The Nightwatcher Enters [Raphael]

Mar 27, 2007 09:29

Who: Raph, Open
What: Raph enters Paradisa
When: Night
Where: Courtyard? Somewhere outside at least.
Rating: PG (I'd say PG-13 but he can't curse!! >XD *Almost totally forgot*)

Raph cursed silently into his helmet and continued to chase the criminal in front of him. When the perp hit the street in a beat-up, old convertible, the turtle grinned wickedly and hopped on his bike. He revved the engine once, twice, thrice for good measure. Then was off, speeding down the street in pursuit.

The turtle easily caught up to the criminal and passed him up. He could see the criminal's eyes widen in fright through his side mirror as the criminal recognized the Nightwatcher in front of him. The vigilante on the bike waved friendly back at the guy, then reached down into a hidden compartment and let fly a handful of caltrops. The perp's vehicle popped four tires and went careening into a light post. Raph watched his handy work through the his mirror with a grin.

When the turtle looked up again it was only to curse again--loudly this time. A moving van, somewhat dubious just for being out so late, pulled out in front of the motorcycle riding turtle. Raph jerked on the handlebars and rapidly made a turn on the adjacent street. Still, the movement was too fast and Raphael soon found himself skidding across pavement as the bike lay down.

He cringed at the sound of metal scrapping across concrete. When the sound suddenly changed pitch, he was tempted to open his eyes and see why. Maybe he had hit the sidewalk? But it was still the same concrete. He waited for the bike (and himself) to skid to a halt before investigating.

At least being covered head to toe in metal armor kept a turtle from getting shell scratches, he mused idly as he pushed the motorcycle off him and stood up slowly. He opened his eyes and glanced at the ground. So that was why the pitch had changed. He had hit a different part of concrete. It was more like stones set into a courtyard, but he ignored that for now. He also wished he could ignore the giant castle looming up next to him. He really didn't want to consider the idea that he had somehow gone back in time again.

"What the h-he-shell?"


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