(no subject)

Aug 08, 2007 22:18

Who: Delirium fishy_go_byebye, and Samus 1girl_vs_galaxyWhat: They meet! Chaos and confusion ensues
When: Before she meets Pyro!
Where: In the forest. And the kitchen.
Rating: Ah... PG?

Dear Chozo Above, the damage! Samus Aran gave a groan. Her body hurt all over from the unexpected crash landing, and for the past twenty minutes, there was little else she could do except stare at the crater she had caused, tracing her eyes across the dents and dings and --oh sweet mother of Chozo was that a chip in the paint!? Not only that, but Adam hadn't made a peep, which was bad news. With a disgruntled sigh, the bounty hunter plopped herself down on a rock beside her baby, resting her hand on her arm cannon and staring forlornly at the wreckage.

Del hummed to herself as she glided through the forrest, toching trees plants, anything nearby that look bright. Saddly, most of the bright colours she managed to find resided in the brown bark of trees, the sent of metal distracted her as she wandered. Maybe it was the swirlies back again. With a few more steps, she reached to edge of a clearing with a large crater in it.

The quick, silent bioscan she'd performed earlier hadn't shown anyone was nearby, so it was only years of practise that kept Samus Aran from jumping out of her skin when she suddenly spotted an odd girl at the edge of the crater with a sad expression. Making a mental note to run a scan on the functions of her Power Suit later, Samus Aran quickly rose to her feet and took a few steps forward, arm cannon ready but inactive at the moment.

Delirium turned her head slightly At the sound of someone moving, her dual coloured eyes taking in the threatening arm pointed at her, before running up and over the rest of the woman. She grinned bright, and sweet at her, her hair dancing around her head. "Hi! Uhm... The fishies aren't where they should be but more colours danced at the edge so it was pretty to come here." As she spoke, she wandered closer hands flitting everywhere as she chewed a little on her lip. "Has she seen a doggy...?"

Behind her visor, Samus was frowning in consternation, unable to quite keep track of what the girl had been speaking about. A bit alarmed by all the hand movement, her hand steadied on her cannon, but it was hard to point a gun at something that was smiling so brightly.
Her armor moved seamlessly, a second skin, as she lifted her arm and gave a sort of cautious half-wave in response, not really knowing how to vocalise. It made her sort of nervous, to see the girl perched on the edge of the crater, so she made a slight hand-motion to warn her away from the edge.
Catching the last question suddenly, something about seeing doggies, Samus looked to each side of her. The charred forest, not to mention the rough landing, would have scared away any dogs. Uh, unless she'd landed on it, but that wasn't likely. Forgetting about her bruises, she shook her head in response to the question about dogs. This Paradisa place was damn weird.

Delirium wasn't put off by the fact that the woman didn't talk much. She grinned and shrugged a little moving back from the edge of the crater but walking closer to the vaguely threatening woman babbling all the time. "Well... he went away a long time but that's okay cuz he finds me sometimes and maybe if I keep looking he'll find me again I went with a guy once to the swirly place and it was nice..."
It took her a moment, but the connection between the crater and the woman finally came together. "ah... Is the woman okay...? The ship looks all piecey..."

Samus stood dumbly for about half a minute, just staring at Delirium in a vaguely shocked manner, completely thrown off by the whole situation. What kind of planet was this, and how had such a careless girl survived for so long? It was as if Samus had cupcakes strapped to her helmet, instead of the giant arm cannon pointed directly at her, for all the caution the normally imposing Samus was used to receiving. Uncertain, Samus Aran paused another heartbeat before nodding once, then reaching out slowly to pat the ship as if to tell her that it would be fine. After a second she froze, and her gun shot up, arm stretching out to aim in a nonverbal gesture to keep Delirium from coming any closer. How had this strange being known she was female? Almost everyone she'd met before mistook her for a male upon first sight.

