I will be beside you before long

Aug 02, 2011 03:06

Who: Legato and Rin
What: Taking care of the guest
When: Several nights after her capture
Where: Icecrown Manor
Rating: R to be safe? idk

He'd brought her books--old poetry and dramatic fiction--but only after many hours of letting her sit alone. He brought her food, but only sometimes. He would check on her, but usually only remotely. For the most part, in the days since her capture, Legato left her alone. Perhaps out of courtesy, or simple antisocial tendencies... but, much more likely, it could have been deliberately giving her plenty of time to herself. Letting her stew alone, without contact, without her companion animals. Just her and whatever thoughts came her way in those stretches of silence and solitude.

Whatever the reason, he left her alone... but that wouldn't last forever. He certainly hadn't forgotten her. She remained a constant pinpoint in his mind. He couldn't ignore her if he wanted to.

legato bluesummers, asano rin

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