Bounty Hunter vs SpecOps Commander \\ Samus and Rtas

Aug 09, 2007 00:26

Who: Samus and Rtas
What: Samus barges in on Rtas and the Sangheili ain't too happy...
When: Tonight, sometime when Samus is not fighting the others lol
Where: In Rtas's room, and the hallway?
Rating: PG-13, bloody likely fighting

Rtas was cleaning his energy sword at the time, a far more complicated and tedious task than ever a human weapon could ever warrant. He took it apart carefully, cleaned the working coils and various intricate parts, very carefully put it back together, and breathed a sigh of relief when he made sure the blade projected after the meticulous job.

Then he began work on polishing the outside, the simple handle that was all the blade was.

samus, rtas 'vadumee

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