Behind blue eyes

Feb 22, 2014 09:32

Title: Behind blue eyes
Series: Love hurts
Written by: Parishs
Rating: pg
Summary: Reids POV, he is having dinner with Lucinda to raise money for the hospital renovation
Prompt: Fun Fic Friday prompt of Behind blue eyes (2-21-2014).
Disclaimer: I own nothing.

previous chapter

She had a nice penthouse, my dinner date. The overwhelming smell of her perfume made me dizzy when I was hanging down my coat, but after a while it didn’t bother me anymore.

She and I…we had a click. Although she was the complete opposite of me, we recognized something in the other. A drive, a passion. Perfectionism. And we both smiled when we realized, both at our own time, that we were alike. We had build up a wall around us so high that no one could look inside the fortress. She kept people at arm length by stretching out her words and acting like a drag queen, my tactic was to be a little nerdy and direct.

When she made me an espresso, I looked outside through the huge window. She gave me my coffee and stood next to me. “isn’t this a gorgeous view?”, she said and smiled. “I can see my whole family from here. My daughter lives at the farm on the left. My grandchildren in the city and in the forest. I am so blessed to have them close to me”.

“You don’t look like the grandma that serves homemade cookies on Sunday afternoon”, I said smirking.

She shook her head. “No, but their other grandma is, so I don’t have to be. But I like my family close by, especially my grandson, we have a click. He was here earlier, but he had to go home. I would have loved to introduce you to him, I am trying to persuade him to help me with the funding of the new wing.
You really have to make an appointment with him, because he designs the restyling of the hospital. I hope he feels better tomorrow so he can start his work”.

I continued the small talk, enjoying the view. “Is he sick”?, I asked, not interested in the answer.

She smiled. “Something like that. But tell me doctor Oliver, what are your ideas for Memorial?”.

Straight to the point this woman, I liked that. “Please call me Reid. I have seen the hospital and I am going to be honest, it’s a joke. It’s old and dirty, it needs a lot of money to renovate it, so we have to do some major fundraising. We can also sell it to large companies like Invicta, but I think you agree with me that that is the last option. I like to be free to make my own choices”.

She smiled. “Well Reid, please call me Lucinda. And I think you are right, the whole place needs to be updated. Where do you want to start?”.

“I was thinking about the neurology department, that’s the oldest part of the building”, I said.

She smirked. “And of course because you are a neuro surgeon”, she said.

I felt a tingle in my stomach.

“I know all about you Reid, so don’t panic. We are not judgmental here, we have an open mind. You have to prove yourself by working hard. We all have problems, but don’t let them interfere with your work. Or look for help. We have AA meetings in Chicago if you need them”.

Behind those cold blue eyes I discovered a nice warm lady who knew about me but was still interested in working with me. I sighed and looked at my coffee. “It’s like I am transparent here”, I said softly. “Everyone knows my secret, but they still talk to me and accept me. What’s wrong with you people?”.

She squeezed my arm. “We take life as it comes here Reid”, she said. “You were a hell of a surgeon but messed up, so what? It doesn’t change you, I can see how dedicated you are. I know that you are trying to scare the people away by being rude, but that won’t work here, it’s a small city, people know each other and care. Or gossip. But they know.

It takes guts to accept a position like that here, and you stopped on time in Dallas, so why should we judge you? People are going to look at your performance here, and your contribution to society. You are a good guy if you just give yourself a chance”.

What did she know? I was a jerk. Marc said it. “I don’t know”, I said. “I’m not much of a people’s person. But I have met a few guys yesterday and they invited me to come and ride a bull with them, so I think I am going to have a lot of fun on Fridays”.

She got my sarcasm. “You should go there Reid, it’s nice from what I’ve heard! Did you meet Reg already? He is my grandson’s best friend. I wonder if that’s all they are, they are so close, but anyway, that’s not my business. Go and stay away from the booze and meet people”.

So her grandson was gay too. The architect. Maybe I could meet him indeed and do him a little favor to get him on my side. And to open his wallet. I needed to get laid so bad it almost hurt, after my split up with Marc I didn’t have sex so I was almost willing to throw myself at the first gay man than walked close.

“Yes I have met Reg, he was nice, he was a little drunk so I brought him home. Maybe I am going to join them in Dolly, I don’t know yet, I have no idea how busy my new job is going to be”.

“You met Reg and he was drunk?”, Lucinda said smiling. “He never drinks too much, so you know what he tried to do, right? And, were you interested?”.

I smiled back. “If you want to ask me something, then do it Lucinda. Yes I am gay, and no I didn’t go home with him, he’s not my type. Not that it’s any business of yours”.

She looked outside and drank her coffee. “What is your type then doctor?”, she asked.

I shook my head. “No men for me again”, I said firmly. “I am hurt and recovering so I don’t need the distraction. I have to focus on my job and find a new rhythm again. I am not boyfriend material you know, I am rude, forget birthdays and need my space”.

“Who’s talking about a boyfriend”, she said naughtily. “Just having a good time with someone can be as fulfilling as being in a relationship. Just let it happen Reid”.

next chapter

love hurts, funficfriday, pg, : !author|artist: parishs, luke, reid

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