"...Does she want to stop pointing the possible pain?" Del was getting tired of that, she was pretty sure it was mean and she didn't especially like mean people. "And is she sure... being hurt is hurty and Del was hurt once and it was leaky and rainbow red..." She had stopped moving towards the suited woman, but she had her arms crossed over her stomach a slight pout on her lips. She sat in the dirt, fingers making swirls and patternless patterns in the dust.

Samus was having trouble as it was, not only because pointing her cannon at an unarmed girl was rather silly, but because she'd bruised her shoulder fairly badly in the crash, even with her suit's protection, and the act of holding her gun up shoulder-level was painful. Delirium's pout broke the moment and Samus leg her arm cannon fall to her side. She might have sighed in relief, but that threatened to cause more hurt. Besides, it was paranoia, certainly; the babbling child-like creature wasn't showing any intent to harm. Easy, Samus. Stepping closer in a quiet acceptance of a truce and peering at the designs with mild curiosity, Samus nodded again. She would be fine. Realizing there was no point in keeping silent anymore, she rested her free hand on her hip in a casual pose, and her lip twitched into a slight smile behind her visor.
"It's nothing a little welding can't fix. What planet are you from?"

Del sat there and thought about that one a little, the babble of all the places she'd been running through her head... There were just too many, she finally decided. "...Planet? Ahh... Delirium is everywhere." It was random, and confusing, but really. Del doodled in some planets, and then a random nova. The drawing spread out around around her more, the swirls taking on some coherency despite their chaos.

Samus blinked behind her visor, again reduced to standing and staring dumbly at the doodling... "Delirium?" Perhaps she'd heard wrong, or maybe she'd been distracted by the rather fetching drawings she had begun to make. Locating a cluster of swirls that looked sort of like a galaxy she used to be familliar with, Samus reached down and began to draw her home planet, Zebes, with its Jupiter-esque gas swirls.

Del grinned when the woman joined in her drawing. She continued to creat a map of the Universe as she knew it. The swirls joined and parted, curved close and far. Inher head they moved, too. A dance that could have been interesting if it had been outside her head. She startedd humming again, as she nodded to her name made a question. "Delirium." She confirmed out loud. "I'm Delirium." Glancing up from the drawing, she smiled at the woman. "And she is?"

Samus met Delirium's mismatched eyes and felt a shudder run down her spine, undetectable to any observers, but an odd feeling to the bounty hunter. Del had ageless eyes, the type of eyes that had seen too much. The type of eyes that seemed all too eager to share the unfathomable as casually as if exchanging pastry recipes. Before she could stop herself, she was replying. "Samus. Samus Aran." Remembering that she had her finger in the dirt, Samus wiped it off and watched Delirium draw. It was easier than looking in her eyes.

"Samus... Samus... That's pretty." She decided. She twisted around to spread the drawing out behind her, beginning to turn it into a circle. "...She shouldn't be nervous. She should come... to the castle with all the people. maybe she'd like it with all of the sounds and special it collects. What's her spcial that brought her? What was given up...?" She grinned with bright eyes at at Samus, her fingers still moving without her seeming to think about it, the drawing starting to grow beyond her reach.

Samus almost winced. Was the girl psychic? It was so odd for someone to know her emotions so keenly, especially when they had a good inch or two of metal and glass to look past. Unsettled, Samus shifted from one foot to the other, shaking her head even though Delirium was faced away.
"Thanks, but I would prefer to stay here, with my gunship."
At the mention of a loss, her armor clinked as it moved to outline her shrugging shoulder. "I don't know yet. But Adam doesn't seem to work," she muttered, referrign to the artificial intelligence that had been implemented into her ship. Suddenly a self scan seemed quite an important idea, if losing things happened so often on this planet.
"What did you lose, Delirium?"

