James: (reading from
Misty's last post) I did, however, have to get naked in front of strangers. Wow. It's been a while since I've had to call that phrase into use.
What do you mean - it's been a while? Surely you wouldn't have to say that *ever*...
Misty: You'd be surprised.
Comments 5
I have let anyone whom I list as a friend to add tags to any of my posts they can see... I think they can only add tags that currently exist - not create new ones... but you might be able to confirm/correct me on that.
As long as it's not abused badly (like adding ALL my tags to each entry) I'll leave it on. It's a bit of a labour saving device - get your friends to tag all your entries for you! :)
That sounds pretty good. I don't know how to set it up that way and I don't trust my friends list enough to tag my entries. I am doing it as I go along anyway, now.
Is there a way to allow one of your custom groups to allow tag editing, rather than all friends? *doesn't know how any of this works* If so, I might let my "Trusted" friends add tags.
From the FAQ
You can also specify the name of an existing Friends group. Friend group names are case sensitive.
The syntax of the command is:
Do not enter the brackets; they are there as an example.
It goes on to explain: add permission lets people add an already created tag to a post, control permission allows people to create new tags, delete existing ones - pretty much anything you can do they will be able to.
So you go to the console and type tag_permissions customfriendsgroup private - or some such.
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