and so i asked him what i was doing in my mind

Nov 14, 2010 22:20

Who: Maya and the Robins. (this is not the name of a band.) (Yet.)
What: Medium at large!
Where: The Wanderer's Yard.
When: Today...? SUBJECT TO RETCON.

It hasn't been a great couple days, what with the whole future-past-Halloween crap and all. Robin still isn't sure he's gonna talk to the whole horde of people who figured they could just not bring it up to him. And pretend everything was normal, like they didn't know the whole time. So he's playing round two of the avoidance game and reading new updates with his mouth shut.

It'dve been a lot worse couple days without Carrie, though. When they come up to what looks like a giant's graveyard inside a high stone wall, he just exchanges a Robin's glance with her - of course they're scaling it, what, they came all this way NOT to break into the mystery enclave? - before angling up to the gate and tossing his reins over the crossbar. No good losing the horses after all the time he spent getting used to 'em.

He lands inside with barely a tap on the grass, Carrie a half-beat behind him. After so long out on the plains with no sound other than them and their mounts, noise from another living creature rang out like gunshots in a narrow alleyway.

So... what was that?

tim drake / robin ii, carrie kelley, maya fey

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