[Thread] Mattress Surfing

Mar 27, 2007 18:52

Who: Jasdero & Debitt, whoever may wish to come join/observe the insanity

What: Mattress surfing down the stairs and causing general chaos in a quest for entertainment

When: After the twins' second reunion

Where: On some stairs

Rating: PG-13 for language

He wasn't really sure who's idea this had been, but at this exact moment in time he wasn't sure if the end result was worth all the effort it was taking. Even after removing all the sheets, pillows, and other covers from the mattress, it was still a rather heavy object to be dragging, especially for two wiry boys with barely any mass to call their own.

"Left- No, Jasdero's left, Debitt's right!"

The mattress was heavy, damn it, but they just had to make it around this corner and it would be a straight haul to the stairs. Jasdero huffed, pausing for breath as he glanced over his shoulder. Why was he always the one to end up walking backwards? So near, yet so far. "Almost there, Debi..."

jasdero, debitt

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