Jumping Right In... [Amaterasu, Donatello]

Apr 07, 2007 23:45

Who: Okami Amaterasu, Donatello
What: The two characters both arrive at Paradisa.
When: Some time tomorrow, mid-day.
Where: Ammy's room briefly, courtyard mostly.
Rating: PG

Down, down, way down we go. )

okami amaterasu, donatello

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Comments 18

purple_bo April 8 2007, 18:18:08 UTC
Bo tucked safely across his back, Donatello grumbled slightly as he climbed up the ladder, out of the sewer. With April gone in Central America, Casey often grew bored and spent more time with the turtles. Take tonight, for example. Tonight is supposedly movie night. Unfortunately, movie night can't start until everybody was present. Which Raphael wasn't ( ... )


white_shiranui April 9 2007, 18:12:02 UTC
"Oni!" came the tiny, yet impossibly loud, voice from behind Shiranui's ears. Issun bounced twice, pointing at some creature to the right, and then fell silent once again.

The white wolf cocked her head to the side and glanced in that direction. Sure enough, there was a turtle-like humanoid that certainly looked like it could be an Oni.

Shiranui sniffed the air. It almost smelled like an Oni, too, but not quite. Besides, it didn't seem to have that certain Oni aura, that certain... evilness.

Curious, the wolf moved closer to the giant turtle, sniffing the air as she moved. She walked right up to it and sat down in front of it. It was definitely not an Oni.

She whined once and prodded it with her nose.


purple_bo April 12 2007, 02:51:50 UTC
Donatello started slightly at the poke; for a brief second he thought a human might have seen him. "Oh, you scared me," he breathed a small sigh of relief. Odd looking wolf, he thought. Pretty, but odd.

Crouching down to get eye level with the creature, Donnie reached out and began to scratch it behind one ear. "I don't suppose you know what's happening here, do you?" he absentmindedly asked the wolf, looking down at the ground in hopes of spotting any trace of a NYC manhole cover.


white_shiranui April 12 2007, 05:35:43 UTC
Ammy's head cocked to the side in both curiosity at the creature and in pleasure at the stritch. Her half lidded eyes stared peacefully into his before moving to something moving off to the left.

"Careful there, bub!" a tiny voice said from somewhere near the three-fingered hand scratching Ammy's head.


purple_bo April 17 2007, 19:40:19 UTC
((And I didn't really mean to use that time. I just thought I was picking it at random. Honest! *dies*))

Don 'hmm'ed at that statement, shifting into analysis mode. "So, none of us know where we are or how we got here. Considering the size of this place, it's should be safe to assume that there are others here. Others that might be able to provide us that information."

With a nod, the ninja continued on. "Therefore, our best course of action would be to explore this place and try to find other people. In the meantime, we can tell each other what we were doing before we showed up here. With any luck," Donatello added with a shrug, "we might figure some of the how and why on our own."


white_shiranui April 17 2007, 20:37:50 UTC

Shinranui whined a bit and then let out a healthy bark. She stood up and walked a circle around Donatello once, rubbing against his legs. She stopped on his right and then started looking right.

"I guess that sounds good to Ammy, too. We'll help ya then!" Issun said. "First off, introductions are in order! The white wolf beneath me here is the great Amaterasu! I call her Ammy for short though. I'm Issun, Celestial Envoy to the furball here. You are?"


purple_bo April 17 2007, 22:38:36 UTC
((The number made me do it.))

"Donatello, turtle of the teenage mutant ninja variety." Said turtle began walking leisurely in the direction that Ammy was staring. "So, Celestial Envoy, huh? How's that going for you two?"


white_shiranui April 18 2007, 18:50:52 UTC
((lol ( ... )


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