely crazy with want. I got the ladder from the hallway as softly as I could and put it where Luke needed it. "I'll go first Luke", I said. "I know that you are still a bit dizzy sometimes so I will guide you downstairs, I don't want you to fall".

He kissed me slowly and looked deep into my soul. "Thank you for being my knight and shining armor", he said. "I love you so much".

He whistled when he saw my new car. "So a land rover huh?", he said. "You are throwing your money around, are you trying to impress someone?".

He never ceased to amaze me. "Who do I need to impress?", I asked stunned.

"Me maybe, showing me that you have turned into a real farm boy. Or my family. I don't know why I said that. sorry. It's just a car I never pictured you with".

"What car is then?", I asked.

"I don't know, a BMW I guess, or a Jaguar. Something distinguished. You ooze class and style".

He surprised me every time with his ideas, so that was how he saw me. I was a little older than he but not that much. Did he think that I was too old for him? Did he have them younger?

Suddenly I was confused realizing how little he knew me. We were crazy in love but we didn't share any history. What was wrong with me, why was I so lost? Was it my burn out again messing up my life? Where did these feelings of insecurity and jealousy come from?

Luke pulled on my arm and awoke me from my thoughts. "Can we go please?", he begged. "I want to be gone before they miss us. I am not in a mood to fight or explain I just want to be with you and listen to you, you seemed a bit lost. Let's go to your house. Shall I drive?".

A smirk escaped my mouth. "No you can never drive in my car Luke, you are going to ruin it on your first day, you drive like a lunatic. I don't care if you demolish your own Audi but I am a careful driver. I want to keep this car clean and whole, I don't want you to turn it into a dump like you have done with yours. In fact you can't drive so soon after your surgery so move to the other side and sit down".

He looked at me and I realized how much I loved him, all of him, even when he was pouting like he was now. "I guess I am not a what's-mine-is-yours kinda guy Luke, I have my own standards and I respect yours. I want you to be you but I need to be me, can you do that?".

He sat down next to me and looked into the distance. I started the engine and drove away. I smelled the leather and oil from the new car but it was mixed with his scent and spirit, a perfect combination. "So, did I offend you? Scare you off with my ideas?", I asked.

Luke shook his head. "No Reid, you just made me think, you are the first person who asks me to be who I am and who asks me to accept you for who you are. It's such a change in the way I need to look at the world, and us.

For me it's as if I just have become an adult. I have tried to please the people around me all my life and I never thought about what I needed, I was always adjusting. You are the only man who has accepted my haste and rudeness, who loved me even though I was neck-deep buried in my work. You don't want me to change and that is so new, so freeing.

I don't know how to do that Reid, I have been a control freak all my life, also to myself, I pushed myself to the limit to be perfect. But you don't expect that from me. Why?".

"Because I love the person you are Luke, with your flaws and all, when you were at your mother's house I had too much time to think and I realized that there is nothing that you can say or do that will break us, not if you ask me.

Without wanting to sound like a saint I can truly say that you are the man I want to be with. I have thought about the possibility that you are going to mess up my house and work all night while I want you in my bed but I realized that it's all better than being without you.

I have been so miserable when you were at Lily's house, you were so close but I didn't see you. I don’t ever want to experience that again. I love you, haven't you figures that out yet?".

He laid his hand on my leg and looked at me with teary eyes. "Thank you Reid", he said softly. "I have to learn to listen to what I need, I have no idea. We'll figure it out together, right? I am just so grateful that we have met. And I want to be alone with you so bad, can you please hurry a bit?".

"We can make love in the back of the car", I said. "That's one of the reasons why I bought this one".

"So why don't you drive to the right here and let us try that feature", he said and moved his hand a little higher until he cupped my erection".

He could let me do anything he wanted, my man; as if I was a puppet on a string but god I loved it, to be in his skilled hands, to let him take control. He made me feel things I had never felt before; he wanted me like no one else. And that was all I needed.


atwt, rating: r, fresh start, : !author|artist: parishs, lure_atwt, luke, reid

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