[Thread] Drizzt and Helena

May 09, 2007 21:34

Who: Drizzt (dawn_hunter) and Helena (anormal_life)
When: This afternoon
Where: Drizzt's room
What: Helena decides Drizzt needs help understanding women
Rating: PG

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drizzt do'urden, helena campbell

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Comments 32

dawn_hunter May 10 2007, 01:43:59 UTC
There was something unnerving about having this conversation with someone who was barely more than a child. Drizzt knew that humans aged faster than elves, knew that some might already consider Helena an adult. But that knowledge did little to assuage his uneasiness.

“Helena, perhaps this is not the best-”


anormal_life May 10 2007, 01:44:33 UTC
“Oh no,” Helena interrupted, guessing where that statement was going and deciding to put an end to it before it got there. “You’re not weaseling out that easy ( ... )


dawn_hunter May 10 2007, 01:44:46 UTC
The world I created. The words were spoken casually, as if Helena did not even hear them. But Drizzt did, and he understood what they meant.

“You are a god,” he whispered, looking at her as if seeing her for the first time.

On Toril, it was not unusual for gods to communicate with mortals. The high priestesses of the drow communed with Lloth often. And Montolio had spoken of Mielikki as if the two of them met regularly for friendly conversation. But to speak with a god while it was on its home plane was quite different than looking into the god’s eyes.

“Forgive me, Helena,” Drizzt apologized, rising swiftly to his feet so that he could give her a proper bow. “I did not know.”


anormal_life May 10 2007, 01:45:17 UTC
Helena’s jaw dropped, stunned speechless. He thought she was a god? Her? Helena the circus juggler Campbell? A god? That was ridiculous! She couldn’t smite people with lightning bolts or read minds or watch what everyone else was doing like some kind of supremely powerful nosey neighbor. No. She was just Helena Campbell. An ordinary girl who had created a world quite by accident from her imagination. And what is a god but a being that creates a world? a voice in the back of her mind asked quietly. She ignored it, not caring for the implications.

“N-no, you’re not… That isn’t...” Helena cleared her throat. “I’m not a god. I’m just me. Just Helena. I can’t do anything fancy. I just draw. And juggle. That’s it. So sit down and stop it. You’re making me nervous.”


dawn_hunter May 10 2007, 01:46:13 UTC
Drizzt sat, though he remained unconvinced. Tales were often told of gods who would take on avatars so that they could walk the Realms in anonymity. Might it be any different for Helena?

“You were telling me about Valentine?” Drizzt prompted, when it looked at if Helena had forgotten what she had been saying. As he spoke the name, the dark elf felt a sense of familiarity. Where have I heard that name before?


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