Oct 01, 2011 17:59

Hey guys ( Read more... )

mod post, please read

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orz_woeisme October 1 2011, 22:11:28 UTC
I had always thought that the posters of a log should get the credit--because it's the same as the poster of an entry in the main comm. In joint posts both posters get credit an in joint logs both posters get credit. I never saw as having commentors to an entry as need for adding a character tag to an entry--so I never really understood why people who didn't post a log in the comm would add their character tag to it. It's not their entry after all.

All comments to all posts should get credit I agree, but I don't see why adding a character tag when you comment to a log equals a post when we don't do the same thing in the main comm?

I'll admit right now that I am not in charge of AC and I do not participate monthly in the checks. This is just my two cents as a player--ever since I joined in 2009 this is how I thought things were done ( ... )


matchmaker October 1 2011, 23:32:27 UTC
no u ♥


miseternity October 2 2011, 02:56:23 UTC
Personally, I think a log tag should count as a post because that's what the activity requirements state. It's what they've always stated and it's what they've always been.

As far as what the rationale of just being INVOLVED in a log as opposed to just tagging into a post goes, due to the fact that they're in person, logs often have a purpose to them. The thread is definitely going somewhere, rather than just being drive-by smalltalk like you can see in many of the main comm's threads under the posts.

I don't want to get into quality arguments because I think judging thread quality is ridiculous, but the idea is to make sure that you're doing things with your character. Tagging into a main comm journal post is having your character react to things that another character is doing and posting about. Tagging into the log comm is actively having your character do something. This is how I've perceived and always rationalized it.


+1 chartharsis October 3 2011, 04:26:41 UTC
This is just my two cents as a player--ever since I joined in 2009 this is how I thought things were done.

.... This pretty much sums up my thoughts on this whole thing. My thoughts on linking other threads in the AC posts was that they were meant to augment an existing post as a last effort to prove that the character/player was still around and active in the game, because sometimes people get so caught up in Really Good Threads/etc that they forget that "oh, whoops, that wasn't MY post". I know it's happened to me, before.

But, honestly, I think the two-post rule as it stands works well. Things like quality & length of threads are good to know, but they shouldn't be an absolute RULE - not only is it impossible to keep track of every thread ever in a game this big - for mods and players - but it makes this all seem more complicated than it has to be.

What it boils down to for me is, if I'm sitting here worrying about how long my threads and tags have to be instead of having fun? It's not going to be worth it, anymore.


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