(no subject)

Nov 12, 2010 15:36

Who: Bela Talbot & Hit Girl
What: An amazing fucking rescue, okay?
When: Friday Morning. (With some Wed/Thurs Set-up for Hit Girl in there)
Where: the Tower (plus the walk toward the tower)
Rating: Language, Young Lady!

Hearing that Damian had been among the ones taken, Mindy wasn't exactly sure what to think. Torn between laughing that he had been able to get taken and pissed off that he hadn't kicked their ass, she just waited. Mostly, Mindy was convinced that he hadn't been taken at all. There was hope that he had just opted to actually do something about these kidnappings himself, since none of the adults seemed to want to do anything except try to find people.

These people vanishing, they were the symptoms of the problem, and Mindy was tired of people assuming it was just the castle doing it. Why would a building take people and drop them out of range of itself. It would be the stupidest fucking thing this damn building had done since she'd arrived.

By Wednesday, Mindy had assumed she would've heard something from Damian. There would have to have been a journal entry where he was telling all the morons in this place that he'd decided to go fix their stupid bullshit ideas and actually do something.

There was nothing, though.

Wednesday, when the sun was starting to drop lower over the hills, Mindy had finished her preparation. She'd looked over the maps, checked all the entries in the journal that she was allowed to read and she marked off the spots where people were looking. West, Northeast, East - some Well... all of them became marked with red 'x' marks, crossing them off of the places she wanted to check.

The main issue was that Mindy wasn't sure of the terrain. She didn't know how accurate to scale this 'map' was either. The castle, was pretty huge, but the town wasn't marked on it and the little icon representing the castle was the same size as the tower. It was hardly promising.

Regardless of the odds she figured were against her, she still packed up everything into her Hello Kitty backpack, got into full Hit Girl gear, and set out toward the Tower. It was the closest marker to the castle and if she was going to figure out how long it was going to take her to do any searching for Damian, she was going to have to make that trip first.

By the time the sky was flooded with bright stars, she had made it to the base of the hills. The map itself had said there was an open section in between what she assumed were the mountains. Thankful for small accuracies, she moved to set up a make-shift camp for the night. Opening the journal, she skimmed it for entries from Damian and marked off more sections where it seemed people had turned up. Hello Kitty's cheery face and pink stitched circle cheeks were more than enough for a pillow and the blanket she had rolled up inside, now covered her body.

Mindy slept until the sun made it impossible for her to keep her eyes shut. Eating the sandwich she had packed herself, she moved across the flatlands. Stopping only to rest (or go to the bathroom behind a tree), she made sure she wasn't getting turned around. Juiceboxes and a hot-pink water canteen, slung over her shoulder, kept her hydrated. By nightfall she could at least see the shape of the building in the distance. Rather than stopping before she made it there, Mindy pushed through, dragging her back-pack behind her, across the field, by the strap.

The tower was empty, moonlight streaking in through the higher windows, but Mindy was too exhausted to even think about taking a look around. Her backpack, mostly-empty, still had at least a roll of bathroom tissue, to keep her head from laying on the hard floor.

Morning came once more, but Mindy wasn't awoken by the bright light hitting her closed eyes. Instead, she just tugged the blanket over her body tighter, her hair making odd lines across her cheek, as she slept hard against the floor. Eventually, she had to pee, which wasn't exactly the most thrilling thing to realize when there wasn't a bathroom with running water only a few feet away. Grumbling, she shuffled with the roll of toilet paper out of the tower and toward a nearby shrub of some sort.

"You better not be poisonous," she warned as she glanced around one last time before squatting. Her foot kicked some of the dirt around, trying to make it less obvious that someone had peed in the grass, before she moved back to the tower to take inventory. When she opened her journal, though, she was surprised to see that Damian had been found.

"Fuck," Mindy muttered, beneath her breath. "You know, the plan was that I was supposed to save you and then I'd have something to hold over your head for at least a few weeks. Now, I'm out here and I just peed in the bushes! This is the last time I ever try to do something nice for you."

Mindy, of course, wasn't going to say any of this actually to the page where Damian was talking about the whole kidnapping. Fueled by her frustration, she ate pulled out a box of animal crackers and started to eat them. Mumbling to herself about how freaking dumbtarded Damian was.

Making the lion-shaped cookie walk across the back of her journal, she hummed in thought, wondering if she could make this tower her new base of operations. It was probably too far away to use in an emergency, but the next time the castle made people go insane, she was definitely planning on hiking to this place instead of sticking around waiting for the crazy to catch up with her.

bela talbot, mindy 'hit girl' macready

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