Fresh start: chapter 8

Sep 12, 2015 09:52

Series: Fresh start
Chapter: 8
Written by: Parishs
Rating: r
Summary: Reid is a neuro surgeon in Dallas with a burn out who tries to figure out what life is really about (Reid's POV).
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Thanks to zzzfreckles (Pamela) for the beta!!!


All night I was tossing and turning on my mattress, thinking about the two men who had turned my world upside down, and when I was sleeping I dreamed about making out with one of them.

So at sunrise I was glad that I could get up again and work. When I was distracted I didn't have to feel so much, so I ate a sandwich and put on my overall and worked with my sledgehammer until my back started to protest again. Satisfied I looked at the mess I had created and wiped away the sweat from my forehead. I had to stop in time because I didn't want to use Emma's hospitality again, certainly not now I had kissed two of her grandsons.

I looked into my suitcase if I had anything clean to wear but I was running out of clothes so I had to go to town and do some shopping while I was waiting for the laundromat. Maybe I could go to the hospital first to use the shower in my new office and wash the dust out of my hair. It would be wonderful to feel kind of human again.

While I drove on the winding road someone passed me with such a speed that I had to hold my breath because he almost bumped against an oncoming car. I recognized the maniac who startled both me and the other driver, it was Luke. What the hell was he thinking? He put us in serious danger without a reason.

I raised my middle finger and flashed my big headlights to let him know what I was thinking of him but doubted if it would interest him at all. What a jerk!

When I entered John Stroger's hospital I still felt my heart beat in my throat. Why was Luke risking his life like that? What has come over him that he also risked other people's lives?

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and wanted to send him a text but then I remembered that I didn't have his phone number, so I send a text to Aaron instead;

can you ask your little brother to drive more carefully next time, he was a jerk on the road!

I got a text back even before I reached my office;

"we’ve asked him that a million times Reid but he won't listen and BTW I heard you and he had a good time ;-)"

What the fuck? Did they share everything? Luke knew about my kiss with Aaron and Aaron already knew that I had been making out with Luke. Where did I get myself into?

So he liked it?

"Well he was very pissed that you were such a prude but I guess you pushed the right buttons so to speak, ha-ha"

Am not! I am not a prude because I don't want to have sex with everyone who crosses my path! Maybe it's normal in your family but not where I came from. I don't like messes and now I seem to be sucked into a Snyder-swamp

"Don't make such a fuss about it Reid, I liked our kiss very much but I have been honest about what I can give you. Luke on the other hand likes long-term so maybe if you want that too you need to be friendly to him"

What does that even mean around here, being friendly? Suck his dick the first time I see him? What about some courting?

"Ha-ha you are so funny.

Am I? I am dead serious Aaron, enlighten me

"You know what I want, it's called a one-night-stand and if you are good we can make it a two-night-thing but that's it. I don't like messes either doc but Luke on the other hand was always like to be courted but the last couple of months he has changed"

Changed how?

"He is agitated and snobby, even to Noah and Emma"

Why is Noah still a part of his life? He ended things with Luke right?

"Yes Noah ended their relationship because he couldn't take Luke's moods anymore but he still cares about Luke, a lot. Noah still lives in Luke's apartment and does his administration"

So they live together but are not a couple anymore?

"No Luke has moved out and lives in a part of his office, he says it's more efficient because he always works"

Is Noah still in love with him?

"To be honest I guess he is, I think he is hoping that Luke will change into the person he always was, the nice, energetic kid that he fell in love with. But that won't happen; Luke is playing the boss now"

I thought he is the boss?

"He is doing his job Reid, and so am I. It doesn't make you more important if you earn more. I can't understand why some people earn so much anyway; he is just taking care of other people's money, what kind of job is that? I work my fingers to the bones and actually create things, why is that inferior to what he does?"

So he has an ego?

"Didn't you notice?"

No I was busy

"Warming him up and then dumping him, yes he told me"

So his ego is hurt because for once he doesn't get it the way he wants it?

"You should talk to him about that Reid"

You are right, sorry. When are you going to start at my house? I have pulled the last wall down today so if you have time I would like you to come over and make a plan

"I have already made a plan based on your ideas Reid, why don't we discuss it over dinner.

Is this a date?

"It's whatever you want doc. You know I'm interested but I am not sure if you know what you want. Or do you want Luke jealous?"

Jealous, what are you talking about? Is he going to be jealous if we have dinner together?

"Sorry, shouldn't have said that, let's say 7 pm? Have you been to Al's before?"

Is he?

"See you at Al's Reid!"


atwt, rating: r, fresh start, : !author|artist: parishs, lure_atwt, luke, reid

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