"Lose?" She asked. "Lose what?" She had stopped drawing, unable to reach any more empty ground. Standing, she jumped out from the middle of the drawing and smiled at the effect. It looked like the doodles were being pulled toward the center, like they were swirling down a drain. "...lose... lose..." She hummed the word to herself, watching as her drawn portion of the known universe swirled away into oblivion in her head. "...I lost their sight. Nobody sees it anymore, nobody feels the effects, not when the bugs crawl, or the fishies swim..." She finally decided. She smiled a little, her hair changing colours and dancing a little in the nonexistant wind. "But she should really come," Delirium said in a firm voice "The castle likes to see what it catches and sometimes it catches what it doesn't want to see~"

Samus paused, intrigued both by Delirium's words and the fact that her hair had just randomly changed colours. She lifted her free hand and placed it on the back of her helmet, smiling behind the visor. "At least you didn't lose your drawing skills, right?" A lame trade, perhaps, but the idea that someone could lose something as odd as the ability to see colours (though Samus figured it was more of a shock to Delirium, who seemed to be made of colour and light). What otehr things could be lost? Was there something schewed in her personality, even now? Samus shoved those thoughts away and shook her head. "I'm not sure I like the castle back, if it stole me away from my home. Staying here is sufficient. I can guard my ship."

"...Oh. Del can see, everybody else can't." She tilted her head back. "But Henry man losted colours ans he was really really sad so I made him texture fishy instead and that was good~" She looked at her drawing again for a moment, but most of it was gone now. "She should really come. Maybe the ship was her loss? She should come at least for food cuz the humany people have to eat Henry says I should eat to but I don't think I have..." She paused in her babbling again, thinking a little as she began to move forward, walking through the picture and ruining it. "...When did Del eat..."

Samus was lost again by the stream of words that were supposed to be english and make sense but weren't really, giving in enough to nod. The thought that losing her gunship was too frightening to deal with, so she promptly ignored that lump of Chozo droppings.. when she returned from her scary thought-ride, Del was floating through her own drawings, muttering about eating. "..I suppose it wouldn't hurt to look around.."

Del paused, and spun around, jumping up and down a little. "Really? Good! Then she can eat instead of Del~" She skipped back to grab onto Samus's hand.

Samus gave a little cry as her hand was grabbed, shocked enough by the familiar contact, even through the metal of her suit, that she was easily led into the castle.

Del grinned again, humming a little as she gently dragged Samus through the castle towards the kitchen. "The was crazy before but the blender's okay and Dog-Star made a sandwitch, but I don't know why that witch wants to be eaten but that's okay and you should eat something too cuz that's what people's do right? Right and then maybe Del will have chocolate... or rasberries... Or curry! She found it that one time when I was..." And she continued on, babbling out anything that came to mind smiling and humming, as she made their way to the home of the food.

Samus had to duck through a few of the doorways, her towering 6"3 frame and the broad shoudlers of her suit giving her a bit of trouble. After a while, she learned to pick out certain phrases that Delirium said, rather than trying to obtain all the excess information as well. It was a challenge even for her sharply honed mind, mainly because Delirium was mentioning people and places she'd never heard of before, and at a speed and apparent randomness that was hard for her mind to separate and file away neatly. "Uh, I..." She supposed she was hungry, but from the smells coming from the kitchen as they neared it, they didn't serve what she was used to...

"It makes anything cuz the ghosties can do eeeeeverything~! They almost helped Del make tea once..." She stopped in front of a pair of doors slightly bigger than most, and pulled hard on one of the handles, her tiny body throwing all of its weight to make it move. "Kitchen!" she cried when she finally gained access. Pulling Samus behind her she babbled out her order choices of liquid chocolate and raspberries in curry, before glancing behind her and looking inquiringly at Samus. The ghost floating in front of them waited patiently for the larger woman as well.

Suddenly put on the spot, Samus paused before deciding she'd test the ghosts - really test them. "Flicker Bat on a bed of wild rice, medium-rare, wing-meat only." Flicker Bats were deceptive creatures to catch, relying on optical camouflaging. She doubted she'd actually eat it, but she'd give the castle ghosts a good run for their money. Glancing at Del, she grinned. "And I'll take some liquid..chocolate too."

