
Oct 18, 2007 00:47

Who: Ophelia (ripplingophelia) and Akito (fangedking)
What: A lesson in swordfighting.
When: Early evening of the 18th.
Where: Outside somewhere, away from the castle.
Rating: PG-13?

She was starting to reconsider her original choice. )

wanijima akito, ophelia

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Comments 6

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ripplingophelia October 19 2007, 17:48:55 UTC
Rather than rushing blindly at the first opportunity, Akito seems to stop and think about his strategy for a few moments; it's a promising sign, and it improves Ophelia's mood a little. Just a little. After all, just because he has the sense to think before he moves, it doesn't necessarily mean anything. It does makes things look more hopeful, though ( ... )


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ripplingophelia October 19 2007, 20:59:23 UTC
The way Akito holds the sword is clumsy, and Ophelia reminds herself to test it later - if he isn't secure with it, it would be easy for somebody to knock it out of his grip, or use it against him. Such weaknesses are easily exploited, she thinks, and not everybody will be as kind as she's being. Too kind, maybe.

His agility seems good for a human, anyway. Her braid flicking over her shoulder, Ophelia turns to face him, her Claymore still held lazily in one hand. An attack to the left. Looking over Akito's shoulder and back at the castle, she waits for him to strike at her. Waiting, waiting. Humans are so slow. Her Yoma energy is suppressed almost as far as she is capable of suppressing it, but she still feels boredom gnawing at her; it's always this way unless she's fighting the Awakened, and even most of them are nothing. Humans are less than that, weaker than the weakest monster. Not worth fighting unless she can make it interesting.

As soon as Akito learns to use his sword properly, she will.


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ripplingophelia October 19 2007, 22:06:30 UTC
The swing isn't very strong, and the wound it leaves is shallow. "Oh." Ophelia looks up from the sword and stares at Akito, her eyes widening. "I didn't expect that you'd be able to do that."

In one quick movement Ophelia has grabbed the hilt of Akito's sword, and she uses it to pull him closer. "How wonderful," she murmurs, grinning as she feels the blood trickle from the wound. "I'm impressed, Akito. I didn't know you were so fast!"

Laughing, Ophelia abruptly lets of his sword before taking a step back and lifting her own. She aims a quick swing at his left shoulder, hoping that he'll have more pleasant surprises like that one in store for her. It's so rare for her to find people like this, people who can make her feel this excited, and she finds it difficult resisting the urge to release some of her power. The sight of the blood on her uniform makes her want to see his, too.


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ripplingophelia October 19 2007, 23:07:37 UTC
The dodge is another impressive move, and for a moment Ophelia wonders if she'll end up using her rippling sword: Akito may be quick, but it's doubtful that he'd be quick enough to avoid that. Then again, she hasn't released any of her Yoki yet. There's no sense in getting too far ahead of herself.

"So quick," Ophelia breathes, pausing for a moment to study his stance. Akito may not know the right way to hold a sword, but it seems that he does know some other tricks after all. "I'm glad I decided to do this." Her earlier feelings of boredom and frustration are completely forgotten. "You don't know how happy it makes me."

Shivering, Ophelia swings again, aiming for his legs this time.


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ripplingophelia October 21 2007, 03:55:52 UTC
Ophelia can't help but feel disappointed at the sound of the sword hitting the ground. It's not that she's unaware of how to fight without weapons - she'd find it a lot more difficult without her Claymore, but nowhere near impossible - but that she's supposed to be teaching Akito how to fight with them. And the number one rule of fighting with weapons is never drop your weaponThe swing misses, of course, and Ophelia gives him a scrutinising look for a few seconds before releasing ten percent of her Yoma energy. She can feel the effect instantly: she feels stronger, faster, and veins begin to bulge noticeably around her muscles. Her eyes are probably a different colour now too, and catlike, though she can't see that ( ... )


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