Love heals all wounds (Dancing lessons chapter 2)

Feb 11, 2015 14:08

Series: Dancing lessons
Chapter: 2
Written by: Parishs
Inspired by: zzzfreckles
Rating: pg
Summary: Damian talks to his son while he brings him to a safe place (Damian's POV).
Sequel of the Yule challenge 2014: A Christmas wedding
Following the FFF prompt "Love heals all wounds" (02-6-2015)
Disclaimer: I own nothing


While the radio played a modern song I didn’t know I looked at my boy; although he was an adult now I still saw him as a kid and seeing him kiss a man didn’t fit into that picture, not because it was a man but because he was kissing.

I have missed so much of his life, mostly because of my own stupidity, my pride and the expectations I thought my family had. I wish I could do it all over again, my life, I would have cherished our time together and maybe I would have seen how unhappy and lonely he was even though he had many friends.

That hurts the most, to know that he had the idea that he had to hide who he was. And I…it has been the most painful lesson in my life and I hated to look back at it, I never do, I push the past away. But now we are stuck in the car for a few hours I have to talk to him and hope that love will heal all wounds.

Does he love me anyway? Or is he afraid of me?

“Hey Luke, are you okay?”, I started. “I am so sorry that I had to do it like this you know. It seems a kind of pattern that I want to save you against your will”.

He just looked into the dark night. “It’s okay Damian”, he said. “This time I understand it but it brings back so many memories. I guess I will always question your motives even though you try so hard to ….I don’t know….be a better person or something”.

I looked at his profile and felt his pain and the distance he always kept towards me. It almost made me cry, I felt so emotional but I couldn’t show him my weakness. I didn’t want him to feel sorry for me; he had to know how serious I was about this.

“Maybe to you it sounds weird but I always did what I thought was best for you Luciano”, I said while I looked at him. “I thought that you would be better off in Malta, I thought that all the problems in your family here didn’t do you good and I wanted you to grow up on an island.

Looking back I have made so many mistakes, I only saw things from my perspective and I hope that one day you and I can have a kind of a father-son relationship”.

“You made a great start by spying on me. Don’t you know how confused I am sitting here with you? I am grateful that I am not kidnapped but I am not so sure if I am happy with the fact that you do things behind my back. Can’t you understand that?”.

I nodded. “Yes I do Luciano but…”.

“If you want to bond with me you have to call me Luke”.

“Luke, yes of course, sorry. I only call you Luciano when I speak from the heart; you have no idea how deep the love from a parent goes Luke. I held you in my arms when you were born and I was so proud but the responsibility for another creature felt heavy. It was not just me and your mother but we had to take care of you. And then you start to dream about their future…”.

“ I am sure there was not a man in my bed in those”, he said.

I got it that he was a little provocative. My own fault.

“No, to be honest I have never thought of that possibility but can you believe me when I say that it doesn’t bother me anymore, I just want you to be happy”.


“Yes Luke, really. It looked quite intense with than man tonight. Is it serious between you two? Are you finally getting over…you know, your ex? “.

Luke smirked. “I can’t believe that I am talking with you about this but yes, I hoped to see him again when I came back from our business trip from Europe. I like him a lot”.

“What’s his name?”, I asked.

“Reid, he is a neuro surgeon at Memorial”.

“And he came on to you, how old is he?”.

“Actually I showed him my interest first, it was a kind of love at first sight for me and I wanted him to know how I felt. He’s a few years older than I am I guess but does that matter? Noah was as old as I was but he wasn’t good for me. I can’t believe that you criticize my choice before I start something with him”.

I sighed, I did it again, I let my worries about his happiness mess me up.

“I have to learn to be a parent Luke”, I said softly. “So this Reid, why did you like him?”.

Luke relaxed a bit and smiled. “He takes dancing lessons with me, I saw him on the doorstep of the studio but he was with a guy and they were touchy, so I asked him if they were boyfriends. Turned out they weren’t so I grabbed my chance.

He is good looking and sure of himself without being cocky. And I like his eyes, they look at me with an interest I have never seen before and he makes me feel amazing. God I have to call him and tell him that I had to leave”.

He searched for his phone in his pocket but soon he realized that I threw it away.

“Fuck”, he said, “I had saved his number in my phone and now I can’t reach him, he must think that I wasn’t interested in him. Shit, why is my life so complicated? Why did you gave me that money in the first place? I didn’t ask for it, it only messes thing up”.

I wanted to stop the car and talk this out but we didn’t have time to do that, I had to be sure he was safe so I kept on driving.

“We will find a way to let him know”, I said although I had no idea how yet. He couldn’t call his lover-to-be because the techniques his kidnappers used were ultra-modern; the possibility that they could trace Luke when he called was there, so he had to stay under the radar.

My boy, hiding again. Just because of some lousy bucks. It broke my heart that I had to protect him against these maniacs but I knew that I was doing the right thing, if he had fallen into their hands I don’t know what would have happened.

We were silent for a while and I almost liked the ride. Luciano had closed his eyes and I thought he was sleeping but suddenly he asked me something.

“Why did you gave me the money Damian? What kind of money is it? My mother always said it was blood money so I put it in a foundation but how did you get it? And can we please be completely honest from now on?”.

I looked at him but he still had his eyes closed. His profile was so handsome. I felt so proud that he was my son, that he had the ability to look into the future instead of the past with me, that he always gave me another chance even though I didn’t deserve it. He gave me the benefit of the doubt again so I decided there and then to do what he asked; I would never lie to him again.

“Okay, I’ll tell you. My grandmother’s last name was Provenzano, does that ring a bell?”.

Luke shook his head.

“My family comes from Sicily Luke, and they were all Mafiosi. But my grandmother fell in love with a man from Malta and she left her family and island for him. I loved her so much Luke, you look a lot like her, you have her eyes and her ability to love unconditionally.

She married a very wealthy man who died young, so she was a rich widow but she was afraid that her family from Sicily would find out and therefore she hid it and lived a sober life. She gave it to me when she felt that her strength was leaving her.

And I don’t need it Luci….Luke, I have my own business and I wanted you to be independent. I know that your grandmother and mother have enough money but I didn’t want you to have to beg. I have never foreseen that this money would jeopardize your life”.

It looked like he was sleeping, but after a while he shook his head.

“So this money is from our family and it’s not blood money. Why did my mother suggest that? Why am I always in the middle of your fights?”.

I caressed his messy hair. “You are a grown up man Luke, and you have to start your own life. Use the money I gave you and buy a house. Invite that crush of yours and let him love you”.

Finally he looked at me. “Yeah I will Damian, when this nightmare is over. If he hasn’t moved on when I show up again. If I can escape the claws of my kidnappers. This is so fucked up, all I want is a nice quite life but somehow I can’t have it, although I am a millionaire”.


dancing lessons, atwt, !author|artist: parishs, funficfriday, pg, luke, reid

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