[Thread] Domingo Chavez, Ruby

Aug 09, 2007 01:15

Who: Ruby, Domingo Chavez
What: Ding would like a ride (flying you perverts) Ruby obliges.
When: yesterday evening ish
Where: *SNERK* the sky
Rating: Pg-13

And I try
Just let back, relax, enjoy the ride
And I feel free'>

The entire time that Dom and she had been speaking Ruby had known exactly what he'd meant by the word 'ride' but it was so much more fun to mess with people sometimes.....well .... all the time. She hadn't even whipped out her age at the poor man yet and now she was going to show up outside of his window as a fifty foot tall pink-furred dragon.

A small laugh escaped her throat as she sat on the edge of her window sill, her little tail flicking, testing the air. She wondered what he was visualizing when she told him that she was a warm-blooded dragon. It would surprise her significantly if his mental picture was accurate and she was definitely looking forward to seeing his face. Especially given the fact that they'd talked about how tiny she was in her smallest form but hadn't once spoken of her immense size in her dragon form. 50 feet was very large.

After just a moment to orient herself Ruby hopped off of the roof and glided away from the castle until there was enough space to change. Her form warped with a soft light and a gentle popping sound. Dom lived on floor 13 and just a couple of rooms over from her own. Not hard to find. With a stroke of her wings she shot upward a few floors then locked her claws firmly into the stone outside of room 1309. The rock crumbled beneath her claws until she released some of the pressure and they just held her there, enormous and pink.

With a single claw she reached out and delicately tapped the window to catch the man's attention.

domingo chavez, ruby

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