Who: Jenova (
motherkn0wsbest) & Sephiroth (
When: 2am - Jan 25
Location: Midgar Ruins - Dilapidated House
Rating: PG (Jenova seems to automatically need a higher rating... sorry guys)
Summary: Sephiroth takes the time to catch up on some sleep, and Jenova interrupts without actually meaning to. Awkward family-like bonding occurs as Sephiroth becomes her test subject on human-mother tactics.
Midgar was such an easy place to get lost into. The toppled buildings made traveling difficult at times, but there seemed to be few who would travel deep into the ruins for find solitude. Perhaps the annoying insects who called themselves addicts or people with something to gain by snooping about alone in such a fragile place. The Midgar Ruins made it all too easy to slip away and hide, to disappear... and present the perfect opportunities to attack unwitting humans.
Having spent the day posing as a human, Jenova returned to the Midgar Ruins with the intent of losing herself back into the folds of the twisted metal and concrete. The day had been interesting and mildly productive, but she was still confused over the purpose of things called 'parks' and 'school zones'. It appeared to be places where human children could interact and achieve some kind of social development in a protective environment, but it seemed like the perfect opportunity to cause vast amounts of damage.
She had held herself at bay from attacking and simply observed. It was better to learn new skills about a role she was only still developing. Trapped in the blasted tube of mako, she had been helpless to learn those skills. Now that she had her freedom, she could do as she pleased within the reason of Sephiroth's will and tolerance for her wandering. That was why she had only sat on a bench and watched the various interactions with the human race; they truly were pathetic.
Picking her path towards where Sephiroth's strong presence still eminated, she pushed into the hovel that her son was taking to remaining in one place. He was probably doing something important that required vast amounts of concentration, since his mind was close even to her mental fingers passing over.
Stepping into the room, Jenova became confused when Sephiroth was lying on what looked to be an old moldy mattress. He was silent and appeared to be completely internalized, an action that she had only experienced when her son was trapped in the mako crystal. She knew that humans needed to rest in order to reorganize their brain patterns, but she had never bothered to take the time to really study this action either. It seemed like a horrible weakness to her, since it left one completely vulnerable to attack.
Approaching, she peered down with her mismatched eyes at Sephiroth's sleeping form.