Del lit up like a Christmas tree, everything becoming bright and happy, crying out "thank you ghosties!" as she pulled Samus over to a counter, hopping up onto it and looking the suited woman over again, eventually landing on where her face would be under the helmet. "Does Samus like that?" She finally asked, fingers coming up as if to pet something then detouring to play with her hair when there was nothing to pet.

Bewildered by the ray of sunshine that had just exploded from Delirium, Samus was led along as placidly as a calf. It was impressed upon her that everyone seemed so small around here... maybe she was just too disproportionately large for his planet. Samus stood in front of Delirium, eerily drawn to the girl's eyes as she sat on the counter. It suddenly struck her that Delirium seemed to be in two, maybe three places at once, effortlessly drifting between them all at any given time. Samus automatically tilted her head in a way that would make sure the light from the surrounding room wouldn't give away her face as Del peered into her visor, unconsciously hiding her identity. "Do I like what, liquid chocolate?" She gave a shrug. "Can't say I've ever tried it." Samus glanced down at Delirium's feet, randomly curious to see if she had shoes on.

"Yes. And the shieldy hemlet. How does food fit in?" She tilted her head curiously and kicked her booted feet gently against the cubords, smiling a little into the shielded face. When the food arrived, she started picking at the curry before ignoring it entirely to drink the chocolate. "Try it, try it!" She urged Samus. If she's never had it should really should try cuz it was delicious. At least, that was all the reasoning in Del's mind.

Samus winced - she'd almost forgotten. The helmet was almost like a second skin, as was the rest of her Power Suit. She'd have to take off her helmet. She glanced around, making sure no one else was milling in the kitchen, and then once it was safe, reached up to twist it off with a soft popping noise. Keeping it in her hand just in case she needed to snap it back on quickly, she reached out for the cup of liquid chocolate she'd been given, taking a tentative sip.
It was delicious - Samus couldn't help but make a noise of pleasure. It was so sweet, and like nothing she'd ever tasted before...

Del grinned right out at the womans reaction. Everybody liked chocolate. How could they not? She started to pick at her food with her fingers, licking them clean after every little bit. "So she likes it good... One time I had chocolate people at Dreams and mango juice and it was yummy ans they has sex~ But then it was melty and not as good." She kicked her feet a little more before leaning back on one hand to just sip at the chocolate. "Where does Samus come from?"

Samus couldn't hide her confused look at the mention of mango/chocolate sex, but since Delirium was busy looking at her food, she managed to wipe the stupid look off her face long enough to reply. "I come from a planet called Zebes," she said quietly, looking down into her glass of chocolate. A strand of blonde fell across her shoulder with the movement, taking residence somewhere along her neck. "I am a hunter, a bounty hunter." She gave a tight-lipped smile at the thought, sifting briefly through her memories before glancing back up at Delirium, suddenly straightening. "I appreciate the liquid chocolate, it was delicious. Do you mind if I look around the castle?" She didn't want to leave the girl, really, but she was worried someone would spot her here, helmetless and exposed and-- she clamped down on the thoughts, reaching for a piece of rice from her plate and tasting it thoughtfully. Also delicious, which wasn't a surprise.

Delirium smiled and shook her head. "Lady bounty can go do what she wants. I don't mind. But when she stays, she should let me visit. It's always good to get to see the people and sometimes they ever want to see Del~" She waved her hand a little while licking some food off her fingers. "Have fun~!"

Samus gave a half-grin at the title, striking her fist to her heart in salute. "I'll be sure to visit you, Delirium. You've been quite kind." Given the opportunity, she quickly scooped up her hair and then popped her helmet back on, feeling an immediate surge of relief and safety. With a little wave, she turned towards the exit, calling over her shoulder. "You can visit me too, you know. The gunship won't be going anywhere for a while." Saying it out loud made her stomach clench, but the woman headed towards the stairs as if nothing had happened, disappearing up them silently.

delirium, samus

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