[Thread] Drizzt and Helena

May 09, 2007 21:34

Who: Drizzt (dawn_hunter) and Helena (anormal_life)
When: This afternoon
Where: Drizzt's room
What: Helena decides Drizzt needs help understanding women
Rating: PG

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drizzt do'urden, helena campbell

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Comments 32

anormal_life May 10 2007, 01:41:57 UTC
Helena sighed, shaking her head in disappointment. “That’ll be a no, then.”

She liked Drizzt, she really did. He was kind and patient and he listened to her when she spoke. He had a panther and enchanted swords. It was all very romantic, the way he’d rush in, swords waving and panther growling, maybe biting - Helena was a little hazy on the details - saving damsels and the day alike. That he was also the most exotic, gorgeous looking man...elf...whatever she’d ever seen didn’t hurt either. But when it came to dating, he sure was dense.

“How long are you planning on going without kissing her?” Helena demanded, glaring disapprovingly at Drizzt.


dawn_hunter May 10 2007, 01:42:16 UTC
Drizzt began to realize that he would not be escaping this encounter unscathed, no matter how much he might wish it so. Not that he was embarrassed of his feelings for Kaylee, quite the opposite actually. It was just that he was not accustomed to the interest Helena was showing in the matter.

“It is a delicate situation,” Drizzt said finally. “I do not wish to force myself upon her.”


anormal_life May 10 2007, 01:42:53 UTC
For a very long, disbelieving minute, Helena stared at Drizzt. He was serious. He was actually serious! He’d lived for how many decades and he still hadn’t the first clue about woman? It just didn’t seem possible.

“You don’t know a damn thing about women, do you?” she asked flatly.


dawn_hunter May 10 2007, 01:43:05 UTC
Drizzt knew a lot about drow females. He knew that they were decision-makers in drow society. He knew that they were the strongest and the most powerful of the race. He knew that the lives of the males were worth nothing compared to the lives of the females. He remembered quite vividly the bite of his sisters’ snake-headed whips, when they had beaten him for no other purpose than to assert their dominance over him.

But of the women of other races, he knew only what he had observed.

“Not as much as I should,” he admitted.


anormal_life May 10 2007, 01:43:42 UTC
Well, that was a start anyway. If he knew he had a problem, at least he could work on fixing it. Helena decided to work on the basics first, saving the finer points of male-female interaction for later when she thought he might have a hope of grasping it.

“Rule number one. Girls like being kissed,” Helena paused, glaring at him to drive the point home. “And none of that wimpy stuff either. Sure, a kiss on the cheek or the hand or the forehead’s cute and all. But if that’s all you ever do, you’re in trouble. You’ve got to kiss her. Really kiss her.”


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