
Jun 08, 2007 15:07

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donatello, sonic the hedgehog

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Comments 16

blazeofblue June 9 2007, 05:41:45 UTC
Sonic had been running around the first floor of the castle, bored mostly, exploring somewhat, and well... Avoiding the sixth floor and cake. How he ended up in the library was completely unknown to him.

After all, Sonic the Hedgehog hated to sit down and read. Running and doing something was still a much preferred hobby.

Walking through the library, the former hedgehog stopped at the strangest sight he'd seen in a while. Well, no. He'd seen something akin to this so many times back in Tails' Workshop, whenever the kit pulled an all nighter... But a turtle?

"Hey... Yo..." Shaking Donatello's shoulder lightly, Sonic called out (in a library-brand voice). Really, what was with these types and falling asleep in a book?


purple_bo June 9 2007, 18:59:10 UTC
Donnie let out a loud snort when he was shaken out of dream land. "Tech support, this is Donatehuh?" he mumbled, sleep slurring his words. Once he was able to distinguish between dreams and reality, the turtle stretched out and yawned, feeling the bones in his neck pop.

Standing up slowly, he looked over to his living alarm clock. "Thanks for the wake up," he started to say when he noticed the newcomer's appearance. Short, blue hair, green eyes, odd ears on the top of his head... Why was that ringing a bell?

"I'm sorry, but do I know you? You look kinda familiar," Donatello asked, and eyebrow ridge lifted in inquiry.


blazeofblue June 10 2007, 00:41:44 UTC
To the initial wake up comment, Sonic could only grin. This guy woke up the same way Tails did... Incoherently. Hands on his hip, the former hedgehog's grin only grew when Donnie did the once over.

"Nope, unless your name happens to be 'Donnie'~" Standing up straight, Sonic promptly extended his hand, "Yo! I'm the guy you met over the journals, Sonic the He-"

If this were an anime, there would be a giant sweatdrop on Sonic's head right about now. After all, when your name happened to end in the name of an animal you no longer were.... Well, it was pretty embarassing.

As if the Blue Blur was going to let something like that keep him down though! Now to wait for a reaction.


purple_bo June 10 2007, 01:06:14 UTC
Donnie blinked several times as his mind attempted to wrap around the quickly-spoken words. So this was Sonic. Nifty.

Reaching out to the table blindly, the turtle wrapped his hand around a mug of castle provided coffee. Just the smell of the brew was waking him up.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I am Donnie. So you're Sonic?" Donatello took a sip. Ah... Caffeinated bliss. "Or is it 'Sonic the Hedgehog'. You mentioned having hedgehog ears, and, considering you verbal mix up, I'm guessing the castle changed you when it brought you here," he said with a smile, grateful that his ninja training included getting the mind up and running as quickly as possible.


blazeofblue June 10 2007, 03:11:53 UTC
Green eyes narrowed at the beverage. How could people drink that? It was so bitter and... ick.

"Yup, castle ate my spikey self, and now I'm stuck like this. Hence my complaints previously about not being able to fight properly..."

Hedgehog ears twitched a bit, and Sonic crinkled his nose. It sucked that the castle took his spines, but left him with his animalistic hearing and smell... At least it didn't take his speed (who knows what he might've done if it did that).

"So, what? You a ninja or something? Because I totally knew a ninja back home. He was a reptile too, only a chameleon... and purple... I mean, really purple!" Sonic pointed at Donatello's headband, "That shade of purple."


purple_bo June 10 2007, 03:30:56 UTC
Donnie noticed the hedgehog-turn-human make a face at the coffee; grinning inwardly, the turtle deliberately took a second, longer sip. A sip that he almost choked on with laughter when Sonic mentioned the castle 'eating' him as though it was alive. Which, in all honesty, it might be.

"Yeah, I am. A ninja, I mean. My brothers and I studied ninjitsu most of our lives. What about your friend?" Donatello was curious over the idea that he and his brothers might not be the only ninja-reptiles in existence.


blazeofblue June 10 2007, 03:35:57 UTC
Sonic stared at the coffee like it offended him, his mother, and all his ancestors... Chaos, he hated that stuff.

"Whole life? Wow... As for Espio, that's his name, I'm pretty sure he did the same thing... Except I think he's claustrophobic. Not quite sure how that works out. Never really talked to him too much, Red or Vector are closer to him than I was."

It was kinda lonely, knowing that his friends weren't somewhere in the world with him. Sure, he'd often run off on his own for weeks or months on end, but he knew that they were probably somewhere in the world with him, but here? Not so much.

"Gotta admit though, it was probably easier for him to be all ninja. You know, being able to change your skin colour to match your surroundings and all that."


purple_bo June 10 2007, 04:35:12 UTC
Feeling completely awake now, Donatello set the oh-so-offensive beverage on the table. "Claustrophobic, huh? That must've caused him some difficulties during training. And as for the color change, sure it might make things easier, but then you don't get to learn about blending into the shadows with just your skill alone. Not that I'm saying your friend was a bad ninja," the turtle amended quickly with a bashful smile.

Picking up his bo that he left resting against the table he commandeered for the night and sliding it into its holder strapped across his back (with a few flourishing spins), Donatello offered, "Do you want to stop by the kitchens real quick? As Mikey would say, I could really go for some deep dish action right about now."


blazeofblue June 10 2007, 04:41:02 UTC
Shrugging at the comment ("I never really got to see him in action, and the sources I heard from kinda exaggerate" he says) Sonic stretched and placed his hands behind his head.

Deep dish? Ah, a pizza guy.

"Some food sounds great right about now. I'm craving some chili dogs right now~ Shall we go?"

And an idea struck Sonic, causing a decidedly mischievious glint to appear in emerald eyes... Without warning, Sonic grabbed Donnie's wrist and proceeded to run (semi-full speed) straight to the kitchen. Managed to get there in, what? 20 seconds? If they were allowed emoticons in life, Sonic's would be ">3" right then and there.


purple_bo June 10 2007, 05:10:15 UTC

Needless to say, Donatello was caught slightly off balance by Sonic's sudden actions. Luckily, he was able to catch himself before he fell and, with his longer legs and larger stride, managed to keep up. His main thought was that the kid certainly lived up to his name.

"Well, that was fun," Donnie said dryly as he straightened up. A pair of kitchen ghosts floated their way over to the pair, one holding a platter of chili dogs and the other carrying a box of pepperoni.


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