Fresh start: chapter 19

Oct 16, 2015 11:19

Series: Fresh start
Chapter: 19
Written by: Parishs
Rating: r
Summary: Reid is a neuro surgeon in Dallas with a burn out who tries to figure out what life is really about (Reid's POV).
Disclaimer: I own nothing

Thanks to zzzfreckles (Pamela) for the beta!!!


"How is everything going?", I PM’d to Aaron.

"It's going really well Reid", Aaron wrote back. "I am working on your house day and night. I have a lot of help from my colleagues and friends of Luke; they all want to make sure that your house is ready when he comes back. Your bedroom is almost finished and tomorrow the kitchen is going to be delivered so we can install the whole thing. When do you think you are coming home?".

"I have no idea, Luke is getting there but it takes a lot of time. You have seen him this week; he hardly can tilt his arm. He has to be able to sit for a few hours before we can bring him to the airport".

"I admire your strength Reid", Aaron wrote back. "I am so glad that Luke has you in his corner. I have seen how he looks at you; he is so in love with you. He needs someone who fights for what he wants; otherwise Lily and Noah are going to drive him crazy".

"Why are they doing that Aaron? You know them better than I do. They don't seem to be interested in what Luke wants; they treat him like a kid".

"They are worried sick about him Reid".

"They have a funny way of showing that Aaron. They asked me to stop seeing him because it was too stressful for him".

"WTF? Really? I am going to call her".

"No please don't interfere, I don't want to fight with them, Luke needs all the support he can get. I am just trying to understand why they are doing this".

"Didn't Luke tell you about his difficult relationship with his mother?".

"I am afraid we haven't talked about personal stuff much, he once said he would tell me in time but unfortunately we didn't have that yet".

"I can understand that Reid, don't take it personal. Luke has had a very turbulent life and I guess that he isn't used to be treated the way you treat him. You listen to what he has to say and wants and that is exactly what he needs right now. I am so glad that you are investing so much time in him. Maybe when he lives with you here in Oakdale he can start living again, visiting his friends and family. His friends are helping me with your house and they tell me how much they miss Luke".

"But Luke lived in Oakdale his whole life".

"Noah wasn't the sharing type Reid. When they started dating Luke introduced Noah to his friends and they went out in the weekends until they started an internship at WOAK, the television station here. From that moment on they were busy making a career. Luke gave up everything when Noah told him that he wanted to go to LA to study film directing. He left his friends and family he loved so much behind and supported Noah financially and emotionally".

"What do you mean he left everything behind?

"Luke is a very gifted writer Reid; he studied American and European literature at OU and followed writing courses. During his internship he wrote a few scripts for a web series. He loved it but when Noah started to dream about LA he let go of his own passion".

"Why didn't he pick up that up when they were in LA?"

"His real dad showed up in LA and needed him in his business. He introduces Luke to the stock market and slowly transferred a lot of clients to him".

"He could have said no, why did he do it if his heart wasn't in it?".

"Our family has been dysfunctional our whole life Reid. Why do you think I don't want something steady? I have seen how manipulative Lily is, and Damian, Luke's bio-dad as he calls him. You should ask Luke one day, when he is better, he is the one who should tell you all this. But he has been kidnapped to Malta when he was young, his mother and my dad haven been married several times and divorced as much. His grandmother who was his safe haven died when he was 16. She left him so much money that he can sit on a veranda of his own villa his whole life".

"That's so sad Aaron, but why didn't he choose for himself when he was financially independent?".

"Because Luke is a giver Reid. He always forgave Lily and Damian. And Noah. He always saw something positive in their actions. That was his coping mechanism I guess. Giving in, hoping that it would bring the stability he so much needed".

"God that is so sad".

"Yes it is. But since he has met you he is so happy. He knows that you love him for who he is, not for his name or money. And that makes than he is working so hard during PT. You are there for him just because you want to, no strings or conditions, and that is something he can hardly believe is true. He calls you godsend".


"Yes, does that make you feel uncomfortable?".

"It would have if it was said by anyone but Luke. It puts a lot of pressure on my shoulders Aaron; it feels as if I am responsible for his happiness".

"He doesn't mean that I suppose, he is just glad that you are in his life. Since he has broken up with Noah he has locked himself up in his office and he has only worked, it was his way to escape the madness around him. But when you came in the picture he allowed himself to go out and enjoy a walk in the sun. You challenged him to come out of his shell just because you wanted him to have a good time".

"You make it sound like I am a saint Aaron; I was just crazy in love with him and wanted him".

"That's all he needs Reid, to have someone who wants him that much".

"Okay, that's something I am good at I suppose. He is on my mind day and night".

"Well send him my love when you are going to the hospital, I have to work Reid, we want the whole place as good as possible when you return".

"Thanks so much Aaron!".

I looked at my phone and searched for the pictures I had made today. Luke in his wheelchair drinking a latte with extra whip-cream to make sure that he didn't lose more weight. He was so skinny that you could see his ribs through his shirt. But he tried to smile when I took the pictures. A hint of his spark was coming back. God I loved him more every day, especially after Aaron's story. I was going to be the one who would make him feel safe and wanted. He was my everything.


atwt, fresh start, : !author|artist: parishs, lure_atwt, luke, reid, rating: pg-13

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