Title: Celebration Characters: The Glee kids Rating: G Words: 253 Summary: After winning sectionals, the Gleeks have a Moment. Fanfic_100 Prompt: 096 "Writer's Choice: Victory." ( Read more... )
Title: The First Day of the Rest of our Lives Characters: Ken, Emma Rating: G Words: 400 Summary: Ken treasures a moment she'll probably want to forget. Fanfic_100 Prompt: 025 "Strangers."
Title: The Girls Characters: Brittany/Santana Rating: PG-13 Words: 575 Summary: Santana discovers that Brittany is more her type. Fanfic_100 Prompt: 086 "Choices."
Title: Precursor Characters: Puck/Quinn Rating: R Words: 805 Summary: The conversation that led to Puck and Quinn hooking up. Fanfic_100 Prompt: 001 "Beginnings."