food loggie =3 [ thread ]

Mar 11, 2007 23:32

who: Loz and Watanuki
when: this afternoon
where: the new kitchen
summary: watanuki offers to make loz some food. loz accepts
rating: PG? o_o

Feed teh Lozzy! )

kimihiro watanuki, loz

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blueeyedprophet March 12 2007, 20:02:41 UTC
Having altered between hurrying to other rooms to help tend the 'sick' and staying in his room trying to figure out how to get rid of the blob in his room, Watanuki had some trouble finding the kitchen. After taking directions from a resident (Who was, in reality, a spirit.)

Since he had never acutally met anyone in the castle besides through the journal, Watanuki decided the best course of action would be to ask people if they knew who 'Loz' was. Looking around, Watanuki walked up to a silver haired man drinking a soda.

Now, if only he could get those people glowering in the corner to stop glaring at him. (The angry ghosts Lana was talking about. Anyone who knows who Watanuki is should know why he's intimidated)


asobu_ka March 12 2007, 23:34:53 UTC
Finishing off his soda, Loz noticed Watanuki approach. Crunching the can between his forfinger and thumb with ease, as was his traditional way of disposing of the soda can, he tossed it into the nearby trashcan and looked the kid over. He didn't seem threatening, at least not yet. He did, however, have a rather strange aura, but Loz brushed it off as one of those weird things that just happened in the castle. Hmmm, maybe..... Could this be the person he was talking to on his journal earlier, the one who offered to bake him food? Come to think of it, Loz never really did ask Watanuki for his name...


blueeyedprophet March 12 2007, 23:44:16 UTC
As he watched the taller male crush the soda can with only two fingers, Watanuki's focus was completely directed to the other, partially out of awe but mostly out of intimidation. After, he himself had trouble crushing a can with both hands! However, if he was going to find the other in the mass of brownies, people and irritated spirits, his only choice was to ask around.

"Um... I'm sorry, do you know where, um... Oh, it seems I didn't take his name. But I said I'd make something for him... Do you know maybe where he is?"

[ooc: Just thought I'd put in, Watanuki shares his right eye with someone else, consiquently, people with some 'sixth' sense see it as yellow while his left remains blue. Since I haven't gotten around to typing the wiki page for Kimi-kun, I thought I'd mention it here. ;D]


asobu_ka March 13 2007, 00:10:16 UTC
And Watanuki just happened to find the right person to ask. "You're the one making food not butter?" Loz asked, blinking, pointing at the other. Yeah, he was a fighter, not a talker, and it was horribly obvious whenever Loz opened his mouth. "Loz," he said, pointing at himself. He also failed at introductions. He usually forgot to offer his name until he was blatantly asked for it.

[ooc: haha. thx =D. loz prolly has noticed but prolly paid no mind to it. depends on if this 'someone else' is mal-intent or not.]


blueeyedprophet March 13 2007, 00:43:50 UTC
There was nothing else Watanuki could do but blink. This man reminded him horribly of a child. While Watanuki has seen many things in his life, this was one of the more confusing encounters he's ever had to partake of. But he's found the right person, and with that thought, Watanuki smiled happily.

"Hello, I'm Watanuki, and yes, I'm the one who said I was going to make food for you. Nice to meet you, Loz." He ended his introduction with the customary bow. After all, even if one was somewhere away from home, it's best to keep their manners.

[ooc: Oh my~~ Shame that Watanuki's significant others are not in Paradisa though.]


asobu_ka March 13 2007, 04:03:11 UTC
Loz was, in fact, a child. Despite being over 6', he was 2 - 3 years old. Loz was such an odd creature. Either way, he was happy to have food, not butter. That flying butter was nasty.

Loz was never good with introductions. He didn't get the bowing or anything like that. He just wanted food. And that name. Watanuki. What a strange and complex name. Hell if Loz'd remember it.


blueeyedprophet March 13 2007, 04:08:51 UTC
"So, uh... Is there anything in particular you'd like me to cook?"

