[Thread] - Merry Tidings! You're Engaged. [Seto Kaiba and Shampoo]

Feb 02, 2007 01:44

Who: Shampoo and Seto Kaiba.
What: Seto finds out something interesting from Shampoo. In bed.
When: Early morning, sometime after he turned her into a cat.
Where: Seto's room. In bed. Rawr.
Rating: PG, probably. PG-13 for language, maybe?

Everyone was softer when they were sleeping...Sorta. )

shampoo, kaiba seto

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Comments 4

inexorabilis February 6 2007, 05:52:57 UTC
When Kaiba Seto finally awoke - he'd become so drowsy after that meal, it had been a little suspicious at the time and would be moreso soon - it was to an unusual, unfamiliar, and uncomfortable sight and feel. Of course he'd felt it first, the excessive warmth was a little hard not to notice, and from that he'd opened his eyes. It could be called a chain reaction, but the jury was out on that one until coherent thought returned. Surprisingly, it returned rather swiftly - swifter than anyone may have expected judging from the fact that he'd been sluggish the morning before and this one he was half-drugged. Whatever, regardless of the how, why, or what, Kaiba Seto was fully aware of his surroundings and most certainly fully aware of the fact that someone was laying on him ( ... )


amazonianism February 6 2007, 06:10:58 UTC
Shampoo hadn't exactly appreciated her affianced's over-exuberant display of affection like she should have, considering she was in the midst of a lovely dream and came to the reality of bony body bits and a soft ache in her head. Her eyes opened, and almost cattily, she stretched and ignored his questions - he asked such silly things, really - before moving enough to lay possessive claim to his mouth and then deftly roll over and off him to her feet.

"Seto-honey is up early," she said, chipper, far too awake too quickly to be simply human. (Despite the fact she was, very simply, human - and cursed, but this was a technicality.)

"Is good fiancee no lay about in bed. Is much taller than Shampoo; is much weaker." She sighed, tapping her nose and turning to eye him with a brilliant smile. "Shampoo feed anorexic Seto-darling."

Code: Cold Water had a very effective turnaround.

Maybe Shampoo would surprise Kaiba with it in the shower one of these days.


inexorabilis February 12 2007, 16:20:39 UTC
Wait, what. Did she kiss him? And she did she just say..

Honey? One, in most fanfiction it's carefully crafted and want now, eyebrow lifted. That was the only sign of his bewilderment, which also in most fanfiction, is a rarity. Only in the fanfics it really isn't since Kaiba is always an emokid with problems coming out of his rear like .. pancakes.

Fiancee? Oh, look. Kaiba heard two very interesting words come out of Shampoo's mouth. So interesting that he was left wondering the meaning behind them and checking over the mental dictionary he had. The description didn't match him, of course not, but somehow she had twisted everything around so that he was a fiancee. Hers in fact, which did not compute well. In fact, Kaiba just laid there, checking and rechecking what he already knew was correct, until she spoke of feeding and darlings ( ... )


amazonianism February 13 2007, 23:37:41 UTC
Shampoo's mental mantra, if one existed, was, I love you, I love you or GUESS WHAT A CARD CAN'T TOP? OH YEAH. ME BABY. THOUGH APPARENTLY IT CAN TOP YOU SO APPARENTLY YOU WILL BE FOREVER UNDERNEATH. NOT THAT I MIND. ...Perhaps not.

Still, Kaiba's slow morning contemplations were nothing to the slightly older, and perhaps selectively wiser, Shampoo. Even as he was crossing his arms and leveling one of his best glares in her direction, he was being knocked down again with the enthusiasm of Shampoo's affections.

Which he should be glad were generally only very innocent, filled with things such as hugs and platonic caresses, if you ignored the fact she was prone to indulging in these things despite her state of clothing (or lack thereof). Shampoo with a libido, one which was active, was beyond frightening.

It was also plausible.

"You silly, Seto-honey. You is one propose to Shampoo." And to back up her point, she pulled a circumspectly bound novel, which in glittering gold chinese characters, read, "That Which Is To Be Good To ( ... )


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