They know (Dancing lessons chapter 1)

Feb 03, 2015 14:12

Series: Dancing lessons
Chapter: 1
Written by: Parishs
Inspired by: zzzfreckles
Rating: pg
Summary: We find out the reason why Luke didn't stay in contact with Reid after their lovely night out. It's written in the third person, but it tells Luke POV.
Sequel of the Yule challenge 2014: A Christmas wedding
Following the FFF prompt "They know" (01-31-2015)
Disclaimer: I own nothing


“What the fuck Damian, what are you doing?”, Luke yelled while his biodad pushed him towards his Jaguar.

“Don’t fight me Luciano”, the man growled and opened the back-seat door. He pushed his son inside and slammed the door shut. He sat down on the driver’s seat and started the engine. Luke wanted to escape but the door was locked.

“Damian”, he said while he tried to control his anger. “What is this, a kidnap? You tried that before and I still have nightmares about that, so open the door and let me out. You promised me that you had changed so what do you want from me huh? Money?

How did you know where I was in the first place? Is it because I was kissing a man? Don’t you want me to have a life? Stop the fucking car and let me out”.

Damian looked at him in the mirror. “Stop the drama son”, he said. “You know how much I regret what I have done in the past, I asked you for forgiveness so many times. I don’t care who you sleep with, you know that. I love you more than life itself.

Maybe one day you will have a kid and understand what I mean. Kids are more precious than oxygen Luciano but I had to protect you, your life is in danger and I got the message from my people that you were going to be kidnapped tonight, so I had to rescue you”.

Luke felt his stomach shrink, he wanted to believe in the good intentions of his biodad but he had hurt him so deep in the past that he always kept the man at arm length.

And that hurt, his heart felt heavy, he was a passionate man who loved his family with everything he had, but he didn’t trust Damian. There was always that soft voice in his head whispering about de-gaying camp and betrayal that made that it was an effort to be around the guy who gave him his DNA.

It got better through the years, when Damian taught him the shipping business, and gave him time to do what Damian thought was a waste of time but made Luke very happy: studying at OU, Creative writing.

“So you thought I was going to be kidnapped? By whom? And how did you know where I was? Huh? Did you follow me?”, Luke fumed.

“I hope you know by now that I won’t interfere in your life unless it’s critical son”, Damian said. “My people were sure that someone was going to follow you tonight, they tapped a few phones and I heard conversations about how to get you in their van etcetera.

I wouldn’t have done this unless I was sure son. And about knowing where you were, I gave you that Iphone a few weeks ago, right? I have to confess it was chipped, I could read your geo-code when I needed to, and trust me that I never tried it until tonight. I didn’t want to spy on you but I was certain that they were planning something to get you in their claws”.

Luke closed his eyes. “So you think they planned something. Who are they? And what do they want from me?”.

“Give me your phone first and then I am going to tell you everything”, Damian said.

Luke got the Iphone out of his pocket and looked at it. It was chipped. His dad……Damian had done it again, he had been checking on him. The small treat of trust between them was immediately broken again.

He felt a tear run down his chin. He didn’t know that he had any left, but obviously he did, obviously he wasn’t hurt enough. How much could a man take from his father. His ex. From life.

He shook his head and tried to get rid of the painful lump in his heart. He didn’t allow Damian to drag him down again, he wanted to stay strong and positive, but it was hard. Damian had broken his trust again.

Without a doubt he gave his dad his phone, he didn’t want to have it anymore now he knew that it wasn’t just a gift from his ….Damian.

Damian opened the window and threw the phone as far away as he could. It ended up in the big lake that they passed.

“So tell me, who was going to kidnap me and why?”.

“You don’t believe me. right?”, Damian asked. “That’s why I have proof, listen to this”.

He started the equipment on his dashboard and when Luke heard the conversation that was playing he thought he would faint.

“No, he whispered. “this can’t be real. Tell me that this is a big joke Damian”.

He held his head in his hands and concentrated on his breathing. He tried to follow the talking, he wanted to understand the words but his head was pounding so hard that he didn’t hear it anymore.

“Are you okay son?”, he heard a voice in the distance.

He nodded softly.

“I can’t stop now because I have to get you to a safe spot, otherwise I would have stopped and talked to you. They knew Luciano, about the money I have given you, somehow they found out and now they are after you. They wanted to push you in a van tonight and bring you somewhere until all the millions were delivered to them. I had to protect you, I am so sorry that I couldn’t tell you before, but I needed to know where you were, every minute of the day. Do you hear me Luciano?”.

Yes he heard him, but it was too much, his head couldn’t cope with all the emotions that were fighting inside of him.

“Yes”, was all he could produce. He should have been used to shocks like this after the life he had, but obviously his chattered heart wasn’t as healed as he thought. He didn’t understand the exact words he was hearing but he got the message, their intentions, and he was glad that Damian was his biodad. That he had his back. Right?

So they knew. How?


dancing lessons, atwt, !author|artist: parishs, funficfriday, pg, luke, reid

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