food loggie =3 [ thread ]

Mar 11, 2007 23:32

who: Loz and Watanuki
when: this afternoon
where: the new kitchen
summary: watanuki offers to make loz some food. loz accepts
rating: PG? o_o

Feed teh Lozzy! )

kimihiro watanuki, loz

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Comments 26

blueeyedprophet March 12 2007, 20:02:41 UTC
Having altered between hurrying to other rooms to help tend the 'sick' and staying in his room trying to figure out how to get rid of the blob in his room, Watanuki had some trouble finding the kitchen. After taking directions from a resident (Who was, in reality, a spirit.)

Since he had never acutally met anyone in the castle besides through the journal, Watanuki decided the best course of action would be to ask people if they knew who 'Loz' was. Looking around, Watanuki walked up to a silver haired man drinking a soda.

Now, if only he could get those people glowering in the corner to stop glaring at him. (The angry ghosts Lana was talking about. Anyone who knows who Watanuki is should know why he's intimidated)


asobu_ka March 12 2007, 23:34:53 UTC
Finishing off his soda, Loz noticed Watanuki approach. Crunching the can between his forfinger and thumb with ease, as was his traditional way of disposing of the soda can, he tossed it into the nearby trashcan and looked the kid over. He didn't seem threatening, at least not yet. He did, however, have a rather strange aura, but Loz brushed it off as one of those weird things that just happened in the castle. Hmmm, maybe..... Could this be the person he was talking to on his journal earlier, the one who offered to bake him food? Come to think of it, Loz never really did ask Watanuki for his name...


blueeyedprophet March 12 2007, 23:44:16 UTC
As he watched the taller male crush the soda can with only two fingers, Watanuki's focus was completely directed to the other, partially out of awe but mostly out of intimidation. After, he himself had trouble crushing a can with both hands! However, if he was going to find the other in the mass of brownies, people and irritated spirits, his only choice was to ask around.

"Um... I'm sorry, do you know where, um... Oh, it seems I didn't take his name. But I said I'd make something for him... Do you know maybe where he is?"

[ooc: Just thought I'd put in, Watanuki shares his right eye with someone else, consiquently, people with some 'sixth' sense see it as yellow while his left remains blue. Since I haven't gotten around to typing the wiki page for Kimi-kun, I thought I'd mention it here. ;D]


asobu_ka March 13 2007, 00:10:16 UTC
And Watanuki just happened to find the right person to ask. "You're the one making food not butter?" Loz asked, blinking, pointing at the other. Yeah, he was a fighter, not a talker, and it was horribly obvious whenever Loz opened his mouth. "Loz," he said, pointing at himself. He also failed at introductions. He usually forgot to offer his name until he was blatantly asked for it.

[ooc: haha. thx =D. loz prolly has noticed but prolly paid no mind to it. depends on if this 'someone else' is mal-intent or not.]


blueeyedprophet March 14 2007, 03:48:20 UTC
Once again, Watanuki could only blink. Blink and re-evaluate his decision to cook something for the other man.

Yes, Watanuki was wondering what to do. But a promise was a promise, and it was rude to break them. (Besides, he had no wish to swallow a thousand needles. But didn't that only applied to pinky promises?)

"Okay then." Nope, there was no way that Watanuki wanted to invoke the other's wrath, and it wasn't as if it was a big loss. But there was no time to dwell on that! The sata andagi in the oil was finishing frying and he was pretty sure that Loz wouldn't like them burnt. He gently scooped out the cooked sweets and placed them off to a side to cool a bit, and resumed rolling/scooping the sweets.

[ooc: XD If Watanuki didn't have to deal with ghosts twice his size trying to eat him eveyday, he would've had an heart attack &hearts ]


asobu_ka March 14 2007, 04:07:29 UTC
"Touching is fighting," Loz said, attempting to roll another another ball of dough. He successfully made a ball, although it was rather lopsided and crappy, but it was a ball and not mush. He handed the crappy ball to Watanuki; he didn't know what to do with it now.

[ooc: XD yeah, most flee at the sight of lozzy X3]


blueeyedprophet March 14 2007, 05:19:28 UTC
"Oh." What strange sense.

But still, Loz's second attempt was better than his own attempts when he was a child. With a soft thank you, Watanuki took the rolled up ball and placed it in the oil.

"The ones over on the plate over there are ready to eat. There's some confection sugar on top to make it slightly sweeter, but I'm not sure how much sugar you like, so it's only a litte. I hope you like it." Watanuki said as he made sure the new batch was frying up okay, before setting about cleaning the utensils. A plate with the finished sata andagi sat off to the side with a small pile of the donut like confection.

[ooc: I think Watanuki is starting to get use to teh lozzy. It's taking all his mannerisms (and a generous amount of fear) to not just ditch Loz right now.]


asobu_ka March 14 2007, 05:35:29 UTC
Loz shifted his attention over to the plate. The fried balls, whatever the kid had called them, really looked tasty. And sugar? Now that sounded like a good combination. Loz plucked a ball thing off the plate and ate it. A pleased grin grew across his face, a rare sight outside of fighting indeed, and he reached for another one.

[ooc: if watanuki follows the no touchie rule, loz is rather easy to get along with X3]


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