[Thread] - Merry Tidings! You're Engaged. [Seto Kaiba and Shampoo]

Feb 02, 2007 01:44

Who: Shampoo and Seto Kaiba.
What: Seto finds out something interesting from Shampoo. In bed.
When: Early morning, sometime after he turned her into a cat.
Where: Seto's room. In bed. Rawr.
Rating: PG, probably. PG-13 for language, maybe?

Everyone was softer when they were sleeping. They drooled, snored, thrashed about, and mumbled; they also smiled, frowned, and lost the tension around their eyes which only intensified when they were awake. Perhaps even Seto Kaiba did these things; Shampoo certainly noticed, but she also noticed the little crows feet he was far too young and malnurished to have at this age. She touched one finger to them, frowning slightly, then sighing and deciding that her fiancee was most tricky a sorceror indeed to activate a curse such as dependent on the temperature of water.

Very devious, and very intelligent. Talk about things running hot and cold.

She fell asleep, listening to his heartbeat and breathing and drooling, it was all very romantic. Or at the very least real, when she couldn't quite get comfortable - he was bony - and she was cold, so she had to shift closer - he was at least warm - and then she was too hot, so she kicked the blankets off herself and onto him, mildly amazed he hadn't woken up yet. (Then she remembered she'd laced his food with a sleep drug earlier, because she felt he'd been keeping horrible hours. Suddenly she was not so amazed.)

When Shampoo had finally gotten to sleep she was half sprawled over Kaiba, half the the pillows had gone missing, and his bony hip was digging into her thigh.

It was the continuation of a beautiful relationship.

shampoo, kaiba seto

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