{Thread} {Ino & Kaiba}

Feb 05, 2007 20:35

Who: Ino & Kaiba
What: Meeting up to ... talk. About things.
When: After this.
Where: Game room.
Rating: PG? Maybe PG-13.

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yamanaka ino, kaiba seto

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Comments 16

inexorabilis February 6 2007, 01:57:46 UTC
Prior to his arranged meeting at the game room, he had been.. well, in the game room. He had in a sense claimed it as his own and decided that since no one else seemed to be taking advantage of the features, he would go through everything, take apart what he felt needed to be disassembled, and then return to "his" room to work on his own games. Currently the room he had been residing in for the past few days looked more like a junk yard (he'd taken apart everything inside, the most that was put together would be the computer he'd been working on with parts taken from the city) than something that belonged in a gaming facility. All in all it wasn't so bad, he personally thought the progress he'd made thus far was astounding; what with having to go through the games, take things apart, drag parts from the city in, and then build his own super computer from scratch, this slow pace was fine ( ... )


yamanaka February 6 2007, 02:08:37 UTC
Ino did a small jump. She had sensed some kind of presence behind her, but she definitely wasn't expecting it to be, well, him. And she definitely didn't think he was RIGHT THERE. She looked back to see Kaiba. Wow, he looks good in tha-- She mentally kicked herself. This was most certainly not what she came for, and she wasn't going to let herself be sucked into anything. Plus, she didn't have TIME to be standing here drooling wasting time. She suddenly realized she had been observing him for way long than she intended, though. She opened the door a little further, trying desperately to hide the red she knew was going to creep onto her face sooner or later.

"After you. And uh, a-are you okay? You look like you haven't slept in a week. And yes, I would know from experience."

And he really did. She had no idea what he had been doing, but he hadn't been writing in the journal and it definitely looked like he hadn't been taking care of himself. Something was up.


inexorabilis February 6 2007, 02:25:22 UTC
By this point in his life, Kaiba was used to people starting at him. The reasons varied, but it all came down to them either looking away in embarrassment or crossing their arms and scoffing in an attempt to feel superior. Sometimes both reactions were used, and blushing was often the case in the first and third responses. Kaiba, as he did now, often rose an eyebrow at their antics but said nothing. That is, unless the one performing said actions was a cocky bastard, then he responded in kind. To be fair, they deserved it for being asses. They also deserved to be crush by him, as they often were whether it was in a duel or business meeting ( ... )


yamanaka February 6 2007, 02:37:43 UTC
Ino frowned. Why was he being so cold about it? It had been at least a week and a half, if not more since he had first come on to her. If he really expected her to take him seriously, then he'd have to do something about that ... that distance. Besides, she had just asked if he was okay; was that bad or something? Kaiba gained Mysterious Points +3.

"It was just a question," she responded indignantly, returning his look with an annoyed look of her own. "You know, the kind polite people ask when they're concerned about someone else?" No blushing, she reminded herself. She opened the door even further.

"No, that's not why I asked you meet me here, i-it was just ... Ugh, never mind. Come on," she said, gesturing into the game room, feeling that blushy feeling creeping back. "Go in already, would you?" He was being difficult, and she was having a hard time dealing with it civilly. She could only hope he wouldn't be that way when she really got down to business.


inexorabilis February 6 2007, 02:50:31 UTC
Of course, everything of late was a waste of his time. There was nothing to do in Paradisa but "waste time". For someone like him, who had been busy for his entire life, the change was drastic and far, far too sudden. The reason behind why he was pushing himself so far? 90% likely, not that he would ever admit to having slight problems such as that. If Mokuba were around that may change, since his little brother was no where to found it was pointless to say such ( ... )


yamanaka February 6 2007, 03:14:16 UTC
Ino flinched when he grabbed onto her hand; but as soon as she realized he was leading her somewhere, she relaxed and held on to him. He really was the strangest guy she'd ever met. One minute he was glaring at her like he wanted nothing to do with her, the next he was sweet and kind and ... SHUT UP, INO. She really needed to work on that self-control.

She wanted to ask where he was taking her, but figured that would probably just earn her a glare or a simple 'Hn', so she kept her mouth shut. She settled for glancing around. The room was different than when she had come here last ... had he been fixing it up? ...Wait. "You ... You've been down here fixing this place up, haven't you?" That would make sense, after all. He had said he was the head of some games corporation; maybe he had taken a liking to this place and had spent all his free time (and apparently sleep time) working on it. Oh, the wonders of logic. Or at least, what she thought was logic.


inexorabilis February 6 2007, 03:35:48 UTC
Yes, Ino, that was logic. Thankfully Kaiba really didn't know what she was thinking, if he had he would have mocked her then verbally assaulted her. Degrading others was one of Kaiba's strengths, he had a number of others but currently that is the only one that needs to be mentioned.

Instead of doing the vocal deconstruction thing he was so well-known for, Kaiba merely said, "Yes." He made a noise before that sounded very much like an indignant snort, but there was nothing else. It may have been a record, Kaiba not taking someone up on their obviously ignorant comment was unheard of. Or was it heard of? Hard to say ( ... )


yamanaka February 6 2007, 03:49:59 UTC
Ino raised an eyebrow at him locking the room up, but decided it was probably a good idea. She knew he had no means of attacking her by now, and if she really needed to get out she could just pick the lock herself or bust down the door. She sighed audibly and folded her arms, looking at Kaiba before she began her well-rehearsed speech ( ... )


inexorabilis February 6 2007, 04:23:13 UTC
If he were less of a jerk, believed this to be reality, and were less of a jerk, Kaiba may have felt bad for toying with Ino. As it were, he was a jackass, didn't think this was reality, and had nothing better to occupy his time than to crush a little girl's spirit. So, when she hesitantly, and a bit suspiciously, questioned his position in this, he only thought: She's far too gullible. Should he continue to waste his time on this then? If she were easy then there was no pointing pursuing this further, yet.. a tiny bit of him was in fact intrigued by which steps she would take and how far he could continue the charade. For now he'd stick with it, acting the part he crafted for her.

Next step entailed him looking solemn without trying to look solemn. It was a difficult thing to do in complete sincerity. Especially for him as his emotions were, just a tad, fucked up from his past. Thankfully he had managed to perfect this look, and many others, in front of his mirror. This is the absolute clarification that Kaiba had been plotting this ( ... )


yamanaka February 6 2007, 04:41:09 UTC

Of course, this started a ton of questions through her mind. Was he lying? What did she do wrong? When did he decide he didn't like her anymore? Had he even liked her in the first place? Was he toying with her even now? Could she trust him? What was going on? Ohhh, she was so confused, and it was pissing her off. She had to be calm, though. Dealing with this by yelling and screaming wouldn't accomplish anything. In fact, it would probably would make him hater her more ... adding to whatever it was she did before. What did she do? It just wasn't making sense.

"What? Explain what you mean!" She came off a little demanding, she supposed, but she NEEDED to know what was going on before her brain exploded. "You'd better not be screwing around," she added menacingly, reaching towards the pouch on her leg. She doubted she'd use any of her weapons on Kaiba, he was unarmed and pretty powerless as far as she could tell ... but you never knew with Ino's temper.


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