[1] ==> Be the snooty jerk

Sep 27, 2011 10:05

You resent that! You aren't snooty or a jerk (yes you are), you're just in a bad mood because you somehow ended up in what appears to be the LAND OF ASS AND STUPIDITY. Meaning, not your awesome LAND OF INK AND DUST and certainly not one of your comrades' lands, either ( Read more... )

agnira tinwar [hinoryu], lyndis nivali [callie], kyrill herdot [inkwell], @ land of dust and memory, zurahe cadens [sig], astravi solmis [rikki], durrin mimosa [mixt], taja vasile [mori], * memo, ezaniel rasen [mirr], tjofur logios [krystal]

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Comments 48

desirenhate September 27 2011, 17:01:14 UTC
CURRENT chilledCircuitry [CCC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.

CCC: hi
CCC: hold on
CCC: theres a memo bout this somewhere


ancientcatalyst September 27 2011, 19:14:57 UTC
CAC: Okay.
CAC: Not to be rude, but...
CAC: Who the bul9e-liCkin9 fuCk are you?
CAC: You're not from my session, how the hell did you survive the meteors?
CAC: Are you a 9host? BeCause I warn you, I am up to my nook in 9hosts, I don't fuCkin9 need another one.


desirenhate September 27 2011, 20:22:06 UTC
CCC: not a ghost
CCC: thats th point f evrythin here
CCC: makin sure we dont become ghosts
CCC: explanations here


ancientcatalyst September 28 2011, 05:09:56 UTC
CAC: You have to be shittin9 me.
CAC: So you idiots lost your spaCe player and deCided the best thin9 to do would be to fuCk up a bunCh of other sessions?
CAC: Oh yeah, 9reat idea there. Really inspired.
CAC: Now all of our sessions are 9oin9 to 9o down the drain. I mean, I'm not a SpaCe player (9reat pro9rammin9 there) but what about all the other sessions whose SpaCe players you stole?
CAC: This is some kind of Chain reaCtion you've started. You Can't fuCk with this sort of thin9. If your session was meant to be null, it was meant to be null, and now you've probably 9one and trapped us all in a doomed timeline.
CAC: Good fuCkin9 job.


steelkind September 27 2011, 20:21:56 UTC
CURRENT artfulTransgressor [CAT] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.

CAT: wait
CAT: i recognize that shitty sushi font
CAT: arent you the fuckass i was just playing serVer for?


ancientcatalyst September 28 2011, 05:15:15 UTC
CAC: Hey, don't you insult my Color, it's better than your bland khaki shit any day.
CAC: But least I'm not alone out of our session, it looks like.
CAC: Are you in the Land of Shitty Turtles and Stupid MuCk too, or did you get shipped off somewhere else?
CAC: ACtually it's probably better if you're somewhere else, I don't need your bitChin9 in the flesh ri9ht now.
CAC: One of the ori9inal players explained shit and I'm Currently more than a little pissed off.


steelkind October 10 2011, 01:16:13 UTC
CAT: yeah right as compared to what exactly
CAT: but yeah im in a much drier shittier place
CAT: land of iron and shrouds i think its called
CAT: though im getting pretty goddamn sick of it
CAT: and if you think youre pissed off you haVent seen anything yet
CAT: you fuckasses hadnt eVen told me what was going on in our own session yet
CAT: and now i haVe to deal with all this shit in some other session
CAT: and eVeryones been going 'well fuck you dont know shit do you'
CAT: like its my goddamn fault they ripped me out of my session at a bad time
CAT: i think you owe me some fucking explanations that you didnt get the chance to giVe me before


portalhax September 28 2011, 05:50:15 UTC
This exchange, admittedly, feels a little surreal to watch. This does not stop you from commenting anyway.

CURRENT saffronDerivative [CSD] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.

CSD: Your future self has a point.


ancientcatalyst September 28 2011, 06:20:35 UTC
CAC: My future self is a bul9in9 nooksaCk.
CAC: And who are you?


portalhax September 28 2011, 06:39:05 UTC
CSD: It's rather obvious, since he's you.
CSD: Another player dragged into this session.


ancientcatalyst September 28 2011, 06:46:39 UTC
CAC: Oh, aren't you just the wittiest thin9.
CAC: You're luCky you're of pretty hi9h blood and I have to be niCe to you.
CAC: Let me 9uess: you're not a SpaCe player either?


musicologistics September 28 2011, 07:43:11 UTC
CBE: cha~a~a~rming~
CBE: you're a re~a~l winner you kno~w tha~a~at♫
CBE: watch us a~a~all fall over our~se~lves to be he~lpful~♪
CBE: fu~cking bulge-bi~ting lo~ser~


ancientcatalyst September 28 2011, 13:57:28 UTC
CAC: WatCh me not 9ive a flyin9 fuCk.
CAC: Am I supposed to be impressed by your overuse of tildes?
CAC: Is it supposed to make you seem ~sin9son9 and misChievous~ ?
CAC: BeCause from where I'm sittin9, it just looks stupid.
CAC: I Can't ima9ine anybody reads anythin9 you type that's over a few lines lon9.
CAC: They take one look at the messa9e and 9o 'oh it's that stupid nubfuCkin9 asshole with the stupid tildes like fuCk am I readin9 this'.
CAC: And then BE 9ot none of the attention she so desperately Craves so she Crawled into a ditCh and died.
CAC: The end.


musicologistics September 28 2011, 17:19:34 UTC
CBE: oh yea~a~ah my qui~rk is to~tally the thing cu~llbait like yo~u should be fo~cu~sed on♪
CBE: no~t that I gi~ve a qua~rter of a fu~ck be~cause you're a shi~ning example of ju~st what shi~t taste this ga~me even ha~s
CBE: gre~at job a~ssuming I'm a gi~rl by the wa~a~ay~♪
CBE: ma~kes you seem re~al me~an and sa~rca~stic a~cting a gi~rl's the o~nly one who'd ta~lk this wa~y
CBE: like yo~u wou~ldn't get your a~ss handed to you re~gard~less♪
CBE: you kee~p jumping to a~ll these conclu~sions you're gonna fi~nd yourself on the wro~o~ong end of so~meone's te~mper~
CBE: tho~u~gh it'd be no~ gre~at lo~ss I'll tell you tha~t


astravisolmis September 29 2011, 06:07:13 UTC
CURRENT lingeringExasperated [CLE] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.

CLE: ...
CLE: ...
CLE: ...What answers are you seeking?..


ancientcatalyst September 29 2011, 06:52:54 UTC
CAC: Too late, blueblood, some other blueblood already 9ot to it.
CAC: But if you have anythin9 to Contribute by all means 9o ahead.
CAC: Meanin9, are you ori9inally from this session or did you 9et pulled here too?


astravisolmis September 29 2011, 07:07:50 UTC
CLE: ...Yes..
CLE: ... I was not originally from this session..
CLE: ...But a completely separate instance..


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