Watanuki knew he had to break the tension. Loz's silence and the slight awkward-ness in the air was beginning to scare the poor teen.


asobu_ka March 13 2007, 04:16:33 UTC
Anything but butter and salad, right? So what should he have today. He was fond of pizza but the ghosts could get him that and it tasted good. But wait! there was that which didn't taste well except when homemade. "Sweets," he grinned. He liked sweets. Brownies, cake, cookies. Didn't matter. He liked it.


blueeyedprophet March 13 2007, 05:35:16 UTC
"Sweets, huh?"

Watanuki had to think on that for a bit. There were plenty of sweets he could make, but Lana had already made brownies (And maybe a few trays of blondies) so he shouldn't make something chocolate-y. Maybe something with a more 'clean' taste. Something clicked in the back of his head, and he looked up with a smile.

"How about sata andagi? It's sweet, but not too much. Would that be okay?"


asobu_ka March 13 2007, 05:43:49 UTC
Sata andagi? Now there was a sweet Loz hadn't heard of yet. "Sure," he replied with a slight smirk. The kid said it's sweet and that's what Loz liked. He was up to try pretty much anything that was sweet.


blueeyedprophet March 13 2007, 05:52:10 UTC
Watanuki tried very hard not to let his smile falter, but the taller man was really scary. Even if he didn't mean to be, it was only natural to be somewhat intimidated by someone twice as broad as you were... But with the assurance from Loz though, Watanuki headed off to collect the ingredients needed for the dough, and to check if this kitchen had a deep fryer or if he was going to have to make do with a pot and oil.

"Oh, um... While I'm making them, what would you like to do, Loz-san?"


asobu_ka March 13 2007, 06:36:18 UTC
What to do? He usually had soda. He found it oddly entertaining to smash the cans between his fingers. Then again, it was probably more productive than attempting to shred his journal every time it respawned.

Loz shrugged. "Drink soda?" He shrugged, "I dunno." He didn't really think that much. He just did stuff. And what was with this -san? Loz was never one for formality or anything of that nature. Well at least that meant they perhaps spoke the same language in their homeworlds or at least a similar one.


blueeyedprophet March 13 2007, 22:49:24 UTC
Watanuki wasn't sure what to do. Normally he liked cooking by himself, but he couldn't just send Loz back to his room right? It wasn't fair to the other man. So... What does one do in this type of situation?

"Would you like to help me?" Watanuki ventured as he came back with the required ingredients (He was very glad for the deep fryer, now he didn't have to clean an extra pan!) and started the deep fryer.

Looking up from his preparations, Watanuki added, "If you want to that is."


asobu_ka March 13 2007, 23:55:24 UTC
Loz blinked. Him? Help? Loz was never one to help unless it was Kadaj doing the asking (although both Touya and Lana had already accomplished in getting Loz to help, but that was beside the point). Loz didn't understand much of anything other than fighting and after attempting to place strawberries on some shortcake, Loz was obviously inadequate in much of anything else. So what exactly did this Wata-whatever want him to do anyway?

Loz shrugged. "Like what?" If it involved smashing, breaking, or anything that was similar to fighting, Loz was sold.


blueeyedprophet March 14 2007, 00:09:17 UTC

Watanuki had automatically began to pull the ingredients together in to a dough, so the only two things left was to form them into balls and fry them.

"There's only two things left to do, and that's forming them into balls and putting them in the fryer." Watanuki continued mixing the dough till it reached the consistency he wanted.

"Here, kinda like this."

Scooping some batter out of the bowl, Watanuki began rolling it into rounds before gently placing them into the boiling oil. He looked cautiously at Loz.

[ooc: Last line = love. You make me like Loz! D8]


asobu_ka March 14 2007, 01:20:09 UTC
Loz watched Watanuki roll the ball of dough. It was another one of those intricate things again, like placing strawberries on a shortcake (which of course, ended up with Loz squashing the strawberries and crushing the cake). Loz wanted food and despite Loz's inept comprehesive ability, he knew that Loz smash = Loz hungry. Probably not a good idea even though the dough looked really fun to squish.

Loz scooped up a small portion of dough and attempted to roll it around in his hands, but with his brutish strength, the dough ended up squishing between his fingers.

[ooc: love teh lozzy, feed teh lozzy, adopt teh lozzy X3]


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