Whipped cream

Nov 07, 2014 22:22

Title: Whipped cream
Series: Love hurts
Written by: Parishs
Rating: r
Summary: Luke is laying in his lover's arms and opens up a little to him (Luke's POV).
Prompt: Fun Fic Friday prompt of Whipped cream (11-7-2014)
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Warning: English is not my native language, unbeta-ed.

Previous chapter



“Are you sleeping?”


“I want to talk to you about something, do you hear me? Or are you falling asleep when I talk?”

“I think this mindset is called afterglow Luke, you talk and I…I have to lay here for a while with you in my arms. But I promise that I won’t fall asleep”.

“I want to tell you why I was at my grandmother’s penthouse this morning”.


“Yesterday Scott was looking at my computer and he saw pictures of Reg, or actually he had been searching for them while I was away”.


“I don’t know if you noticed but they have a kind of crush on each other. So, Scott had been snooping around on my computer and I caught him looking at Reg in a swimsuit, he was copying the picture to his own account.

He was startled of course when I walked in and did something…….how shall I say it? Something bizarre. He asked me why I had so many pictures of Reg on my computer, and when he walked away he asked me what you would say if he told you that I had nude pictures of Reg on my computer”.

“…………….are they good?”.


“The pictures of Reg”.

“You want to see Reg naked? He almost threw himself at you but you didn’t want him”.

“That’s true, but I like dicks”.

“The thing is, I don’t have them”.

“Maybe I am not alert enough, but what is the problem Luke?”.

“Scott was blackmailing me”.

“O that, and you think that I would believe him over you. What does that say about us?”.

“I guess I was afraid that you would be hurt, knowing how you think about the connection I have with Reg”.

“I have to get used to that Luke, but you have to give me a little more credit, I’m not a fool! I hope you understand how much you mean to me. I am on a high when I am with you, and no one can come between us as far as I’m concerned. You can talk to me about anything baby. But what did you talk about with your grandmother?”.

“I am so sorry Reid, that I didn’t trust you enough. I…I was up all night thinking about this. I doubted if Scott had been joking, but I am sure he wasn’t, he wanted to safe his ass.

And we….we know each other for a while now but I didn’t want to assume that…I didn’t want to claim you…I don’t know what I was thinking, I was just afraid to loose you. I have fallen for you and …..I am so scared that you will leave me somehow. I didn’t want this to happen, but it did, I am yours, and I need you to be mine, without claiming you…..but….”.

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck. “Silly man”, he said softly in my ear and bit my earlobe. “Don’t make this so complex. We are together, I want to be with you and you have to learn to trust me. We need to make time to talk. Why are you so insecure?”.

“I don’t know Reid, a lot of shit has happened in my life, maybe that’s why I was holding back with you, I didn’t want to feel so much again”.

“How were you doing before I came here? You ended your relationship a few months prior, right?”.


“Do you want to talk about it now? I am curious but you are in charge”.

I rolled to the edge of the bed and searched for my phone in my pants. I nestled in my lover’s arms again and held out my arm to make a few selfies. I showed him the display and he smiled.

“What are you doing?”, he asked puzzled. “I ask you a serious question and you make after-fuck pictures of us, are you going to post them on Facebook?”.

I turned my head and kissed his lips. “Sorry for interrupting but yesterday I realized that I didn’t have a picture of you, and I wanted one, I want to look at you when I am at work or at home.

When I looked at my pictures on my computer I realized that I missed the one person who was making me so happy, and that’s you. And no, I am not going to share this on social media you fool, it’s for my own archive”.

“Then make sure that Scott isn’t going to find out, maybe he is going to have a thing for me too”.

“Don’t make fun of the situation Reid, Scott is very confused, and so is Reg, I am not going to interfere”.

“Why didn’t you tell Reg about the blackmail?”.

“Because I didn’t want to ruin things between them! If he likes Scott and it’s mutual, then they have to have a chance to figure out what they want”.

“But don’t you think that Reg deserves a better man than Scott?”.

“You know Reid, in the middle of the night things aren’t so clear. I think that Scott felt trapped, he is a great guy but he doesn’t want to admit that he has feelings for Reg. I want them to find out what they are to each other”.

“Sometimes when I hear you talk I think I am watching an episode of Little house on the prairie”.

“”I had a crush on Albert when I was little”.

“Funny, me too, that’s why I wanted to become a doctor”.

“I cried when he died”.



“With every word you tell me I like you more”.

“You asked me about Noah. He…eh… yes I guess he has changed me into someone I didn’t recognize, he made me needy and insecure, I wanted to please him but it was never enough. Maybe that’s why I am afraid that I will suffocate you too, I have to learn to find a balance between what I want and what I think you want”.

He pushed against my shoulder until we were looking each other in the face.

“So you were a doormat?”, he asked and wiped the hair out of my face. It was confusing to feel his caring fingers on my face and his gaze holding mine. His words sounded harsh but he didn’t want to hurt me.

“I guess so”, I said softly.

“Promise me that you will never do something for me that goes against your gut feeling Luke”, he said softly. “Please talk to me when you doubt, or when I am an asshole, I am very good at that sometimes. In return I will promise you that I will never doubt your intensions. I will tell you when you are hovering”.

“Okay, deal”.

Slowly his face came close to mine, and when he kissed me I could only moan.

“What’s your birth name?”, he asked huskily.

I felt my muscles stiffen. “Why do you want to know?”, I asked
“I don’t know, I like to whisper hot things in your ear and maybe you have a sexy name”.

I looked into his eyes when I said “It’s Luciano”.

“O fuck”, he said softly and tasted the name on his tongue. “Luciano, god that’s so hot, is it Italian?”.

I nodded.

“I only know one word in Italian and that’s panna montata”.

I smirked. “Why do you know that word?”, I asked.

He kissed me on my lips once more before he crawled down, peppering me with feather light kisses.

“I watched cooking programs when I couldn’t sleep in Dallas. And whipped cream….I don’t know, when I look at your body I want to cover you in the sweet delicacy and lick it off you. You evoke so many fantasies in me, you have no idea”.

I was surprised that I was getting hard again. How many times a day could you have an orgasm? Until now I was glad when I had one now and then.

“You drive me crazy with your mouth Reid”, I panted.

“Lay still and enjoy it Luciano”, he whispered.

And although it brought back painful memories to hear that name, I did what he asked me. I felt free, loved and blessed, having a man on my side who had my back and was addicted to my body.

Next chapter

love hurts, atwt, !author|artist: parishs, rating: r, funficfriday, luke, reid

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